Teaching summer school is more than just an opportunity to make some extra money. It’s a chance for educators to hone their craft, experiment with new teaching strategies, and focus on individualized student growth. Here are seven things that summer school teachers do that can work year-round.
1. Build strong relationships with students
Summer school teachers understand the importance of building strong relationships with their students. They take the time to get to know each student’s individual needs and learning styles, making it easier for them to create a supportive and nurturing learning environment year-round.
2. Use project-based learning
Project-based learning is a proven, effective method used by summer school teachers to engage students in meaningful coursework. By incorporating project-based learning into regular classrooms, teachers can facilitate critical thinking and problem-solving skills in students all year long.
3. Incorporate technology in the classroom
Summer school teachers often have access to a variety of technology tools that can enhance the learning experience for students. Integrating technology into daily lessons helps keep students engaged and opens up new opportunities for collaboration and communication within the classroom throughout the academic year.
4. Maintain high expectations
One of the characteristics of successful summer school programs is that teachers maintain high expectations for their students. By setting high standards year-round, teachers can help motivate students to constantly strive for improvement and reach their full potential.
5. Be flexible and adaptive
The condensed schedule of summer school forces teachers to adapt quickly to meet the needs of diverse learners. This skill comes in handy during the regular school year too, as being able to shift gears seamlessly when teaching new content or adjusting lesson plans can benefit all students.
6. Provide plenty of feedback
Summer school teachers make it a point to provide regular, constructive feedback so students can understand areas that need improvement or growth. Incorporating this best practice throughout the academic year allows students to continually refine their skills and improve their understanding of concepts.
7. Self-reflection and professional development
Lastly, summer school offers teachers the chance to reflect on their teaching practice and explore new strategies for instruction. By engaging in ongoing professional development during the year, teachers can continue to grow, learn, and implement new ideas into their classrooms.
In conclusion, the successful techniques employed by summer school teachers hold great potential for boosting learning outcomes in regular classroom settings. By implementing these practices consistently, educators can equip their students with the knowledge and skills they need for long-term academic success.