Activities to Teach Students to Multiply Fractions and Whole Numbers

Multiplication of fractions and whole numbers can be a daunting task for students, but it is an essential skill for future math courses. Teachers can use various activities to help students understand and master this concept. In this article, we will explore some activities that teachers can use to teach students multiplication with fractions and whole numbers.

1. Visual Models

Visual models are an excellent way to teach students to multiply fractions and whole numbers. Teachers can use a bar, area, or number line model to represent a fraction or a whole number. Students can understand the concept of multiplication with figurative models. Students can see pictures and how they represent multiplication. For example, if a student needs to multiply 2/3 by 4, they can draw a bar model with three equal parts and then shade two parts. After that, students can draw four equal parts and shade two parts in each area. The student can count how many shaded parts there are in total, and they can learn that 2/3 multiplied by 4 equals 8/3.

2. Multiplication Bingo

Another activity that teachers can use to teach students is multiplication bingo. The teacher can create bingo cards with whole numbers and fractions that the students need to multiply. The teacher can then call out a multiplication problem, such as 3 x 2/4. Students can find the answer on their bingo cards and mark it off until they get a bingo. This activity is a fun way to reinforce multiplication skills and help students quickly recognize fractions and whole numbers.

3. Fraction War Game

Another activity that teachers can use is the fraction war game. In this game, students can work in pairs and create fractions with whole numbers. The goal of the game is to have the highest product to win. In other words, if one student creates 2/3 and their partner creates 4, then the product is 2.67, and the student with the highest product wins. This activity is a fun way for students to practice multiplying fractions and whole numbers.

4. Interactive Apps

Technology has advanced to the point where interactive apps can be used to teach students multiplication. There are numerous multiplication apps available which provide an interactive method for teaching multiplication skills. Students can work at their own pace, and many apps offer feedback and explanations on how to multiply fractions and whole numbers.

In conclusion, teaching students multiplication with fractions and whole numbers can be challenging, but it is essential for future math courses. Using visual models, multiplication bingo, the fraction war game and interactive apps can make math class a fun and engaging experience for students. These activities can reinforce multiplication skills and reveal to students how they can use multiplication concepts in the real world.

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