Activities to Teach Students to Multiply Two Binomials Using Algebra Tiles

Multiplying two binomials can sometimes be a tricky task for students learning algebra. However, when they use algebra tiles to visualize the multiplication, it can become easier to understand the concept. Therefore, incorporating activities that involve algebra tiles can help students to learn how to multiply two binomials. Here are a few activities that teachers and parents can use to teach students how to multiply two binomials using algebra tiles.

Activity 1: Introducing Algebra Tiles

Before teaching how to multiply binomials, it’s important to introduce algebra tiles. Algebra tiles are square or rectangular tiles, different in color, that represent different variables and constants. For example, x2 can be represented by a red square and x can be represented by a red rectangle. Using these tiles, students can learn how to visualize algebraic equations. With this activity, they will get familiar with these tiles. Here’s how this activity can be carried out:

Materials required:

– Algebra tiles (two different colors)
– Whiteboard or chart paper


1. Introduce the concept of algebra tiles to the students, and how different tiles represent different variables and constants.

2. Distribute the tiles to the students and ask them to identify each tile’s color and the term it represents.

3. On the whiteboard or chart paper, draw equations using the tiles and ask students to identify what each equation represents.

4. Ask them to create the tiles’ patterns for an equation that sums up to a specific number.

5. Ask students to work in groups to create equations using the tiles or represent given equations using the tiles.

Activity 2: Multiplying Two Binomials with Algebra Tiles

Once students learn how to use algebra tiles to represent equations, they can begin learning how to multiply two binomials. Multiplying binomials using algebra tiles makes understanding the concept much simpler. Here’s how this activity can be carried out:

Materials required:

– Algebra tiles (two different colors)
– Whiteboard or chart paper


1. Introduce how to multiply two binomials.

2. Hand out the algebra tiles to the students and ask them to match the tiles to the expressions in the equation.

3. Ask them to create their tiles according to the given equation.

4. Guide them towards the solution by showing them the pattern used for multiplying the two binomials.

5. Ask them to make equations using the tiles and multiply them in a group.

Activity 3: Word Problems Using Algebra Tiles

Word problems can make multiplying binomials much more challenging for students. However, using algebra tiles can help students visualize the problem. Here is how this activity can be carried out:

Materials required:

– Algebra tiles (two different colors)
– Whiteboard or chart paper
– A worksheet with multiplication word problems


1. Give the students a worksheet with multiplication word problems and ask them to use algebra tiles to solve them.

2. Instruct them on how to create tiles for each given component of the problem.

3. Ask them to match up the tiles according to their variables and set them side by side.

4. Guide them on the steps of multiplying the binomials.

5. Ask them to solve the problems in small groups, then present their solutions to the class.


Using algebra tiles to teach students how to multiply two binomials is a great strategy for an engaging classroom. These activities help students to visualize equations and promotes teamwork and communication. With visual aids like algebra tiles, students will be able to develop a better understanding of multiplication concepts and improve their skills in algebra.

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