Bring Theater To Your Classroom (Virtually!)


Theater has always played a significant role in education, allowing students to develop skills like creativity, teamwork, and communication. With the rise of virtual classrooms due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many educators are exploring ways to incorporate theater into their online teaching. This article will discuss various methods and strategies for bringing theater into your virtual classroom while engaging and inspiring your students.

1. Implement Online Play Readings

Choose an age-appropriate play for your students to read and assign each student a character or role. Schedule a day for a virtual reading on your preferred video conferencing platform. During the reading, encourage students to get into character as they read their lines, using appropriate accents, emotions, and gestures.

2. Create Virtual Tableau Vivants

Tableau vivants are living depictions of scenes in which actors pose in specific positions without speaking or moving. Divide your class into small groups and assign each group a scene from a play or a famous painting to recreate virtually. Students can use their surroundings, costumes, and props from home or create digital backgrounds using photo editing apps. After completing their tableaus, showcase them in class or create an online gallery.

3. Encourage Audio Drama Projects

Audio dramas are an excellent alternative for engaging students who may feel camera shy or have limited access to technology. Assign students different roles and responsibilities like scriptwriting, narration, sound effects, music composition, and editing audio files. Over several classes or weeks, collaborate with the students as they create an immersive audio drama that can be shared with their peers.

4. Organize Virtual Improv Sessions

Improv is a fantastic way to develop spontaneity and creativity among your students while building their confidence. Schedule regular virtual improv sessions where students participate in fun games and exercises that encourage quick thinking and active listening. Project prompts and themes so that everyone can see them and give students time to practice in breakout rooms.

5. Host Online Theater Workshops

Invite local actors, directors, or theater enthusiasts to conduct virtual workshops on various aspects of theater, such as character development, set design, or stage management. This provides students with an opportunity to learn from professionals and gain a deeper understanding of the craft.


Although adapting theater activities for a virtual environment can be challenging, it offers a unique opportunity for educators to explore innovative methods that engage their students and foster essential life skills. With dedication and creativity, teachers can continue incorporating theater into the curriculum while providing enriching and engaging experiences for their students.

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