As a Teacher, Remember to Have Fun

Check out our list of tips for having fun while teaching.

Find humor in the class. Too often, educators are afraid to laugh at themselves. Have joke books ready and read the comic strips. Encourage your learners to share appropriate jokes and cartoons with the class.

Get learning fun for you and your learners. If you are bored, the learners certainly will also be. Talk with passion, and listen with interest to your learners.

Rest and enjoy your job. Getting worked up over every detail or happening will cause more problems for you, your learners, and others involved in their learning.

If your learners are involved in performances, attend them. Support your learners with encouragement and praise.

Inspiring learners is a challenge you will face as an educator. Never give up, like the unmotivated learner already has. The learner needs to know someone cares and believes that they can be successful.

Carry a list of knowledgeable, available, and stimulating people, and use this human capital to provide more learning. Your school or community should keep a list of volunteers with expertise and willingness to share their knowledge with the learners. Speakers need office approval, so talk with the administration prior to inviting people into the building to speak to your class.

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