The Cool ‘No Hands’ Approach to Assessment for Learning


As educators continue to grapple with the challenge of providing quality education while catering to the diverse needs of students, the importance of assessment for learning cannot be overstated. Assessment, when used effectively, can become a key component of the learning process. One innovative approach gaining popularity is the “no hands” approach, which aims to promote equal participation and engagement in classroom assessment activities.

The No Hands Approach: What Is It?

The “no hands” approach refers to a teaching technique where students are discouraged from raising their hands to answer questions during classroom discussions or assessment activities. Instead, the teacher nominates or randomly selects students to answer questions or contribute their ideas. This ensures that all students have an equal opportunity to participate and demonstrate their understanding, rather than relying on a few confident students who consistently raise their hands.

Benefits of the No Hands Approach

1. Increased Student Engagement: By eliminating the stress and pressure associated with raising one’s hand, more students are likely to feel comfortable participating in classroom discussions. This leads to increased engagement and deeper thinking as all students have an opportunity to contribute.

2. Enhanced Equity: The no hands approach levels the playing field for all learners by ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. This is particularly important for students who may lack confidence in their abilities or feel intimidated by their peers.

3. Improved Feedback Loop: When all students participate in assessment activities, teachers gain a more accurate understanding of each student’s abilities and progress. This enables them to provide timely feedback and address any misconceptions or areas requiring further development.

4. Fosters Collaboration: Encouraging open and inclusive discussions helps create a positive classroom culture where students feel comfortable sharing their ideas and insights without fear of judgment. This fosters collaboration among peers as they learn from each other’s perspectives.

Implementing the No Hands Approach in Your Classroom

To successfully incorporate the no hands approach into your teaching practice, consider the following strategies:

1. Establish Clear Expectations: Begin by explaining the rationale behind the no hands approach to your students. Establish clear expectations and ground rules to ensure smooth implementation.

2. Utilize Various Selection Methods: Keep participation balanced and random by using different methods to select students, such as drawing names from a hat, using a randomizer app, or utilizing tools like Popsicle sticks with students’ names on them.

3. Foster a Safe and Supportive Environment: Promote a growth mindset by encouraging mistakes as opportunities for learning. This will help students feel comfortable participating and taking risks in their learning process.

4. Scaffold Learning: Provide appropriate support to students who may struggle when called upon. Encourage peer collaboration and model effective strategies for unpacking complex problems or issues.

5. Reflect and Revise: Continuously assess the effectiveness of the no hands approach and adapt your teaching strategies to meet the needs of your learners.


The cool ‘no hands’ approach to assessment for learning has the potential to transform how we view participation and engagement in the classroom. By fostering a more inclusive learning environment where all students have an equal voice, educators can promote deeper understanding, collaboration, and a growth mindset that benefits everyone involved.

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