Activities to Teach Students About Unit Prices With Unit Conversions

Unit prices are an essential part of the real world, and students need to gain an understanding of them. Unit prices are the price of a good or service per unit, and it varies depending on the size of the unit. For instance, the cost of a kilogram of sugar is different from the price of a gram of sugar. As a teacher, you need to impart your students with the relevant skills to calculate unit prices to foster financial literacy. Here are some activities that you can use to teach students about unit prices with unit conversion.

Grocery shopping activity

One of the most effective ways to teach students about unit prices is through grocery shopping. You can have your students bring in grocery ads from local supermarkets to compare prices of goods sold. The students should calculate the unit price per item from different stores. You can also get the students to compare the prices of different items sold in various sizes.

Cooking measurement activity

Another fun way to teach unit prices is through cooking measurements. Ask your students to choose a recipe that requires them to measure amounts of different ingredients. Challenge the students to convert the measurement units so that it makes sense for the amount required. For example, you can ask students to convert from grams to ounces or from teaspoons to tablespoons. This activity will teach your students about converting between units and the amount they buy should make sense financially.

Gas mileage activity

Gas mileage activity is another fantastic lesson that could teach your students about unit prices. Ask the students to calculate the miles per gallon by dividing the miles you drive by the number of gallons of gas consumed. Then challenge them to calculate the cost per mile by dividing the price of gas by the mile per gallon calculation. The students will learn the price per unit, which will enable them to make more informed decisions while purchasing gas.

Final thoughts

Learning about unit prices is an essential skill that will form the basis of your student’s financial literacy. You can creatively engage your students through grocery shopping activities, cooking measurements, and gas mileage activities. It allows the students to practice the conversion of different unit measurements and calculate the price of goods. Ultimately, these activities will enable students to be conscious consumers in the future.

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