An Overview of Doctoral Degrees

A doctoral degree is the professional studies you enroll for after your graduate degree to further specialize in a specific field of study. They are the top-most level of degree in their subject of education, and the people holding their master’s degrees are generally the ones who enroll in these programs. 

Getting a doctoral degree opens you to numerous great opportunities for your career development and success, assisting you in getting a pay raise, more recognition, and senior-level positions at your workplace. 

The Two Types Of Doctoral Degrees

Doctoral degrees can be of two kinds- applied degrees and research-based degrees. The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is an example of research-based degrees that focuses more on projects and studies, while Doctor of Business Administration and Doctor of Education are examples of applied degrees. These center primarily on applying your expertise and competencies over the degree of your education.  

What Does The Admission Checklist Include?

The admission and degree checklist may differ, depending on each university. Some of the basic admission checkpoints include submission of:

  • Remarkable and Excellent Test scores of either MAT, GRE, or LSAT
  • Minimum of three Recommendation Letters from qualified personnel who can refer you and are aware of your achievements till now
  • Statement of Purpose including your career objectives and where the doctoral degree lies in them
  • Resume comprising of your educational history and published papers

How Much Does It Cost To Get A Doctoral Degree?

Your aggregate expenses of getting a doctoral degree depend on certain factors. First is the subject of your degree. You have higher chances of getting financial assistance like scholarships and fellowship programs for specific subjects. 

For instance, in a Ph.D., you can teach undergraduate students while getting your doctoral degree from the same university. Other factors include the kind of university you’re applying for and whether your program is online or not. Private universities usually charge more, whereas online degree programs are sometimes more cost-efficient.   

Enrolling In An Online Doctoral Degree

Full-time working students can opt for online doctoral degrees depending on their field of education. Some doctorates, including pharmacy and medicine-related fields, can’t be offered online because of their medical nature. Online degrees might cost less and help you complete your education in a shorter time as well. 

Concluding Thoughts

Getting a doctoral degree is essential for career-oriented individuals aiming for leadership and high experience, helping you specialize in your field. While it is ideal to enroll in a university and attend classes physically for a more hands-on approach, under various circumstances, online doctoral degree programs prove to be favorable as well. 

In addition to deciding what subject to further specialize in, you must also check for the fee structures and the university’s ranking before applying for your desired doctoral degrees.

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