Activities to Teach Students to Multiply Using Properties

Properties of multiplication refer to patterns and rules that make multiplication more comfortable and interesting to comprehend. There are several properties, including the distributive, associative, commutative, and identity properties. Below are some activities that can make teaching multiplication properties easier and more fun:

1. Distributive property with arrays:

Using arrays is an excellent way to illustrate the distributive property, which explains that multiplying a sum by a factor gives the same result as multiplying each addend by the factor and then adding the products. The teacher can use pictures of arrays or ask students to draw arrays on their own and then use it to explain how to multiply. For example, we can explain that 3 x (8+2) is equal to 3 x 8+3 x 2.

2. Commutative property with multiplication card games:

The commutative property states that changing the order of the factors does not affect the product; for example, 5 x 3 = 3 x 5. The teacher can create multiplication card games in which students are required to arrange the cards in different orders to create multiplication problems, which they must then solve. This activity builds students’ fluency in multiplication and reinforces the commutative property.

3. Associative property with grouping:

The associative property states that changing the grouping of the factors does not affect the product; for example, (4×3)x5= 4x(3×5). The teacher can provide students with multiplication problems that can be solved using the associative property, and they can group the factors in different ways to solve the problems.

4. Identity property with multiplication mazes:

The identity property states that when any number is multiplied by one, the answer is that number itself. For example, 6 x 1 = 6. The teacher can create multiplication mazes with the number 1 being the answer to each problem. This activity requires students to use the identity property to solve each problem.

In conclusion, using properties of multiplication to teach students can make learning more exciting and less tedious. It is essential to incorporate various activities such as arrays, card games, grouping, and mazes to teach each property effectively. These activities not only help students master multiplication but also help them develop their problem-solving skills.


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