A Ten-Step Curriculum for Creating Positive Classrooms


The concept of teaching happiness is gaining traction as an essential element in education. More and more educators are realizing that happy students are more receptive to learning, experience better mental health, and develop a positive attitude towards life. A ten-step curriculum focused on creating positive classrooms can help teachers incorporate happiness into their teaching practices. Below are the ten steps educators can follow to foster a happier learning environment:

1. Develop a positive classroom culture

Creating a positive classroom culture begins with establishing trust and respect among students and teachers. Encourage open communication, collaboration, and support between all parties. Establish clear expectations and goals for behavior, achievement, and personal growth.

2. Incorporate mindfulness exercises

Mindfulness exercises help students develop self-awareness, emotional regulation, and focus. Start each day with a few minutes of deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness activities such as body scans or observing one’s thoughts.

3. Teach empathy and compassion

Teach students how to put themselves in others’ shoes and show kindness to their peers through role-playing activities, discussions about emotions, or volunteer programs where they can help those less fortunate.

4. Encourage gratitude

Encourage students to appreciate what they have by creating gratitude journals or implementing daily gratitude sharing where they express what they are thankful for or who has helped them that day.

5. Build resilience

Help students develop coping skills and learn how to overcome setbacks by teaching them problem-solving strategies, stress management techniques, and positive self-talk.

6. Foster a growth mindset

Promote a growth mindset by praising effort over results, encouraging persistence in the face of challenges, and emphasizing that learning comes from mistakes and failures.

7. Integrate team-building activities

Create opportunities for students to bond as a group by organizing team challenges or cooperative games that teach communication skills, collaboration, trust, and conflict resolution.

8. Use creative outlets

Give students the chance to express themselves through various creative outlets such as creative writing, drawing, painting, or music. Providing opportunities for self-expression can lead to improved emotional wellbeing and a sense of accomplishment.

9. Promote physical activity

Physical activity not only contributes to better physical health but also improves mental wellbeing. Encourage students to participate in regular exercise through sports teams, dance classes, or outdoor play during recess.

10. Provide resources and support

Ensure students have access to resources and support systems they need to thrive emotionally and academically, like counselors or social workers who can help address personal issues or academic concerns.


Creating positive classrooms is a crucial step towards fostering happiness and resilience among students. By incorporating these ten steps into the curriculum, educators can contribute to their students’ mental wellbeing while enhancing the learning experience. With a focus on empathy, gratitude, mindfulness, and personal growth, teachers can guide their students toward developing essential life skills that will benefit them long after they leave the classroom.

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