Assessing Student Learning In the Classroom

Check out our list of tips for assessing student learning in the classroom.

Evaluating or testing is to check for understanding of the learners’ knowledge. Once we discover what the learner does not know, we teach new concepts using the most effective strategies to help the learner learn.

Prior to you starting the school year, understand the grading system and report card that is distributed to the learners from your school system. Circle the timelines on your calendar when grades are due. A scoring system is just one way for a school to document learner achievement.

Find out that one of the purposes of assessment is to help the educator make good decisions on appropriate instruction. Once analyzing assessment data, consider what resources and strategies will help your learners improve academically.

Tell the learner what they will learn when teaching a lesson. Write the lesson’s purpose on the board for the learner to see visually. Assess what you have taught them.

Instruct learners on test-taking strategies. We teach learners the fundamentals in every subject but rarely do we take time to show learners how to take or study for a test. Learners will score better on a test when they have test-taking tips to follow.

Learners should know the importance of arriving on time on the day of an exam, so they have the full period to complete the test. Instruct them on the importance of pacing themselves so they do not spend too much time on one particular test area.

Walk around the room when students are taking tests. Working on uncorrected papers or preparing for the next activity is too easy. Once learners are working, this is prime time to observe and assist learners with questions.

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