6 Ways Standardized Testing Season Is Like Getting a Root Canal


We all know the feeling: it’s standardized testing season, which, for some, may evoke memories of dental procedures, like a root canal. Both experiences are often dreaded and discussed in grim terms. So, in a lighthearted attempt to show that these two seemingly unrelated events can be quite similar, here are six ways that standardized testing season is like getting a root canal.

1. The Anticipation and Anxiety

The days or weeks leading up to both standardized testing and a root canal can be filled with increasing dread and anxiety. Despite knowing that it needs to happen, the fear of the unknown and apprehension over potential pain makes simply waiting for either event difficult.

2. The Preparation

Students and patients alike must prepare to have success during the event. For students, this means countless hours spent researching tips and tricks for test-taking strategies or attending study groups and cram sessions. Meanwhile, patients must limit food intake before their surgery and ensure they have painkillers on hand for after.

3. The Assessments

Standardized tests evaluate students’ knowledge and performance in various subjects, whereas a dentist assesses the severity of tooth decay before proceeding with a root canal treatment. In both cases, specialists will decide whether one meets requirements or whether extensive intervention is necessary.

4. The Discomfort

Unsurprisingly, neither standardized testing nor root canals are particularly comfortable experiences. Students may face mental strain during long hours of testing in an unnatural position while patients experience physical pain during their dental procedure.

5. The Relief Upon Completion

At the end of the whole ordeal, both students and patients will feel relief when everything is finally over. They’ll walk out with the weight lifted off their shoulders knowing that they won’t have to endure the same experience again – at least not anytime soon!

6. The Need for Recovery Time

Finally, after either experience, a period of recovery is necessary. For a student, this could mean scheduling relaxation, celebrating with friends, or catching up on sleep. And for patients who underwent root canal surgery, this translates to resting, taking pain medication, and maybe even indulging in some ice cream to soothe their tender mouth.


While it may seem like an odd comparison at first glance, these similarities show that standardized testing and root canals are not all that different. Both involve anticipation, preparation, assessments, discomfort, relief upon completion, and recovery time. So the next time you cringe at the thought of going through either of these situations, know that you’re not alone – we all share your feelings!

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