Banning TikTok Hurts Higher Education

Banning TikTok can potentially hurt higher education in several ways.

Firstly, TikTok has become a popular platform for educators and students to share knowledge, tips, and tricks around specific subjects or academic interests. Many teachers and professors have created TikTok accounts to engage with students outside the classroom and provide them with valuable, entertaining content that encourages learning. By banning TikTok, students and teachers lose access to this platform and the potential educational benefits that come with it.

Secondly, TikTok has emerged as a vital tool for international students to stay connected with their friends and family back home. International students face significant challenges when it comes to staying in touch with their loved ones because of the high costs and regulations involved with international calling and texting. TikTok provides an affordable and accessible way for students to share their experiences with their families, which is particularly important during times of social distancing and quarantines.

Lastly, TikTok has become a valuable recruitment tool for colleges and universities. Educational institutions have been using TikTok to showcase their campuses, promote their programs, and connect with prospective students. By banning TikTok, universities could miss out on an opportunity to reach a large audience of potential applicants, particularly among younger generations who are more likely to engage with social media platforms.

In conclusion, while there may be valid reasons to consider the banning of TikTok, it is essential to understand the potential consequences, particularly regarding access to education and opportunities for advancement. 

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