Teaching Students About the Film In The Name of the Father

“In The Name of the Father” is a critically acclaimed film that tackles issues of injustice, prejudice, and the search for truth in a world marred by biased legal systems. Directed by Jim Sheridan and released in 1993, the film provides students with a thought-provoking narrative that enables them to question the systems they live in and stand up against injustice. This article explores why teachers should include “In The Name Of The Father” in their curriculum and provides tips on how to facilitate successful discussions around the film.


“In The Name Of The Father” is based on the true story of Gerry Conlon, an Irish man wrongfully convicted of an IRA bombing in 1974 alongside three other individuals known as the Guildford Four. Throughout the film, we witness Gerry’s hardships as he fights for his freedom and is eventually exonerated with help from attorney Gareth Peirce. The film brings to light issues such as coerced confessions, evidence tampering, and judicial misconduct.

Incorporating “In The Name Of The Father” into Classroom Discussions

1. Explore themes of justice and injustice:

“In The Name Of The Father” showcases a journey for Gerry Conlon where he faces discrimination from authority figures. Discussing these themes will provide students with opportunities to examine their own perceptions of justice and judiciousness.

2. Delve into the historical context:

The story takes place during a turbulent time between England and Northern Ireland, particularly due to ongoing conflicts involving the Irish Republican Army (IRA). This provides an opportunity for students to examine the impact of historical events on both societies.

3. Analyze character development:

Throughout their uphill battle against corruption, Gerry Conlon and his lawyer Gareth Peirce are portrayed as dynamic characters that change in response to the challenges they face. Analyzing their development provides students with a chance to hone their critical thinking skills.

4. Conduct mock trial activities:

Hosting a mock trial activity will allow students to assume various roles within a courtroom. Through roleplays, students can develop a comprehensive understanding of the legal process and examine the biases and limitations in a justice system.

5. Discuss ethics:

The film highlights ethical dilemmas faced by those involved in the case, such as withholding vital evidence and using coerced confessions. Engaging students in conversations around ethics helps them understand the importance of morals and values in their personal lives and beyond.


“In The Name Of The Father” is a powerful film that offers lessons on injustice, moral courage, and pursuing truth against all odds. By incorporating the film into the classroom, educators can create an engaging learning experience that sparks meaningful discussions and critical reflections on social injustices. Teaching students about “In The Name Of The Father” equips them with the tools they need to question systems at work and become conscientious global citizens.

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