Teaching Students About the Cast of Alita: Battle Angel

Teaching students about movies and their cast is a great way to engage them in contemporary pop culture, while also sparking their interest in film studies. One such movie, which has garnered attention worldwide, is Alita: Battle Angel. The 2019 science fiction film, directed by Robert Rodriguez and produced by James Cameron, not only boasts cutting-edge visual effects but also features a diverse and talented cast. This article delves into the ensemble of the film, exploring their roles and contributions to the futuristic world of Alita.

Rosa Salazar (Alita)

Rosa Salazar, a talented American actress, brought the cybernetic protagonist, Alita, to life. She underwent extensive training, including martial arts and rollerblading, to breathe authenticity into her role as an incredible fighting machine. Salazar’s performance was lauded for her unique portrayal of strength and vulnerability that defined Alita’s character.

Christoph Waltz (Dr. Dyson Ido)

Austrian-German actor Christoph Waltz masterfully played the role of Dr. Dyson Ido – a compassionate cyberphysician who discovers and rebuilds Alita after she is found in an Iron City scrapyard. Waltz’s portrayal of Dr. Ido displayed his exceptional acting skills as he navigated complex emotions between fatherly love for Alita and regret over his past actions.

Jennifer Connelly (Chiren)

Jennifer Connelly holds an important role as Chiren – an antagonist striving to escape Iron City’s confines at any cost. The Academy Award-winning actress managed to capture the essence of ambition and resentment that motivated Chiren on her ruthless path.

Mahershala Ali (Vector)

Acclaimed actor Mahershala Ali played Vector – a calculating entrepreneur controlling Iron City’s dangerous sport Motorball, which he uses for personal gain. Ali’s charisma and intimidating presence on screen contributed to the creation of a formidable antagonist.

Keean Johnson (Hugo)

Newcomer Keean Johnson portrayed the love interest of Alita, Hugo. His character is a resourceful young man who dreams of escaping Iron City and reaching the floating city of Zalem. Johnson’s chemistry with Salazar made their romance convincing and memorable.

Ed Skrein (Zapan)

Ed Skrein, known for his intense on-screen presence, played Zapan – a skilled cyborg bounty hunter with a personal vendetta against Alita. Zapan emerges as a relentless adversary who stops at nothing to bring her down.

Supporting Cast

The movie also features talented actors in supporting roles, including Jackie Earle Haley as Grewishka – a hulking cyborg terrorizing Iron City; Jorge Lendeborg Jr. as Tanji – Hugo’s loyal friend; and Lana Condor as Koyomi – an aspiring photographer capturing Iron City’s everyday struggles.


Alita: Battle Angel showcases a diverse array of actors, each contributing their unique turns in creating an immersive, futuristic world that captivates audiences worldwide. Teaching students about the cast helps them develop a deeper understanding of the storytelling process and lends appreciation for everyone involved in bringing these fictional characters to life on-screen.

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