Best Practice for RTI: Intensive, Systematic Instruction for Some Students

Response to Intervention (RTI) is an educational framework designed to address the needs of students who are struggling academically or behaviorally. The ultimate goal of RTI is to prevent the academic and behavioral failure of these students by providing them with targeted, evidence-based interventions. One of the best practices within the RTI framework is providing intensive, systematic instruction for students who need it.

Intensive Instruction

Intensive instruction is designed to ensure that students who are struggling receive additional support that is specifically tailored to their learning needs. This support can include additional time spent on specific skills or concepts, more one-on-one attention from teachers, and access to specialized materials and resources.

Intensive instruction is critical for the success of RTI because it provides a targeted approach to addressing academic or behavioral challenges. When instruction is intensive, it allows educators to focus on the specific skills and concepts that students need to learn in order to be successful. By breaking down complex skills into smaller, more manageable parts, students are able to master each step before moving on to the next.

Systematic Instruction

Systematic instruction is a structured approach to teaching that involves breaking down skills and concepts into smaller, more manageable parts. This allows teachers to provide students with clear and structured learning routines that help them understand what they need to do to succeed. Systematic instruction also emphasizes the importance of ongoing progress monitoring so that teachers can make adjustments to their teaching as needed.

The combination of intensive and systematic instruction provides students with a well-rounded approach to learning that addresses their individual needs. By providing targeted instruction that is both focused and structured, students are more likely to achieve academic and behavioral success.

Implementing Intensive, Systematic Instruction in RTI

To implement intensive, systematic instruction in the context of RTI, there are several best practices that educators can follow:

1. Individualize instruction: Intensive instruction should be based on the individual needs of each student. Educators should conduct ongoing assessments to determine which skills and concepts students need additional support with, and then create individualized learning plans that target those areas.

2. Break down complex skills: By breaking down complex skills into smaller, more manageable parts, students are able to learn more effectively. Educators should focus on teaching students one skill or concept at a time, building their proficiency before moving on to the next.

3. Use structured routines: Providing students with clear and structured routines for learning can help them understand what they need to do to be successful. Educators should establish consistent routines for instruction and practice, and provide students with visual or written cues to help them remember the steps.

4. Monitor progress: Ongoing progress monitoring is essential for ensuring that students are making progress and receiving the support they need. Educators should use data to evaluate the effectiveness of their instructional strategies and make adjustments as needed.

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