Strategies to Promote Comprehension

When it comes to reading comprehension, there are a lot of different strategies that can be used. Some of these strategies include:

1) Reading aloud.

This is probably the most common strategy used to promote comprehension. Reading aloud helps to ensure that the text is being understood by the listener and can also help to build fluency.

2) Making use of visual aids.

Visual aids can be a great way to help comprehension. They can be used to help illustrate the text, to help make relationships between different elements of the text more clear, or to help students develop a deeper understanding of the material.

3) Use of charts and graphs.

Charts and graphs can be a great way to help students understand data. They can also be a way to visualize and explain complex concepts.

4) Use of questions to probe understanding.

Questions can be a great way to help students understand the material. They can also be used to help them test their understanding of the material.

5) Use of flashcards.

Flashcards can be a great way to help students remember information. They can also be a way to help students test their comprehension of the material.

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