Pedagogue Blog

Lost All Your Plastic Coins? We’ve Got You Covered With Virtual Money Manipulatives


We all remember the excitement of learning about money in our early school days. Playing with plastic coins as a means to understand the value of different denominations and their use in real-world scenarios is a rite of passage for many students. But what happens when those little plastic coins go missing, or schools and parents want a more accessible, environmentally-friendly alternative? Enter virtual money manipulatives!

Virtual Money Manipulatives: The Modern Solution

Virtual money manipulatives are digital tools that simulate physical coins and bills used in education to teach students essential money skills. They offer numerous advantages over traditional plastic coins, such as:

1. Enhanced Accessibility: Unlike physical coins, virtual money manipulatives are easily accessible anytime, anywhere on various devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones. This makes them an ideal solution for remote learning situations.

2. Cost-effective: Schools and parents can save on purchasing and maintaining physical sets of plastic coins by using online resources or apps that typically come at a minimal cost or are entirely free.

3. Environmentally Friendly: By opting for digital coin manipulatives, we reduce plastic waste and contribute to a greener environment.

4. Customizable Learning: Many virtual money manipulative platforms allow for customizable scenarios tailored to individual students’ needs, making it easier to address varying skill levels in one classroom.

Top Platforms for Virtual Money Manipulatives

There are several reputable platforms available that offer high-quality virtual money manipulatives. Here are some of the top picks:

1. ABCya: A popular platform for elementary schools offers a collection of educational games that include ‘Counting Money’ and ‘Money Bingo.’ These games provide engaging ways for students to learn about currency values, addition and subtraction involving money.

2. Toy Theater: This website features multiple virtual activities involving coins like ‘Count Coins’ and ‘Making Change.’ The hands-on activities allow students to drag and drop virtual bills and coins, mimicking the motion of working with actual currency.

3. Math Games: Providing a selection of free money-focused games targeted at first through fifth-grade levels, Math Games offer an array of engaging activities for students to practice their money skills. The site includes games like ‘Coin Madness,’ ‘Price List,’ ‘Money Count Smash,’ and more.

4. SplashLearn: A specialized K-5 learning platform, SplashLearn provides a series of interactive money games with curriculum-based instruction for a more structured learning experience. The adaptive algorithm challenges students by increasing the difficulty level.


Virtual money manipulatives combine technology and education to provide innovative ways for students to learn vital money skills. Replacing traditional plastic coins with digital alternatives is not only cost-effective and environmentally friendly but also enhances accessibility while ensuring teachers can customize learning experiences for each student. With numerous high-quality platforms to choose from, it’s never been easier to make the switch to virtual money manipulatives.

Why School Dress Codes Need to Pass the Diversity Test


The concept of a dress code in schools has been a topic of debate for years. While some argue that it instills discipline and promotes equality among students, others claim that it stifles individuality and can be discriminatory. A growing concern is whether or not school dress codes pass the diversity test, ensuring that they provide equal treatment for all students regardless of race, gender, religion, or cultural background. In this article, we will discuss why embracing diversity and inclusiveness is equally important as introducing a school dress code policy.

Respecting Cultural Differences

Every culture has its unique way of expressing its identity through clothing. For instance, some Muslim women wear hijab as an extension of their faith while African communities have their intricate hairstyles representing their heritage. When schools enforce rigid dress codes, they might end up oppressing the cultural expressions of various student groups which can potentially lead to feelings of alienation and marginalization. An inclusive dress code should create room for differences and accommodate the diverse beliefs held by each community within the school.

Gender Neutrality and Equality

A typical school dress code differentiates between male and female students by requiring them to wear uniforms that reflect traditional gender roles. It reinforces stereotypes like girls in skirts and boys in trousers. This not only limits self-expression but also poses challenges to students who may not feel comfortable conforming to these norms.

Taking into consideration the rising awareness about non-binary identities and gender fluidity, an inclusive dress code must move beyond binary guidelines and allow every student to choose their outfits based on personal preference alongside specific guidelines on decency without compromising their self-identity.

Empowering Students Through Self-Expression

One’s appearance plays a significant role in establishing a sense of identity, especially among adolescents navigating the formative years of their lives. Schools need to understand that creativity in dressing is an outlet through which youth express themselves, and doing so can strengthen their self-confidence. A flexible dress code should emphasize respect, tolerance, and open-mindedness as it better prepares them for the culturally rich society which lies beyond the school walls.

Preventing Discrimination and Profiling

Uniform policies may sometimes play to subjective biases leading to discriminatory profiling. For example, students with tattoos, piercings, or non-traditional hairstyles are often perceived negatively or unruly due to rigid dress codes. An inclusive dress code should address these misunderstandings by focusing on the overarching goal of avoiding discrimination and fostering appreciation for individuality.


A truly inclusive school dress code must strike an appropriate balance between ensuring decency, promoting equality, and celebrating diversity. It is crucial to involve all stakeholders in shaping the policy, considering the needs of different racial, ethnic, cultural, and gender groups. By doing so, schools can foster an environment where everyone feels valued and respected while also adequately preparing their students for today’s multicultural world.

Pizza Math Activity for Pi Day


Pi Day, celebrated annually on March 14th (3.14), is an exciting day for mathematic enthusiasts around the globe. It’s a fantastic opportunity to engage students in fun and educational activities related to the value of Pi – the mathematical constant that represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. One popular and delicious way to do so is through a Pizza Math Activity! This hands-on, interactive method will not only leave students craving pizza, but will also help them develop a deeper understanding of the world of circles and Pi.

Materials Needed

1. Pizzas – You’ll need several pizzas with different diameters. You can choose to make your own or buy pre-made pizzas.

2. Ruler or measuring tape

3. Calculator

4. Paper and pen/pencil for recording calculations

Getting Started with Pizza Math Activity

1. Begin by choosing a pizza for the activity and measure its diameter using your ruler or measuring tape. Be sure that students understand what the diameter is – the distance across the circle through the center point.

2. Next, measure the circumference of your chosen pizza by wrapping your measuring tape around the outer edge.

3. Have students calculate their own estimates for Pi using these measurements by dividing the circumference by the diameter (C ÷ D). Compare their estimates with 3.14, discussing any possible discrepancies, such as imperfectly round shapes or measurement errors.

4. Boost engagement by exploring different sized pizzas and comparing how their estimates of Pi change as they calculate each one’s ratio.

5.Optional: For students who are ready to dive deeper into math concepts like areas, have them calculate a pizza’s surface area using A = Pi × r², and discuss how portioning out varying amounts is more equitable when parties order multiple pizzas.

6.Optional: Encourage even more creativity by having your students create unique “Pizza Circles” using different toppings to create artwork inspired by famous circular art, such as Kandinsky’s “Circles” or Fibonacci’s Spiral.


The Pizza Math Activity goes beyond simply being a tasty treat for Pi Day; it’s a fun and engaging way to introduce critical math concepts related to circles and the famous constant Pi. By engaging in this hands-on activity, students will gain a stronger understanding of the importance of numbers in our daily lives, all while enjoying a classic favorite – pizza! And who knows? A future mathematician might thank you for cultivating their love for numbers through this delicious exploration. Don’t forget to enjoy the tasty slices after your calculations and have a Pi-zza party! Happy Pi Day!

How Do I Set Goals When I Am In Survival Mode


Survival mode is a state of mind that occurs when people face overwhelming challenges or stressful situations, often with limited resources. This can make it difficult to set goals beyond simple survival. However, setting goals is crucial in helping you move past this stage and find your way back to a healthy, fulfilling life. In this article, we’ll explore ways to set goals even when you’re in survival mode.

1. Acknowledge Your Survival Mode Situation:

Acknowledging that you’re in survival mode is the first step towards setting goals effortlessly. Understand that being in survival mode is a temporary phase and shouldn’t dictate the entirety of your life. Accepting this will help you prioritize your goals effectively.

2. Break Down Goals into Smaller Steps:

In survival mode, setting big goals can seem unattainable and overwhelming. Instead, break down larger objectives into smaller, more manageable steps—this will help you feel more in control and provide a greater sense of accomplishment as you make progress.

3. Create Time for Reflection and Evaluation:

Despite your focus on immediate needs in survival mode, it’s beneficial to carve out some time for self-reflection and evaluation of your current situation. Identifying why you’re in survival mode and determining the necessary steps to overcome it can prove invaluable while setting your goals.

4. Find a Support Network:

Having a solid support network can greatly impact your success when trying to set goals during tough times. Surround yourself with family or friends who encourage and understand your situation while offering helpful advice or resources. You may also find it helpful to join support groups or online forums specific to your circumstance.

5. Prioritize Self-Care:

Self-care is essential even when in survival mode because it affects your mental health and overall well-being, which ultimately impacts goal setting and achievement. Prioritize activities that help you recharge mentally, emotionally, and physically, such as getting adequate sleep, eating well, engaging in physical activity, or practicing mindfulness.

6. Celebrate Small Wins:

Setting goals and achieving milestones during survival mode can be challenging. To stay motivated, it’s essential to celebrate your small wins. Acknowledging even the tiniest progress will foster positivity and a sense of accomplishment while keeping you inspired to pursue your goals steadily.

7. Embrace Flexibility:

When your circumstances are uncertain or continuously evolving, remaining flexible is crucial for effective goal-setting. Be open to adjusting your goals when necessary, embracing change as it comes, and reassessing your priorities regularly.


Setting goals while in survival mode might seem daunting, but it’s far from impossible. By acknowledging your situation, breaking down goals into smaller steps, finding support networks, prioritizing self-care, celebrating small wins, and embracing flexibility, you can maintain progress towards your objectives even during trying times. Once you overcome the challenges of survival mode, these skills will continue to serve you well throughout life’s ups and downs.

Top 10 Things Middle-School Students Wish You Knew

Middle school is a critical time for students as they navigate the rocky transition from childhood to adolescence. From raging hormones and academic pressure to finding their own identity, students at this age have a lot on their plate. As parents, teachers, or mentors, understanding these challenges helps us provide the necessary support for middle schoolers. In this article, we share the top 10 things middle-school students wish you knew.

1. They crave independence: Middle-school students want to assert their individuality and independence as they become more aware of their surroundings and peers. Giving them a sense of autonomy in small ways – such as allowing them to pick out clothes or make decisions about extracurricular activities – can help boost their confidence and self-esteem.

2. Academic pressure mounts: With increased workload and expectations, middle schoolers may struggle to balance academics and extracurricular pursuits. It’s crucial that we empathize with their challenges, provide helpful guidance, and remind them that it’s okay to ask for help.

3. Peer pressure becomes apparent: Middle schoolers experience peer pressure like never before. Discussing the potential negative impacts and teaching them how to deal with these situations in a positive manner can help them build resilience.

4. They need your guidance but not necessarily your solutions: While they may need support navigating the complex social dynamics, middle schoolers often prefer active listening over someone solving their problems. Sometimes, they just need a sympathetic ear from someone who understands what they’re going through.

5. Self-esteem is fragile: Body image issues, academic comparison with peers, and puberty-related changes lead to vulnerable self-esteem during middle school years. Positive reinforcement is crucial during this time to help build confidence.

6. Social life changes rapidly: Friendships may shift during middle school as interests and social groups evolve. Navigating these shifting dynamics can be challenging for students, and providing them with support allows them to manage these changes with greater ease.

7. Bullying can happen: As social structure in middle school becomes more prevalent, so does the risk of bullying. Keeping an open dialogue can help students feel safer discussing any issues they may be facing or witnessing.

8. Emotional ups and downs are common: Hormonal shifts during puberty result in emotional rollercoasters for many middle schoolers. Patience, understanding, and reassurance are essential during these volatile times.

9. They may test boundaries: During their quest for independence, middle schoolers often test limits and establish their identities. Clear communication about expectations and consequences for actions can help maintain a healthy balance between freedom and discipline.

10. They still need you: Despite all the changes occurring in their lives, middle schoolers want reassurance that they are loved and supported. Reiterate your love, patience, and presence throughout this challenging period, so they know they have someone to turn to no matter what.

In summary, understanding these top 10 things will help us better support our middle-school students as they navigate this transformative phase in their lives. Stay patient, communicate openly, and lend a listening ear to ensure they thrive during these crucial years.

Sorry Not Sorry, But Your Badly-Behaved Dog Can’t Come to School


It’s no secret that dogs are man’s best friend, and pet parents often want to include their furry companion in every aspect of their lives. However, there comes a point when we must draw the line; not all spaces are appropriate for pets, especially when it comes to schools. This article explains why badly-behaved dogs should not be allowed on school premises, regardless of how much we love them.

1. Safety Concerns:

One of the primary reasons dogs shouldn’t be allowed in schools is the potential safety risk they pose. Untrained or poorly behaved dogs can become aggressive or unpredictable around strangers and children. Allowing an unruly dog into a school environment puts students, teachers, and staff at risk for bites or attacks, which could lead to severe physical harm or psychological trauma.

2. Allergies and Health Issues:

Many people suffer from allergies related to pet dander or hair, and allowing even well-behaved dogs inside educational institutions can exacerbate these allergies. Health and hygiene concerns also arise with fleas and ticks that can infest school buildings, bringing diseases while potentially creating further difficulties for both staff and students.

3. Disruption of Learning Environments:

Dogs are naturally social creatures who enjoy playing and interacting with others – including humans. Unfortunately, this can result in bad behavior such as barking, jumping, begging, or stealing food from both students and staff members within the school environment. These distractions are disruptive to the educational process, making it harder for teachers to maintain focus and effective learning.

4. Legal Implications:

Some municipalities have specific laws governing where dogs are permitted or forbidden entry; this may include schools or other public spaces. By bringing a disobedient dog onto campus, you might inadvertently violate local regulations and could face potential legal ramifications.

5. Teaching Responsible Pet Ownership:

Adhering to the rules and understanding why poorly-behaved dogs shouldn’t be brought to school is part of being a responsible pet owner. Teaching our children about proper dog behavior, basic obedience training, and socialization helps encourage compassion and responsibility when it comes to pet ownership.


While we all love our four-legged companions, schools are not the appropriate environment for badly-behaved dogs. Safety concerns, health risks, disruption of learning environments, legal implications, and promoting responsible pet ownership are crucial factors to consider when deciding whether or not to bring your furry friend to school. Instead, focus on training and socializing your pet so that they can enjoy positive interactions in the right settings and leave the school environment to the students and staff.

23 Fascinating Dolphin Facts for Kids

1. There are around 90 different species of dolphins, with the most common being the bottlenose dolphin.

2. Dolphins are marine mammals and need to breathe air through their blowhole located on top of their head.

3. Bottlenose dolphins can swim at speeds of up to 20 miles per hour.

4. Dolphins are highly intelligent and social animals, often living in groups called pods.

5. Pods can consist of a few individuals to over a thousand dolphins.

6. Some dolphin species, such as the killer whale (orca), are actually the largest members of the dolphin family.

7. Dolphins mostly eat fish and squid, using their sharp teeth to grasp their prey but not to chew it.

8. Dolphins use echolocation to navigate and find food by bouncing sound waves off objects and listening for the returning signals.

9. The average lifespan of a dolphin varies between species but typically ranges from 25-35 years.

10. Baby dolphins, called calves, are usually born tail-first and can swim immediately after birth.

11. Calves stay close to their mothers for several years until they learn essential life skills like hunting and socializing with other dolphins.

12. Dolphins have been observed using tools like sponges to protect their sensitive snouts while searching for food on the ocean floor.

13. Play is an essential part of dolphins’ lives—-they’re known for their acrobatics, such as leaping out of the water and riding waves created by boats (called bow-riding).

14. They communicate with each other through vocalizations, such as clicks, whistles, and body movements like slaps or leaps.

15. Dolphins have strong bonds within their pod and have been observed mourning deceased pod members.

16. Dolphin skin is delicate but heals quickly due in part to its unique composition that prevents infection and encourages wound contraction.

17. Dolphins sleep by shutting down only half of their brain at a time, allowing for rest while remaining conscious enough to surface for air.

18. Wild dolphins can dive up to 1,000 feet deep in search of food.

19. In some parts of the world, dolphins and fishermen have developed a symbiotic relationship wherein they work together to catch fish more efficiently.

20. Dolphins can recognize themselves in mirrors, an indicator of self-awareness that is rare among animals.

21. Conservation efforts are vital for some dolphin species due to threats like habitat loss, pollution, and overfishing.

22. Dolphin watching tours are a popular ecotourism activity but must be conducted responsibly to ensure the well-being of the animals.

23. Dolphins have been part of human culture for thousands of years—-from depictions in ancient art to modern marine parks, demonstrating their timeless appeal and intrigue.

How to Use Sentence Stems (Plus 60+ Examples for Every Subject)


Sentence stems are an effective tool that learners can use to develop their communication skills, improve comprehension, and enhance critical thinking. In this article, we will discuss how to use sentence stems and provide over 60 examples that can be personalized and adapted as per the specific learning context.

What are Sentence Stems?

Sentence stems are predetermined phrases designed to facilitate responses in discussions, writing assignments, or self-reflection. They allow learners to organize their thoughts and express themselves effectively while promoting quality engagement and deeper thinking across various subjects.

How to Use Sentence Stems

1. Choose relevant stems: Select stems that fit your subject area or learning objectives. For instance, if the goal is to encourage critical analysis in literature, choose sentence stems that require learners to analyze texts by comparing themes, characters, or plots.

2. Introduce them gradually: Introduce sentence stems progressively so that students have time to practice using them naturally and effectively. This can be done by incorporating one or two at a time into discussions or activities.

3. Model using sentence stems: Demonstrate how sentence stems can be used by providing examples during class sessions and incorporating them into your feedback on student work.

4. Encourage students’ use: Create opportunities for students to use sentence stems during group discussions or individual writing tasks. Utilize prompts that encourage reflection or debate requiring the use of these predetermined phrases.

5. Track progress: Monitor the students’ use of sentence stems over time and provide feedback and reinforcement on areas where they may need further assistance.

60+ Sentence Stem Examples for Every Subject


1. “I noticed a pattern when I saw…”

2. “The formula changes if we…”

3. “My solution is different because…”


4. “Based on my observation, I predict…”

5. “This experiment demonstrated…”

6. “One way to classify this organism is…”

Social Studies:

7. “An important event in this time period was…”

8. “This primary source reveals…”

9. “A significant cultural difference is…”


10. “A central theme in this story appears to be…”

11. “The author’s use of symbolism is evident when…”

12. “An interesting character trait of (character) is…”


13. “In my introduction, I will discuss…”

14. “To support my argument, I will provide evidence from…”

15. “My conclusion effectively summarizes my main points by…”

Reading Comprehension:

16. “The purpose of the author is to convey that…”

17. “The passage suggests that the character feels…”

18. “A significant turning point in the text occurs when…”

Critical Thinking:

19. “An alternative perspective on this issue might be…”

20. “This argument could be supported by considering…”

21. “One possible implication of this idea is…”


22. “I feel more confident in my understanding of this subject because…”

23. “One aspect that challenged me during this exercise was…”

24. “To improve, I need to focus more on…”


Sentence stems provide a supporting structure that enables students to articulate their thoughts meaningfully and foster critical thinking skills across varied subjects and learning contexts. By incorporating sentence stems into your teaching methodology, you can help your learners become more confident communicators and reflective thinkers, and enhance their overall academic development.

Dang, These Encanto Memes About Teaching Are 100% Accurate


With the release of Disney’s hit movie Encanto, the internet has been flooded with memes inspired by the enchanting film. Among them, a collection of hilarious yet accurate memes about teaching has emerged, striking home for educators worldwide. If you’re a teacher, or know someone who is, then sit back and enjoy these spot-on Encanto memes showcasing the rollercoaster ride that is the teaching profession!

1. Bruno Predicting Grade Curve Disasters:

Just like the character Bruno in Encanto who can foresee events, teachers can often predict when their students’ grades will nosedive in a frenzy towards the exam week. Every teacher knows that moment when they see an impending storm coming from miles away.

2. When The Lesson Plan Is On Point:

Teachers have this ongoing battle with lesson planning: sometimes it takes hours of tedious work to get it right. But once in a blue moon, they stumble upon a lesson plan that strikes gold, and they feel just like Mirabel – dancing with joy around the room.

3. When You Can’t Get Class Attention No Matter What:

Every teacher knows that feeling when they walk into class ready to teach an important concept or discuss essential information, and it seems like no one will ever listen – just like Antonio talking to his animal friends instead of people.

4. Empathy For The Student Struggling With Homework:

Teachers wear superhero capes in many instances – including when they empathize with their students for their struggle to juggle academics, clubs, sports, and social lives. The scene of Isabela commiserating with someone hidden beneath a pile of unfinished homework perfectly captures this sentiment.

5. That Teacher Who Can Make Any Subject Interesting:

Some teachers possess magical powers (à la Madrigal family) that allow them to turn any subject into an engaging adventure – it’s as if a lesson chants “We don’t talk about student boredom” as the undeniable energy engulfs the classroom.

6. When Something Clicks For A Struggling Student:

As a teacher, nothing is quite as rewarding as when a child who has been struggling to grasp a concept finally has that “Eureka!” moment. Suddenly, their eyes light up like fireflies, and the elation in the scene where Abuela admits Mirabel is right resonates with every educator.


Teaching can be a challenging and unpredictable profession, but that doesn’t stop educators from loving their job, just like how Mirabel didn’t let her absence of gifts hinder her. The humor and wisdom embedded in these Encanto memes make it clear that teachers can relate to the Madrigals’ journey, with its highs and lows, as they make an impact on young lives every single day. So for teachers everywhere – cherish these spot-on memes while waiting for Disney’s next captivating adventure and continue making those real-life differences!

Assistant Principal Calls Out Teacher Salaries Lower Than Chipotle’s

In an eye-opening comparison, a concerned assistant principal has recently highlighted the apparent discrepancy between teacher salaries and those of fast-food chain employees. The shocking revelation came when it was discovered that some educator salaries are lower than those of workers at popular fast-food chain Chipotle.

Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the minds and futures of our youth, yet their profession is often undervalued, and their compensation is consistently underwhelming. The assistant principal’s comparison serves as a wakeup call for society to re-evaluate and appreciate the work of our educators.

The salary disparity is rooted in the stark contrast between the two industries. As private corporations, fast-food chains often have more capital and resources to invest in higher wages, while public education systems are largely dependent on government funding. While this contributes to the divide, it’s worth noting that teaching is typically regarded as inherently more valuable and significant than working in the service industry.

Many educators have come forward to share their struggles with financial stress and the inability to make ends meet. Underpaid teachers face additional challenges outside of the classroom. These may include taking up part-time jobs or sacrificing personal time for professional growth opportunities to supplement their incomes.

Experts suggest that addressing teacher remuneration is essential both for improving educational quality and teacher retention. Lower salaries may hinder potential candidates from pursuing a career in education, while also stifling the motivation of current educators. This could ultimately impair student learning outcomes due to higher turnover rates or lack of dedication from struggling teachers.

In addressing the issue, it’s crucial that policymakers prioritize education budget allocation for teachers’ salaries. Doing so could enable existing educators to receive fair compensation for their efforts while becoming more financially comfortable in dedicating themselves fully to their profession. Additionally, increased wages can attract qualified professionals into teaching careers, further elevating educational standards nationwide.

Educator advocacy groups have also played a vital role in instigating change. For example, recent teacher strikes and demonstrations across the United States have raised awareness and prompted action to remedy wage disparities. Public opinion plays a key role as people demand better compensation for our invaluable educators.

In conclusion, it is crucial to address the striking wage disparity between educators and fast-food employees, as highlighted by the assistant principal’s comparison. Teachers deserve fair compensation for their hard work and dedication in shaping future generations. Society must treat them with the respect they warrant and engage in ongoing dialogue to ensure that their indispensable profession receives the backing it deserves.

The Enchanting World of Toni Morrison’s Books for Children and Teens


Toni Morrison, a prolific American novelist and essayist, was known for her distinct and poignant storytelling that predominantly focuses on African American experiences. Although she was best known for her adult fiction, Toni Morrison also authored several captivating books for children and teenagers. By delving into themes of family, culture, and friendship, these works introduced younger audiences to the wonders of literature while promoting diversity and empathy.

1. The Big Box (1999)

Co-written by Morrison’s son Slade Morrison and illustrated by Giselle Potter, “The Big Box” is a thought-provoking picture book that tells the tale of three children trapped in a “big box” tightly controlled by adults. As the kids long for freedom and self-expression, they show how the rigidity of adult expectations can stifle creativity and independence in young minds. The book is an excellent conversation starter for parents to discuss individuality, societal norms, and the importance of supporting their child’s unique identity.

2. The Book of Mean People (2002)

Another collaboration with her son Slade Morrison and illustrated by Pascal Lemaitre, “The Book of Mean People” is an entertaining picture book that addresses the topic of meanness. In a world where unkind words or actions can affect children and teenagers significantly, this witty book effectively illustrates what it means to be mean through humorous examples. It encourages discussions about empathy and kindness while helping young readers navigate difficult social situations.

3. Remember: The Journey to School Integration (2004)

Taking a break from fiction, “Remember” is a powerful look into the turbulent period of school integration in America during the 1950s and 1960s. Through archival photographs adorned with Morrison’s poetic captions, this important historical account captures the determination and courage displayed by African American students who faced immense adversity as they pursued equality in education.

The book is an essential resource for teaching young people about civil rights history and the ongoing struggle against discrimination and racial injustice.

4. Peeny Butter Fudge (2009)

For a lighter tale, “Peeny Butter Fudge” once again finds Toni Morrison and Slade Morrison working together, with illustrator Joe Cepeda joining them. This delightful picture book revolves around the loving relationship between three siblings and their grandmother, Nana.

Against their mother’s strict instructions, Nana introduces her grandchildren to the joys of baking peeny butter fudge from scratch. This heartwarming story about family bonding and cherished traditions serves as a gentle reminder of the special bonds that exist between grandparents and grandchildren.


Toni Morrison’s books for children and teenagers are diverse treasures that showcase her extraordinary skill at storytelling. They tackle various themes, from individuality and empathy to civil rights history and family traditions. These works introduce young readers to complex subjects in an engaging manner, instilling important values while nurturing a love for literature. So if you are searching for timeless stories that will transport young minds to vivid literary worlds, look no further than Toni Morrison’s enchanting creations!

10 Left-Handed School Supplies Your Southpaw Students Will Really Use


In a world dominated by right-handed individuals, left-handed students often face challenges when it comes to finding school supplies designed specifically for them. Thankfully, there are now many products available that cater to the needs of left-handed pupils. Here’s a list of 10 left-handed school supplies that will greatly benefit your southpaw students.

1. Left-Handed Scissors

A pair of left-handed scissors will ensure that your left-handed students can comfortably and accurately complete their cutting tasks. These scissors have reversed blades, making it much easier for left-handers to see what they’re cutting.

2. Slant Boards

Slant boards provide an ergonomic writing surface for all students, but they can be especially helpful for left-handed individuals. Their inclined surface can help prevent smudging and make it more comfortable to write or draw.

3. Left-Handed Pencil Grips

Ergonomic pencil grips designed specifically for left-handers help train correct finger positioning while providing comfort during writing sessions. With these grips in place, southpaw students can focus less on hand discomfort and more on their work.

4. Left-Handed Writing Books and Guides

Left-handed writing books provide tips and guidelines on how to write neatly without smudging ink or graphite, as well as proper posture when holding a pen or pencil. These resources can help improve your left-handed students’ writing abilities and ease the struggle of adapting to a right-hand-dominant world.

5. Spiral Notebooks for Left-Handers

These specially designed notebooks have the spiral binding on the right side so that left-handed students can write without having their hands obstructed by the bindings, making note-taking much more comfortable.

6. Left-Handed Rulers

While traditional rulers are designed with right-handers in mind, left-handed rulers feature numbers that are read from right to left. This allows left-handed students to easily measure items without having to constantly flip the ruler.

7. Left-Handed Can Openers and Staplers

Simple everyday tasks like opening cans and stapling papers can be challenging for left-handed students. These left-handed utensils are designed specifically for those lefties, making their lives much easier.

8. Left-Handed Computer Mice

A left-handed computer mouse provides a more comfortable grip for southpaw students. With buttons on the correct side, navigating through papers and school projects becomes a breeze.

9. Left-Handed Ergonomic Desks

Left-handed ergonomic desks ensure that your southpaw students have the appropriate working space catered specifically to their needs. These desks typically offer an area on the left side for textbooks or writing materials, allowing comfortable access to everything they need.

10. Pencil Sharpeners with Dual Openings

While this might not be specifically designed for left-handers, pencil sharpeners with openings on both ends allow left-handed students to sharpen their pencils without struggling with the awkward positioning of traditional pencil sharpeners.


Investing in these left-handed school supplies will empower your southpaw students and make their learning experience significantly more comfortable and efficient. By acknowledging and accommodating their unique needs, you’ll foster an inclusive environment where all students can excel academically and personally.

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