Activities to Teach Students About the Qin Empire

The Qin Empire, also known as the Qin Dynasty, was the first imperial dynasty of China. Under the leadership of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the empire achieved many great achievements, such as the construction of the Great Wall of China and the unification of the warring states. To teach students about the history and culture of the Qin Empire, it’s important to engage them in different activities that help them understand the period better. Here are some activities to teach students about the Qin Empire.

1. Create a timeline

One of the first activities that can help students understand the timeline of the Qin Empire is by creating a timeline that charts the dynasty’s major events and significant accomplishments. Students can use digital tools to create a timeline or use traditional methods, such as illustration and handwritten notes.

2. Build a terracotta army

The Qin Empire is famous for its terracotta army, which was an army of clay soldiers built by Emperor Qin Shi Huang. Students can create their own terracotta army by using clay, paper mache, or other materials. This activity helps them understand the importance of the army during the Qin Dynasty and how Emperor Qin Shi Huang believed in the afterlife.

3. Debate the military strategy

The Qin Empire is famous for its military prowess, especially its use of cavalry and crossbows. Divide the class into two groups and have them debate the military strategy of the empire. Students can research and present their arguments based on their understanding of the period and how they believe the wars were won.

4. Research the Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is one of the most significant achievements of the Qin Empire. Students can research the history of the wall and its construction, its purpose, and how it impacted the people of China during the period. This activity helps students understand the significance of the Great Wall and the engineering and construction skills of the people of the Qin Empire.

5. Reading and writing about the period

Students can read about the history of the Qin Empire and write essays, reports, or summaries of what they’ve learned. They can present their work to the class or showcase it on display boards. This activity helps them develop their research and writing skills and enables them to showcase their understanding of the Qin Dynasty.


The Qin Empire is an exciting period in Chinese history to teach. Engaging students in different activities helps them appreciate the culture and achievements of the period better. By creating timelines, building a terracotta army, debating military strategy, researching the Great Wall, and reading and writing about the period, students can understand the Qin Empire’s significance and develop a deeper appreciation for Chinese history and culture.

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