7 Facts About Learning

Our brains have limitations along with many functions and abilities. Understanding these things can let you improve how you learn and your skills and boost productivity. The brain is a precious organ that is often taken for granted. It is mysterious, however, and scientists and doctors still don’t understand the full workings of the brain.

Research has come a long way in recent years, so even though there is a greater understanding of how the brain works, a lot remains unexplored. On a positive note, there is better knowledge and understanding of how people store, retrieve, and organize data within their brains.

So, what facts about learning do you need to know?

Your Ability to Learn Can be Influenced by Emotion

It’s hard to believe, but your feelings influence how you learn. Research has now shown emotions impact every little thing you do, including how you process new information. Emotions can affect how you solve problems, remember information, and even your attention span.

When you’re trying to learn, it can be impossible when you are in distress, panic, or even fear. Those emotional states hamper your ability to learn and trigger the limbic system. This system impacts how memories are generated and stored. So, when you’re learning, it’s important to keep a clear mind and be stress-free. It helps you to retain information more effectively.

Learning is Better with Social Interactions

Everyone has their unique way of retaining information. Some prefer to learn quietly and by themselves, whereas others prefer social Learning. Social interactions can encourage positive collaborations between students and retain information more effectively. Studies have shown people can retain information better through social studies and interactions. You can recall words and copy the actions of others. It’s good for the brain and great for your studies.

Information Overload – Too Much Isn’t Always Good.

The brain must process new information every day and work tirelessly. Trying to overload your brain with large volumes of data can have a detrimental effect. Your brain can’t process the information as it needs to, so you are not retaining crucial data. Cognitive overload occurs when your brain is overwhelmed by new information. If there’s too much data to process, it reduces your ability to learn and is counterproductive.

You can avoid cognitive overload by using the quantitative or qualitative method. With the quantitative method, you give your brain fewer data to process at one time. You give your brain time to understand what you’re learning before you take in any additional information.

With the qualitative method, you alternative your learning methods, so your brain doesn’t get overwhelmed with information. It’s effective and useful for students of all ages.

Understand Mistakes are Part of How You Learn

No one wants to fail. No one wants to learn something new and fail because it affects their mental health and wellbeing. You never want to fail, but it is a part of Learning. When you make a mistake, you’re learning from it.

For example, you get on a bicycle for the first time but don’t know how to ride and fall off. It’s a mistake, but you learn as you know what not to do. You improve by practicing, so even mistakes can be a learning curve.

Students shouldn’t be pressured to succeed because it begins to inhibit their learning ability. Instead, let a student know that failure is part of life and is nothing to be ashamed of. They can use it to their advantage because they learn from it. You aren’t telling a student to fail but rather teaching them that it’s part of the course if they do.

A Novel Approach Challenges the Brain

Students need to practice to retain information and learn new skills; however, this method isn’t always effective and puts more pressure on the student. Instead, a novel approach could be more helpful.

Novelty challenges the brain because it is presented with new experiences and ideas. It can create a neurochemical reaction and release dopamine. This occurs when the brain finds activities enjoyable and releases the hormone. It’s a great motivational tool.

Teaching Others is the Best Form of Learning

The Feynman Technique is a widely used study method. It encourages students to answer questions as though they were talking to a fellow student, parent, or child. This technique focuses on teaching others what you’ve learned. It’s quite effective and lets you focus on breaking down a complex subject and removing the jargon to explain it to someone.

Use It or Lose It

The brain constantly takes in and stores information. It works 24/7 and builds and reconditions neural pathways. These become stronger the more you use them. For example, your first language is English, which you use daily, so you have forged a strong neural pathway. In high school, you learned German but rarely use it now. So, while the brain retains some information from high school because it isn’t used often, a new neural pathway is built over it.

Your brain adopts the principle, ‘use it or lose it, and it’s understandable. That is why repetition is necessary to maintain strong neural pathways. When you study, new pathways are formed, and the more you learn, the more you retain. Of course, Learning needs to be balanced and spaced out effectively to maintain your brain.

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