Best Children’s Books About Moving

There are countless children’s books that focus on moving, from the simple stories of a young boy’s journey to find new friends in a new city, to the more complex tales of people as they move from one place to another. Here are some of the best, based on our own personal reading experiences:

1. New House, Same Underwear by Brenda Li

This book will quickly become a favorite! First of all, the title is absolutely adorable and made me want to read it as an adult. This book lets children know that no matter what, the family will always remain the same no matter where you are.

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2. The Berenstain Bears’ Moving Day by Stan and Jan Berenstain

The Berenstain bear family is one that is near and dear to my heart because I grew up reading these books. This classic children’s story has lasted decades and allows children to feel more comfortable knowing that everyone has to say goodbye sometimes.

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3. Nothing Stays the Same…but that’s okay… by Sara Olsher

This simple story about how nothing stays the same is just what the literary world needs. Children often have a hard time grasping that life is ever-changing. But allowing them an early lesson about how change is OK will better equip them for those difficult concepts when they arise in real life.

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4. Goodbye, Old House by Margaret Wild and Ann James

Goodbye, Old House is the perfect book to read to your child as you begin a new adventure in a new house. This beautiful story explores the overwhelming emotions of having to say goodbye to everything loved in an old home. This young child says goodbye to the tree.

More Information: Amazon

5. My Very Exciting, Sorta Scary, Big Move by Lori Attanasio Woodring Ph.D.

I love the title because it perfectly illustrates all the mixed emotions that come with moving. Lovely illustrations and a great storyline allow children to relate to this little boy who is both excited and scared about moving.

More Information: Amazon

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