A Guide to Dual-Enrollment

Through the dual enrollment process, high school students are able to register in college-level subjects and impressively get credit for both the high school courses and college-level subjects taken. Also called concurrent enrollment, dual enrollment provides a good solution to high school students interested in more advanced courses or desiring to get an advantage for college requirements.

From state to state, the eligibility guidelines for dual enrollment vary. Typically, students must be high school sophomores, juniors or seniors, and at least 16 years old. Additionally, they have to maintain a GPA of 2.5 to 3.0. They also must have high scores in initial placement exams and display by their performance in regular high school classes that they can be successful in college classes. Students also need permission from parents or guardians along with their guidance counselor or high school principal for dual enrollment.

Based on where a student lives, there could be different ways by which dual enrollment programs are financed. While some states pay for the classes, others may ask their students to pay for their own education. Sometimes, colleges and high schools may decide which of them will cover the costs and often ask students to pay the fee upfront. Once the students complete the classes successfully, the cost of the classes and the study materials are refunded to them.

Students can enjoy several benefits with dual enrollment. When they take dual enrollment classes, they’ll be earning high school and college credits simultaneously. This would help them create a more flexible schedule as college students by giving them additional time to invest in other academic or extracurricular interests. Dual enrollment also helps students decrease future college costs by earning college credits at a discounted per-credit rate at present without getting enrolled in a full-time college degree program.

Students opting for dual enrollment programs learn valuable skills, such as doing research, working independently or in teams, collaborate effectively, etc. They also learn hands-on skills and get the opportunity to gain experience with real-world equipment. All these make their transition from high school to college and later the workforce smoother and seamless.

Since high school students start their college education earlier with dual enrollment programs, they can earn their bachelor’s degrees faster. Students who earn real-world experience and industry-standard certifications as part of their dual enrollment programs can often get high-paying job offers as they are future-ready by the time they finish college.

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