Activities to Teach Students to Read Realistic Fiction: Set 2

As an educator, it can be challenging to keep students engaged in reading realistic fiction. However, there are various activities you can incorporate into your lessons to make the process exciting and fun. In this article, we’ll discuss Set 2 of activities to help teach students to read realistic fiction.

Character Analysis:

One of the most critical aspects of reading realistic fiction is understanding the characters. Have students conduct character analyses on the primary and secondary characters in the book. Guide them to look at how the characters interact with each other and how their personalities develop over time. Ask them to gather evidence from the text to support their analysis.

Creative Writing:

Encourage students to use their imagination and write a short story related to the book they’re reading. Have them use the setting, characters, and plot of the story to create their unique tale. Provide examples of well-written stories that they can use as a guide.

Discussion Groups:

Organize students into small groups and assign them chapters from the book to read. After reading the chapter, have them discuss their understanding of the events, characters, and themes. Encourage them to ask questions to clarify their understanding. This activity promotes critical thinking, comprehension, and communication skills.


Create a role-playing activity related to the book. Assign students roles, such as the protagonist and antagonist, and ask them to develop a short dialogue between the two characters. This activity allows students to engage with the characters and the plot and gain a deeper understanding of the story.

Book Trailer:

Have students work collaboratively to create a book trailer for the book they’re reading. The book trailer should include a summary of the book, the setting, characters, and themes. The students can use various multimedia tools, such as pictures, music, and voice-overs, to create an exciting and engaging trailer.

In conclusion, teaching students to read realistic fiction can be an exciting and engaging activity when utilizing these activities. By incorporating group discussions, creative writing, role-playing, and more, students have the opportunity to interact with the book’s characters and themes, thereby increasing their overall understanding and enjoyment of reading realistic fiction.

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