Bystander Effect and Diffusion of Responsibility

The bystander effect is a phenomenon in which individuals are less likely to offer help when they are aware others are also helping. The diffusion of responsibility is the tendency for individuals to share the burden of a problem or task even when they are not responsible. Together, these effects can create a bystander effect or diffusion of responsibility.

The bystander effect is most commonly seen in situations where many bystanders exist. In these situations, the bystander effect can decrease the number of people who offer help. This is because people are more likely to feel that they cannot do anything to help or that it is not their responsibility.

The diffusion of responsibility is also seen in large groups. However, the diffusion of responsibility is more likely to increase the number of people who offer help. People are more likely to feel responsible for the problem or task and want to help.

The bystander effect and the diffusion of responsibility can have negative consequences. For example, the bystander effect can make the problem or task more difficult. The diffusion of responsibility can make people feel overwhelmed and stressed, leading to their inability to solve the problem or task.

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