Teaching Students About Mustang Sally

Educators often look for innovative ways to engage students and make learning enjoyable. One method that has proven successful is incorporating music into the classroom. “Mustang Sally,” a classic song released in 1966 by Wilson Pickett, can provide an exciting way to teach students about music history, the Civil Rights Movement, and creative expression while promoting listening skills and critical thinking.

The Historical Significance of Mustang Sally:

Mustang Sally is a popular American song that exemplifies the Rhythm and Blues (R&B) genre, originating in the 1940s. By exploring the history of this musical style, students can understand the cultural connections that shaped American music through African-American communities. Additionally, analyzing the lyrics will reveal how this song captures a snapshot of society during a tumultuous time when societal norms were rapidly changing.

Civil Rights Movement and Mustang Sally’s Impact:

While Mustang Sally is primarily known for its catchy rhythm and lively tempo, it also serves as an essential artifact of the Civil Rights Movement. Teachers can use this song as an entry point to discuss the broader social and political context of the time. Discussing how musicians like Wilson Pickett used their platform to advocate for equality can open up conversations about activism in today’s society.

Improving Listening Skills Through Music:

Teaching students about Mustang Sally gives them an opportunity to hone their listening skills. By actively listening to the song and dissecting its various elements, such as rhythm, melody, and lyrics, they can develop an understanding of how different components work together to create a memorable musical piece.

Fostering Creativity Through Songwriting:

Once students have examined Mustang Sally from a historical perspective and developed their listening skills, teachers can encourage them to create their own compositions. This provides an opportunity for students to express their thoughts and emotions through music while promoting creativity, collaboration, and communication. Teachers may also choose to have students create new stories or poems based on the song’s theme.


Mustang Sally is not only a classic song but also an essential part of American music heritage. Incorporating this piece of music into your curriculum offers students a unique learning experience. By teaching about Mustang Sally, educators can ignite students’ passion for history and music while enhancing their listening, critical thinking, and creative skills.

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