Activities to Teach Students About Natural Resources

Natural resources are essential to human life and its existence on earth. They provide us with food, water, and energy. However, natural resources are finite and need to be conserved and used wisely. Educating students about natural resources and how to use them sustainably is critical for building a more sustainable and greener future. There are several ways to teach students about natural resources. Here are some activities to get started.

1. Recycling Hunt

Start a recycling hunt activity in your school or department. Encourage students to look around their homes, classrooms, and playgrounds and identify things that could be recycled. Have students create a list of what they found and where they located them. You can then discuss how these items, if not recycled, would contribute to landfill sites and harm the environment.

2. Environmental Storytelling

Storytelling is an excellent way to pass on lessons and teach valuable concepts. Take the advantage of that and introduce students to stories that emphasize caring for the environment. For example, you could read the book “The Lorax” by Dr. Seuss, which encourages children to make responsible and sustainable choices. It may be helpful to explain the moral of the story and how it relates to the environment.

3. Make a Resource Wheel

A resource wheel is a tool that can help students understand the different types of resources we use and their interrelationships. To make a resource wheel, draw a large circle on a piece of paper, and divide it into sections and give each section a resource type (e.g., water, oil, trees, etc.). Students can then color and label each resource type, allowing them to understand the interrelatedness of different resources.

4. Creating Environmental Posters

Have students work in groups to create environmental posters that showcase natural resources and how to conserve them. Give students the creative freedom but make the main focus the environment. Ask them to use catchy slogans to attract attention and promote conservation.

5. Go on a Nature Scavenger Hunt

Take students on a nature scavenger hunt around your school or a nearby park. Ask them to look for different natural resources in plants, rocks or the sky. They could imagine themselves travelling through a wilderness and document all the resources they might need to survive in the area. This activity can educate them on the valuable resources necessary for human life.


Teaching students about natural resources is crucial for their future and well-being, as it helps them understand the importance of sustainability. By implementing these lessons and activities, students will develop an appreciation for conserving and using natural resources for future generations.

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