Activities to Teach Students to Read Clocks and Write Times: Hour and Half Hour

Learning to tell time on a clock is an essential skill that students in elementary school should know. The concept of telling time is not hard to fathom, but it is not that easy for young children to learn how to read clocks. However, there are several activities that teachers can use to make it fun and easy for students to understand how to read clocks and write times.

1. Clock Worksheets

Clock worksheets are an excellent way to teach students how to read clocks and write times. Teachers can print out several clock worksheets with different scenarios and activities such as “What time is it?” and “Draw the hands on the clock.” These worksheets help students understand how the clock works and how to read and write times in both a digital and analog form. Moreover, teachers should give students individual worksheets that match their age and skill level since worksheets that are too complicated can discourage them, while those that are too simple will be of no use.

2. Clock Bingo

Clock Bingo is a fun game that involves a group of students. Teachers can create a bingo board for each student with clocks shown in different times. The teacher will call out different times, and students will have to mark the corresponding space on their board with the clock that matches that time. This game not only strengthens students’ reading clock skills but also enhances their ability to recognize and write times.

3. Time Puzzles

Few things excite children more than puzzle-solving. Teachers can create time puzzles in which students match different clock faces with the corresponding time. It may look complicated but creating puzzles that have unique shapes (circling, parallelogram, etc.) will make it compelling. Using different color puzzle pieces will also make it aesthetically appealing and help students understand the difference between the hour and half-hour intervals.

4. Time Matching Game

Another fun activity is Time Matching game. In this game, teachers can create different cards with a picture on one side and the corresponding time on the other. Students will have to match the cards with a picture to the one with the corresponding time. It is an interactive way to teach students how to read clocks, and also to recognize different times.

5. Time Exercises

Finally, for this activity, teachers will give students different times, and they will have to write the time in both digital and analog forms. Teachers can add unique exercises to make it easy such as writing the corresponding time 20 minutes before or after the given time. This exercise strengthens students’ ability to work with clocks and discover unconventional ways of telling the time.


In conclusion, these days, there are numerous activities that teachers can use to teach their students how to read clocks and write times. However, teachers will have to use different strategies and activities regularly to help the students become more comfortable with the concept of reading clocks. With a little guidance, patience, and proper training to use the clock, students will master the skill in no time.

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