5 ways to create calm on naplan test days

Creating calmness during NAPLAN (National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy) test days is essential for both students and educators. Anxiety can significantly impact performance, so here are five strategies to promote a serene testing environment:

1. Preparation Is Key – Nothing soothes nerves like the confidence that comes from good preparation. Ensure that students are familiar with the format of NAPLAN tests by practicing with sample papers. This familiarity will help reduce anxiety as there will be no surprises on test day.

2. Create a Relaxing Environment – On the days of the tests, create a calm atmosphere in the classroom. You could play soft background music if allowed or bring in comforting objects like plants or soft cushions. The environment can have a considerable impact on student anxiety levels.

3. Mindfulness and Breathing Techniques – Teach students simple mindfulness exercises or deep breathing techniques they can use before and during the test. These practices are powerful tools for managing stress and can help maintain a calm mindset throughout the exam.

4. Positive Reinforcement – Remind students that NAPLAN is just one part of their learning journey and does not define their worth. Encourage a sense of perspective, and offer praise for their hard work and preparation regardless of outcomes.

5. Physical Exercise – Encourage physical activity before the test day. Exercise releases endorphins, which have natural stress-relief qualities. Even something as simple as a walk outside or some stretching exercises can help ease tension.

Remember, the goal is to make NAPLAN a low-stress, high-opportunity moment to shine by ensuring students feel prepared, supported, and empowered to do their best without undue anxiety clouding their focus.

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