A Guide to Timed Repeated Readings

In order to improve retention and comprehension, it is often recommended that students complete a task or read a passage multiple times in a specific timeframe. This is referred to as a timed repeated reading. The benefits of timed repeated readings include increased recall of information, improved focus and concentration, and increased understanding.

The best time to complete a timed repeated reading is when the student is most engaged and focused. A good way to determine when this is is to use a timer. For example, if the student is reading a passage aloud, they should set the timer for 30 minutes and begin reading. When the timer goes off, they should stop reading and begin thinking about what they have just read. After 30 minutes, they should continue reading and answer any questions that come to mind.

One of the biggest benefits of timed repeated reading is that it can increase recall of information. When the student is reading a passage multiple times, they are more likely to remember the information than if they were to read the passage once. This is because the passage becomes more ingrained in their memory.

The timer can also help the student to focus and concentrate on the passage. When the timer is ticking, the student is more likely to stay focused on the task at hand.

Another benefit of timed repeated reading is that it can increase understanding. When the student is reading a passage multiple times, they are more likely to understand the information. This is because they are able to extract important information and apply it to their own life.

Overall, timed repeated reading is a great way to improve retention and comprehension. It can help the student to remember information, focus and concentrate, and understand the material.  

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