5 Reasons Why I Am Thankful For Education Technology

Since education technology hit the scene many moons ago, it has been fiercely debated. It’s seen as a magic potion to some and the scourge of the education system to others. How do I view it? Well, I am a middle-of-the-road type of guy. I see education technology as a wonderful learning tool, but only when properly validated and properly utilized. It should never replace educator-led instruction or become a substitute for good educators. It should always be a tool or resource, serving as an extension of a great educator. I am thankful for the proliferation of education technology, and in this piece, I will tell you exactly why. 

  1. It has democratized education. Because of education technology, people from all walks of life worldwide have access to quality educational materials, most of which are at no cost.
  2. It has helped to close the achievement gaps. The learning opportunities of the haves and the have-nots were once unequal. However, education technology has helped narrow the gap by helping educators provide learners from both sides of the railroad tracks with a good education. This has not been realized, but we are close to it. Let’s be thankful for that.
  3. It has improved the instructional process. It is easy to be an educator, as education technology has made mundane teaching tasks automated, saving educators a ton of time in the process.
  4. It enables people to become lifelong learners. The proliferation of education technology has made it easy for individuals to become lifelong learners. You don’t have to show up to a classroom to learn Mandarin Chinese; you can do it at home or at a coffee shop by taking an online course or using your phone to access the Rosetta Stone app.
  5. It holds us accountable. Education technology has made it easy for us to use learning and data analytics to hold every education stakeholder accountable. Learners can be made aware of their specific areas of weakness and be pushed to work hard to become proficient. Educators can be provided with value-added assessment data that will allow them to see how much growth each learner has made although under their care. This holds them accountable and enables them to help their learners succeed academically.

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