Authoritative vs Authoritarian Parenting Styles

An authoritative parenting style is characterized by a parental focus on their child’s autonomy and independence and a willingness to allow their child to make decisions without constant direction. An authoritarian parenting style is characterized by a parental focus on obedience and order and a reluctance to allow their child to make decisions.

Authoritative parenting styles are more beneficial for children than authoritarian parenting styles. Authoritative parenting styles have been shown to be associated with increased academic achievement, self-esteem, and social competence. In addition, authoritative parenting styles have also been found to be associated with decreased rates of child aggression and antisocial behavior.

Authoritarian parenting styles have been found to be associated with increased rates of child aggression and antisocial behavior. In addition, authoritarian parenting styles as well as authoritative parenting styles, have also been found to be associated with decreased rates of child anxiety and depression.

It is important to note that not all children will benefit from an authoritative parenting style, and not all children will benefit from an authoritarian parenting style. It is important to consider the individual child’s needs and personality when parenting.

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