All About the MCAT Exam

The MCAT exam is an entrance exam that all students who plan on attending a medical school will need to complete. This test is used to determine the readiness of students who apply to that particular college. 

In this article, we will be talking about why this exam is so important and what it entails. More so, we will mention a few key points that you should be aware of, such as the exam duration, cost, and average score, before taking the test. 

What Is The MCAT Exam?

As we have already mentioned, the MCAT exam is a preliminary test that all students who apply to medical school are required to complete. This test is always computer-based and is designed to determine a student’s verbal reasoning and writing skills. 

Colleges use a student’s MCAT score to determine whether they are prepared for college and the course they have applied for. If the student does not achieve a decent grade on this exam, it will show the admissions committee that they will not perform well in their studies. 

For this reason, potential medical students must work hard to obtain respectable results on their MCAT exams. 

What Is On The MCAT Exam?

We have already mentioned that the MCAT is a computer-based test. This exam will test physical and biological sciences, making it very important that the students study beforehand. In other words, they will not be able to simply ‘wing’ the exam. 

To prevent cheating, the test changes every time a group of students write it. However, you can gain access to past papers to practice for the real thing. 

MCAT Exam General Information

You can register to write the MCAT exam up to fifteen times in the space of one year. However, it is essential to note that you will have to pay a fee of $315 every time. More so, this test has a total duration of 7 hours and 30 minutes.

The max score that you will be able to obtain for the MCAT is 528. However, the average score is 500, meaning that you should aim to achieve this result or higher if you are considered by your college of choice. 

Concluding Thoughts

The MCAT is an entrance exam that all medical students need to consider for acceptance into their course. 

The average score on this exam is 500, with the max being 528. This test is over 7 hours long and is designed to test your writing and problem-solving skills.

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