Bowie State students create new project to help the homeless

Students at Bowie State University, a Historically Black College and University (HBCU), have created an app geared towards aiding the homeless.

According to the school’s website, students “developed an electronic kiosk designed to link people seeking the help of local shelters with up-to-date information about what is available in their community.”

The students presented their idea and model in Washington D.C. at the Capitol Hill Maker Faire, a festival that allows makers who use technology to show off their ideas and models.

The kiosk is made-up of “a mini-computer, wireless internet adapter and computer monitor.” This way those in need will have the ability to check for resources at local shelters and if those shelters have space available.

This project is targeted to those in need in Prince George County, “the second-most populous county in Maryland.”

While this model was created by students and only presented at the Maker Faire, hopefully such an innovative idea will receive more attention and possibly implementation statewide.

The idea surrounding the kiosk has the potential to streamline county, state, and federal efforts to help the homeless and those in need of temporary shelter.

This also helps Bowie State in the long-run as the university prides itself on being an educational destination for students interested in pursuing a career in science and technology.


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