Back to School Writing Activities for Students


Back to school season is an exciting time for both students and educators – a fresh start, new classes, and the opportunity to learn and grow. One essential skill that students need to develop is writing, which plays a crucial role in their academic success. To help kick off the school year on the right foot, we have compiled a list of engaging back to school writing activities for students.

1. All About Me:

Start off with a personal introduction writing activity. Have students write a brief autobiographical essay or poem that includes their interests, hobbies, family background, and goals for the upcoming school year. This activity helps students practice self-expression while getting to know their classmates.

2. Letter to Future Self:

Encourage students to reflect on their current selves and their aspirations by having them write a letter addressed to themselves one year into the future. In the letter, they can include personal goals, academic objectives, or even advice they would like to remember as they navigate through the school year.

3. Classmate Interviews:

Pair up students and have them interview each other using a set of predetermined questions. The questions can revolve around interests, summer experiences, favorite subjects, etc. Afterward, each student writes a short article based on the information gathered from their partner’s interview.

4. My Summer Adventures:

Allow students to share their summer experiences through narratives or descriptive essays. This activity encourages creativity as students get to recount memorable moments while honing their storytelling skills.

5. Six-Word Memoirs:

Challenge your students’ brevity and creativity with six-word memoirs. Have them summarize their entire summer break or describe how they feel about starting the new school year in just six words.

6. Problem-Solving Prompts:

Invite students to write about how they would address real-world issues and situations that might arise at school or in life. For example: “How would you handle a disagreement between friends?” or “What is an effective way to maintain focus while studying?”

7. Gratitude Journal:

Promote positivity by encouraging students to keep a gratitude journal throughout the school year. Students can start by writing down three things they are grateful for as they begin the new year.

8. Five-Minute Free Write:

Help develop students’ writing fluency with quick free writes as a warm-up activity or end-of-class reflection. Set a timer for five minutes and encourage students to write without overthinking or editing their work.


Back to school season is the perfect time to engage students in writing activities that foster creativity, self-exploration, and communication skills. By incorporating these fun and meaningful exercises into your curriculum, you’ll help your students build a strong foundation for academic success and personal growth throughout the school year and beyond.

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