6 Habits of Tech Savvy Students

To survive in the digital age, students must be digitally literate. This begs the question, what does it mean to be tech savvy? What are the characteristics of tech savvy students? Keep reading to find out. In this piece, we will discuss the 6 habits of tech savvy students.

  1. They know how to code. Parents and educators across the country understand the importance of teaching kids how to code. Not only can it help them learn valuable skills that they can use into their technology-driver future, but it also helps them learn to approach problems differently. Instead of trying to force information in the minds of children, let’s explore everything games have to offer when used properly. Not only will kids become tech savvy and learn new skills, but they’ll enjoy themselves while doing it. And, ultimately, that might help keep curiosity alive as they progress through school, into college, and into the working world.
  2. They recognize their digital footprints. One of the most important things to teach students is the concept of a digital footprint. Students need to understand that whatever they put online will stay there; therefore, they must be mindful about the material they post on social media about themselves or others. As Common Sense Education explains, “Our digital world is permanent, and with each post, students are building a digital footprint. By encouraging students to self-reflect before they self-reveal, they will consider how what they share online can impact themselves and others. Awareness about one’s own digital footprint can also help to support digital literacy.” Tech savvy students know this.
  3. They understand the importance of giving credit. With the culture of online sharing, plagiarism is now running rampant. If you want your students to become tech savvy, they must learn the importance of giving credit to the author or creator of online content. ISTE’s Citizenship in the Digital Age infographic highlights the issue of stealing digital work and explains how good digital citizenship includes recognizing copyright laws and giving credit to the creator. Students often copy and paste materials or download content without paying because they do not realize this is wrong. By explaining the value of one’s work and how not giving credit is a type of theft, students will gain an understanding of their responsibility to credit their sources.
  4. They have excellent information literacy skills. With statistics showing students struggle to differentiate between real news and fake news online, it is important for teachers to work on improving students’ information literacy skills. Common Sense Education suggests, “Information literacy includes the ability to identify, find, evaluate, and use information effectively.” Teaching students to evaluate content for reliability is an essential skill they will carry with them outside of the classroom. Teachers should also focus on helping students learn to use the right keywords in their searches, as well as how to recognize credible websites and authors. Information literacy is necessary in a world with rampant online content that is misleading and false. But not to tech savvy students.
  5. They have digital marketing skills. Yes, tech savvy students should have digital marking skills. Digital Marketing deals with the promotion and sale of services and products through digital means. It is the wave of the future and businesses that are not tapping into this global market are really missing out. Teaching students in this field is different from in the past. The new students are “tech savvy.” They grew up using technology, so when it comes to teaching digital marketing, it is a good idea to use the tools of the trade to teach them about the internet and how to make campaigns that work well with it.
  6. They are digital leaders. Tech savvy students are digital leaders who do more than consume information. They synthesize learning and use it in collaborative environments. Digital leaders are dynamic change agents who transform the status quo, facilitate better communication and understanding, and integrate a variety of technology tools in their lives. Also, digital leaders improve technology experiences not just for themselves, but for others as well. They look out for the greater good.

That’s our list. Can you think of any additional habits of tech savvy students?




















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