Action Research: Three Approaches

Action research is a research methodology used to facilitate change within organizations. It is a type of inquiry that focuses on how people can work together to improve their work or organization. Action research can be done in a variety of ways, and there are three primary approaches: participatory action research, reflexive action research, and collaborative action research.

Participatory action research is the most common approach used in action research. In this type of action research, participants are actively involved in the research process from the beginning. They are encouraged to share their ideas and perceptions and to help shape the research project. This approach is most effective when participants have a lot of input and control over the research project.

Reflexive action research is a type of action research that focuses on how people conduct their research. It helps researchers reflect on their own beliefs and behaviors, and how these may be influencing the research process. This approach can be helpful in identifying problems and potential solutions.

Collaborative action research is a type of action research that involves multiple participants. This approach is most effective when participants have a shared goal and when they can work together to achieve that goal. Collaborative action research can be used to solve problems or to develop new ideas.

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