6 Strategies to Reduce Risky Behavior in Teens and Pre-teens

Although it is natural for teens and pre-teens to want to explore new things and be adventurous, there are some things that can be done to reduce the risk of engaging in risky behavior. Here are six strategies that can help:

1. Talk to your child about the risks involved in their chosen activity. This can help them make informed decisions and understand the potential consequences of their actions.

2. Encourage your child to take breaks when they feel overwhelmed or stressed. This will help them to re-energize and give them time to think about what they are doing.

3. Talk to your teen about the importance of using proper judgement when engaging in risky behavior. Teens need to be able to make informed decisions about what is safe and what is not.

4. Make sure your teen is aware of the signals that they are engaging in risky behavior. This can include things like changing the way they talk or act, becoming more withdrawn, or exhibiting reckless behavior.

5. Set boundaries for your teen. This can help them to know when and how much they are allowed to engage in risky behavior.

6. Reward your teen for choosing safe behavior over risky behavior. This can help them to learn that taking precautions is important and can lead to positive consequences in the future.

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