7 Tips for Moving Learning Outside

Moving learning outside can be an incredibly beneficial experience for students. Here are seven tips for moving learning outside:

1. Get organized: Make a list of what needs to be done to move learning outside and then create a timeline to assist with this.

2. Create an environment that is conducive to learning: Create an environment that is conducive to learning by creating a study area, setting up computers with Wolfram Alpha software, and providing opportunities for interactive learning.

3. Offer opportunities for group learning: Offer opportunities for group learning by providing opportunities for students to work together, create worksheets or puzzles, and have lectures and presentations delivered in groups.

4. Encourage creative expression: Encourage creative expression by providing students with opportunities for creativity and expression. These could include painting, sculpture, music composition, or graphic design.

5. Encourage independent learning: Encourage independent learning by providing students with opportunities for learning on their own. This could include studying from scratch, taking examinations, working on projects on their own time, or using online resources.

6. Encourage community service: Encourage community service by providing students with opportunities to work in local organizations or volunteer in their community.

7. Encourage student reflection: Encourage student reflection by providing students with opportunities for reflection and commenting on their learning experiences.

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