Activities to Teach Students to Count on Ten Frames – Up to 3

Counting is one of the primary skills that students learn in their early years of school. It lays the foundation for understanding mathematical concepts and helps build problem-solving abilities. One method that is becoming increasingly popular to teach counting to students is the use of ten frames. Ten frames are sets of ten squares arranged in a rectangle to help students visualize numbers and counting in groups of ten. Here are some activities that will help students learn to count on ten frames up to the number three.

1. Ten Frame Bingo
In ten frame bingo, make cards with numbers from 1 to 3 and ten frames with different numbers of squares filled in. Call out the numbers and have students cover the ten frames that correspond with that number until someone gets a bingo. This game helps students learn to recognize the pattern of the ten frames and how they relate to numbers one to three.

2. Number Match
Create cards with numbers from 1 to 3 and ten frames with different numbers of squares filled in. Have the students match the numbers to the correct ten frame. This activity will help students strengthen their understanding of the relationship between numbers and corresponding numbers of dots on a ten frame.

3. Counting with Objects
Use small objects such as colored beads, blocks, or game pieces to fill in the ten frame. Have the students count the number of objects in the ten frame and write the corresponding number on their worksheet. This activity helps students recognize the value of the ten frame and how it relates to five or ten.

4. Count and Color
Give the students a worksheet with ten frames and numbers one to three labeled at the top. Have the students count the dots in the ten frame and color the corresponding number. This activity helps the students strengthen their counting skills and learn to identify the numbers visually.

5. Ten Frame Walk
Create ten large ten frames on the floor with numbers from one to three labeled above them. Have the students walk along the ten frames, count the number of dots in each frame, and say the corresponding number. This activity helps students develop their gross motor skills while learning how to count using the ten frames.

These five activities will help students learn to count on ten frames up to the number three. These can be used as part of a lesson plan or as a fun activity at home. The benefits of teaching numbers on ten frames extend beyond basic counting skills. The visualization of numbers in groups of ten helps students develop a strong foundation in mathematical concepts, which is necessary for progress in later academic years.

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