Best HBCU for Italian

Latin and Greek were the classic languages taught at HBCUs, as most of these centers of learning were founded in the 19th century by religious organizations to offer education to African-American students who were barred from attending other colleges and universities due to systemic discrimination.

Today, many HBCUs offer a broad range of degree programs in various fields, including foreign languages. Italian is a popular choice for students who want to learn one of the Romance languages that are widely used in Europe and beyond. Italy is a fascinating country, renowned for its art, history, cuisine, fashion, and architecture, and it attracts millions of tourists every year.

If you’re interested in studying Italian at an HBCU, you might want to consider some of the following institutions:

Howard University: Located in Washington, D.C., Howard University is one of the most prestigious HBCUs in the United States. It offers a Bachelor of Arts degree in Italian that covers four years of language study, including grammar, conversation, literature, and culture. Howard also has a variety of study abroad programs in Italy that allow students to immerse themselves in Italian language and culture.

Morehouse College: Morehouse College is a men’s college located in Atlanta, Georgia. Although it doesn’t offer a major in Italian, Morehouse has a robust foreign language program that includes Italian as a minor. Morehouse also has a vibrant Italian Club that organizes cultural events and activities for students.

Spelman College: Spelman College is a women’s college located in Atlanta, Georgia. Like Morehouse, Spelman doesn’t offer a major in Italian, but it does offer a minor in Italian language and culture. Spelman also has a strong study abroad program in Italy that includes courses in art, literature, history, and language.

Hampton University: Hampton University is a historically black institution located in Hampton, Virginia. Hampton offers a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Communications with a concentration in Italian language and culture. Students take four years of Italian classes and can participate in study abroad programs in Italy.

North Carolina A&T State University: Located in Greensboro, North Carolina, North Carolina A&T State University offers a Bachelor of Arts in Romance Languages with a concentration in Italian. Students can take courses in Italian language, literature, film, and culture. North Carolina A&T also has a study abroad program in Florence, Italy, that allows students to earn credits in Italian language and culture.

In summary, if you’re looking for HBCUs that offer Italian language programs, you have several great options to choose from. From Howard University in the nation’s capital to Spelman College and Morehouse College in Atlanta, you can receive a top-notch education in Italian language and culture at these institutions. So, do your research and choose the HBCU that best suits your needs and interests. Buona fortuna!

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