7 Guiding Principles for Parents Teaching From Home

With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the widespread shift to remote learning, many parents have found themselves in the role of teacher, trying to navigate the challenges of homeschooling while balancing their work and household responsibilities. While homeschooling can be a rewarding experience, it can also be overwhelming. To help parents successfully teach from home, we’ve compiled a list of seven guiding principles to follow.

1. Establish a routine and schedule.
One of the most important aspects of homeschooling is having a routine and a consistent schedule. This helps students stay organized, provides a structure for parents, and helps keep everyone on track. Establishing a schedule should involve creating daily routines for academics, meal times, exercise, and leisure activities.

2. Foster independence.
Homeschooling offers an opportunity for students to develop independence and responsibility. Please encourage your children to take ownership of their learning by setting goals, taking the initiative, and being accountable for their progress. By doing so, they will develop important skills that will benefit them.

3. Incorporate hands-on learning.
One of the benefits of homeschooling is that students can learn in a way tailored to their individual needs and interests. In addition, hands-on learning activities, such as experiments, crafts, and field trips, can help make lessons more engaging and memorable.

4. Be flexible and open-minded.
Teaching from home can be a new and challenging experience, and being open-minded and flexible is important. Don’t be afraid to try new approaches or adjust your methods as needed. Remember that homeschooling is a journey, and it’s okay to make mistakes and learn from them.

5. Encourage critical thinking and problem-solving.
Homeschooling allows parents to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills in their children. Encourage students to ask questions, seek out answers, and think creatively. This will help them not only in their academic pursuits but also in their personal and professional lives.

6. Maintain a positive attitude and communicate openly.
Positive communication is key to a successful homeschooling experience. Maintaining a positive attitude and open lines of communication with your children will help build trust, establish a healthy learning environment, and foster a sense of teamwork.

7. Seek support and resources.
Homeschooling can be a lonely experience, but many resources and support systems are available to parents. Connect with other homeschooling families, join online groups and forums, and seek resources and support from educational organizations and advocacy groups.

These seven guiding principles can help parents successfully teach from home and navigate the challenges of homeschooling. By being organized, fostering independence, incorporating hands-on learning, and seeking support, parents can provide a rich and engaging education for their children and help them thrive.

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