5 Steps to Get Started on a Manifestation Journal

Are you seeking instructions on starting a helpful, enjoyable, and practical journal? So why not begin by keeping a manifesto journal? In a manifestation diary, you may record your ideas, aspirations, ambitions, plans, and other things you desire to materialize. It may assist you in being more aware of your life objectives and the steps required to achieve them.

All you need to begin writing for manifestation is a basic objective and a notepad or diary. You will be guided through the process of starting your manifestation notebook.

Step 1: Freewrite

Freewriting is a great way to start a journal—we simply allow whatever comes to mind flow onto the paper. It may assist you in overcoming the blank page’s resistance. It could be beneficial to eliminate distracting ideas or feelings if you’re unsure what to write about. Think about expressing your feelings and revealing personal information that you haven’t told anybody (don’t worry, no one will read this). According to research, expressing these intense emotions may aid their release (Pennebaker, 1997). After removing that crud, it can be simpler to make room for your objectives and aspirations.

Step 2: Set SMART Goals

Setting reasonably ambitious objectives may help us accomplish more, even while science is dubious of “Law of Attraction” techniques for manifestation. To begin with, we might utilize a manifestation notebook to clarify the objectives we want to achieve. One approach to this is the SMART system (Lawlor, 2012). See the ‘SMART’ approach below for guidance as you write about your objectives.

  • S-specific, M-meaningful, A-achievable, R-realistic, and T-trackable goals


Step 3: Find Meaning

After you’ve identified your objectives, you may want to give their significance a little more thought. Answer the following questions in your journal to get started:

  • Why is this objective important to you?
  • What will you gain if you accomplish this goal?
  • How will you feel after achieving this objective? Will those emotions persist?
  • Will accomplishing this goal assist you in achieving other significant objectives?


Think about the reasons why your objectives matter so much to you. We are more inclined to persevere with the objectives that have real importance to us.

Step 4: Believe in Yourself

We might often be prevented from accomplishing the goals we have for our lives by having a pessimistic outlook or lacking self-confidence. We increase our chances of success by faith in our skills and the future.

Try to concentrate on cultivating a growth mindset in your journal—that is, the conviction that even your most fundamental skills can be improved with commitment and effort (Dweck, 2015). When we adopt a growth mentality, we work harder to hone our talents because we think the effort will be rewarded.

Write in your manifestation notebook about times you learned something new or developed a skill to help you develop a growth attitude. Write about how it went, the difficulties you faced, and the new skill you finally attained. You may boost your confidence in your capacity to do the action again in the future by reminding yourself of what you previously accomplished.

Step 5: Map, Your Path Forward

To determine your next steps, consider the following additional questions in your journal:

  • What are your immediate objectives?
  • What long-term objectives do you have?
  • How would achieving these short-term objectives help you achieve your long-term objectives?
  • What positive behaviors would you wish to develop during the next five years?
  • How can you make objectives that help you develop into the person you want to be rather than the person you were before?
  • What goals do you want to achieve before you pass away?
  • What do you think your latter years will be like?
  • What can you do right now to ensure that you reach your destination?


You could discover that you want to write about yourself in addition to reflecting on your objectives to obtain a clearer understanding of what you need, desire, and will find happiness in. Here are some questions that could help you become more clear:

  • I am happiest when…
  • The changes I want to see in the world are…
  • I am successful in achieving my goals when…
  • I struggle with my goals when…
  • I can overcome obstacles by…
  • I believe in myself because…
  • If I sense I am losing faith in my abilities, I will…
  • If I’m feeling stressed out on my journey, I will…
  • When I need a friend, I will reach out to…


With any luck, these questions and exercises will enable you to identify your objectives, aspirations, and desired outcomes.

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