AI is the Future of ELearning

People have long feared that AI may render some of our traditional employment opportunities useless. Educators may face the extinction of some of their own responsibilities with the continued development of AI. Many experts are predicting that machine learning and AI will be the wave of the future. This is only bolstered by the continued rise in popularity and efficiency of eLearning. 

Is it possible that AI could be the future of eLearning experiences? Here are several reasons why it seems likely in the coming years. 

AI Personalizes Education. 

Educators can’t make a unique learning plan and experience for each learner in the classroom. Learner-educator ratios continue to rise, so a one-size-fits-all approach is the only option educators have at their disposal. AI makes a new learning experience that can provide a much more specific lesson plan based on the data it receives. 

Based on a learner’s performance on past assessments, the computer can create a personalized approach to their learning. You can set performance goals and then measure their achievements. Whether they are a slow learner or a fast learner, AI can adapt to their learning needs.

AI Promotes Lifelong Learning

It is the norm to see adults honing their academic prowess with mind games and learning apps these days. AI and its personalized approach make learning feel more relevant than ever before. Games and fun activities in learning apps even make it enjoyable to spend a few minutes or hours learning new skills. 

The major benefit to AI is its ability to help learners expand their knowledge outside of the classroom. It enables them to take pride in their academics, a much-needed quality for many learners. A love for learning that reaches beyond a school building leads to a lifelong education. 

Artificial Intelligence Saves Money

Most of the educators in today’s education system are vastly underpaid for the jobs they perform. Still, AI has the capability of performing the same amount of work for less overall cost. It can more effectively profile learners, generate unique content, and labor all hours of the night without needing overtime or vacation pay. 

Although nothing can completely imitate the feeling of a physical human being explaining concepts and encouraging learners, AI certainly makes a worthy attempt. AI could be a great way to keep fine arts programs intact by cutting costs elsewhere for school districts that are over budget and considering slashing extracurricular programs. 

AI can offer an extraordinary education at a lower cost that will often extend beyond the mandatory years of formal schooling. Some may be reluctant to see tech replace people in the classroom, but others will enjoy the efficiency of a customized learning experience. 

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