Betsy DeVos is Right…We DO Need to Rethink School


Former U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos sparked controversy with her controversial statements about the need to rethink school. Despite the backlash, her statements carry a grain of truth. The traditional model of schooling is no longer adequately preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. In this article, we take a closer look at why it’s time to rethink education and what can be done to improve our schools.

1. Embracing technology in education

Educational technology has evolved rapidly in recent years, offering new and innovative ways for students to learn. By incorporating technology into classrooms, we can create an engaging and interactive environment that better captures students’ attention and increases learning retention.

2. Fostering creativity and critical thinking

Traditional education models often prioritize memorization over critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Schools should encourage students to think creatively, engage in discussions, solve problems, and challenge preconceived ideas rather than merely regurgitating information.

3. Revamping curriculum to reflect the modern world

The world is changing fast, and our curriculum should keep up with those changes. Schools must ensure students learn not only fundamental concepts but also skills relevant to their future careers, such as digital literacy, programming languages, and data analysis.

4. Redefining assessment methods

Standardized tests have long been the backbone of educational evaluations, but they fail to account for different learning styles or accurately measure an individual’s potential for growth. A reimagined schooling system would utilize multiple assessment methods tailored for each student’s strengths and weaknesses.

5. Prioritizing mental health

Schools should emphasize mental health as a critical component of academic success. Creating a supportive learning environment that prioritizes self-care, empathy, and stress management will foster healthier, happier, and more confident learners.

6. Expanding extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities play a key role in promoting the personal, social, and emotional development of youth. Making diverse extracurricular offerings available to all students allows them to explore their passions outside of traditional academic settings and develop invaluable life skills.

7. Ensuring equitable access to education

Education should be an equal right, not a privilege. By addressing funding disparities and promoting policies that ensure low-income students and underrepresented communities have access to quality education, we can create a more inclusive and fair society.


Betsy DeVos’ call for rethinking school is not without merit. As we move further into the 21st century, our outdated educational structure needs significant changes. By embracing technology, fostering creativity, revamping our curricula, redefining assessment methods, prioritizing mental health, expanding extracurricular activities, and addressing educational inequalities, we can build a brighter future for our children and the generations to come.

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