Behavior Management

Behaviour Management Teaching Resources

Behavior management in the classroom is an essential skill for educators, impacting the environment and overall learning experience. Effective behavior management paves the way for a structured learning environment where students understand what is expected of them, thereby fostering better educational outcomes.

One of the key resources for behavior management is a clearly defined behavior policy. This policy should outline the expectations, rules, and consequences in a straightforward manner. By making these policies visible through posters or student handbooks, teachers can consistently remind students of appropriate behavior.

Another valuable teaching resource is a rewards system. Positive reinforcement can be incredibly effective in encouraging good behavior. This might include a point system, where students earn points for positive behavior that they can exchange for privileges or tangible rewards. Additionally, charts where students can track their own progress provide visual feedback and encourage personal responsibility.

Classroom management apps and software have also become integral tools for teachers. These platforms often allow educators to track behavior in real time, communicate with parents, and analyze data to inform future strategies.

Professional development books focusing on behavior management theories such as “Assertive Discipline” by Lee Canter or “The First Days of School” by Harry Wong give teachers deeper insights into psychological approaches and practical techniques.

Lastly, tailored lesson plans that incorporate social-emotional learning (SEL) help students recognize and manage their emotions, which can reduce behavioral issues. Teachers can use curated SEL curriculums to guide these lessons.

Each resource plays a pivotal role in equipping educators with the tools necessary for creating positive behavioral change within their classrooms, leading to an atmosphere conducive to learning and growing.

Principal Hotline: How Do I Manage School Cafeteria Behavior


Managing student behavior is a key responsibility for school administrators, and the cafeteria is no exception. With the wide variety of personalities and social dynamics at play, it can be challenging to maintain a positive environment where students can both enjoy their meal and engage in healthy social interactions. In this article, we’ll explore some effective strategies for managing school cafeteria behavior and creating an environment that promotes a sense of belonging, respect, and cooperation among students.

1. Establish Clear Expectations

To cultivate a positive atmosphere within the cafeteria, it’s crucial to set clear expectations for student behavior. Communicating these expectations consistently is key – consider adding posters or signage to reinforce the rules, and hold regular assemblies or class discussions to address specific behaviors.

Some rules might include:

– Using inside voices

– Staying seated while eating

– Cleaning up after oneself

– Showing respect to peers and staff members

2. Implement Seating Arrangements

Structured seating arrangements can go a long way toward preventing behavioral issues. Assigning students to specific tables encourages them to develop relationships with their peers and promotes inclusivity. Additionally, assigned seats permit easier monitoring of individual students’ behavior.

3. Staff Presence and Supervision

Dedicated staff should be present in the cafeteria at all times to enforce rules and model appropriate behavior. This provides students with reliable sources of authority to look up to, and they’ll be more likely to comply with behavioral expectations as a result.

4. Implement a Rewards System

Positive reinforcement can be highly effective in promoting good behavior in the cafeteria. For instance, you could introduce a rewards system that acknowledges good behavior on an individual or class level – perhaps by awarding points for cleanliness or politeness. As points accumulate, students could earn specific privileges or rewards.

5. Provide Purposeful Activities

Implementing purposeful activities during lunch breaks can help keep students engaged and ensure that excess energy is directed positively. Activities might include supervised games, access to computers or reading materials, or even clubs that meet at lunchtime.

6. Encourage Student Involvement

Empowering students to take ownership of their cafeteria experience is a powerful way to promote positive behavior. Involve students in decision-making processes by seeking their input on food choices, decorations, and even new strategies for fostering appropriate behavior.

7. Evaluate and Adjust

Periodically assess your cafeteria management plan to identify areas for improvement or adaptation. This might involve conducting surveys, soliciting feedback from staff and students, or monitoring behavioral trends over time.


Managing school cafeteria behavior is a complex task that requires ongoing effort and attention. By implementing clear expectations, providing adequate supervision, offering activities and rewards, and involving students in the process, administrators can foster an environment where positive behaviors are reinforced, and every student has the opportunity to thrive during their lunch break.

21 Strategies to Help Students Who Need to Be Near You to Pay Attention

Are you looking for strategies to help students who need to be near you to pay attention? If so, keep reading.

1. Provide a consistent manner in which oral questions are asked and instructions are given.

2. Get the learner to take notes when instructions are being given following the “What, How, Learning materials, and On occasions where” format.

3. Talk regularly with the learner to help them pay attention to a source of the sound.

4. Praise the learner for paying attention to the information presented from any place in the classroom: (a) give the learner a concrete reward (e.g., privileges such as leading the line, handing out learning materials, 10 minutes of free time, etc.) or (b) give the learner an informal reward (e.g., praise, handshake, smile, etc.).

5. Give instructions on a one-to-one basis before assigning a task.

6. Use the learner’s name to gain their attention prior to delivering directions, explanations, or instructions.

7. Praise those students who pay attention to information from any place in the classroom.

8. Provide mobility to assist the learner; regularly be near the learner, etc.

9. Provide all directions, questions, explanations, and instructions at an appropriate rate for the learner.

10. Provide simple, specific instructions as to what the learner is to do.

11. Do not criticize when correcting the learner; be honest yet compassionate. Never cause the learner to feel negatively about themselves.

12. Talk regularly with the learner to help them follow instructions for a learning experience.

13. Provide visibility to and from the learner to keep their attention when oral questions/instructions are being delivered. The teacher and the learner should be able to see each other at all times. Make eye contact possible at all times.

14. Do not give instructions to the learner from across the classroom. Go to the learner, get their full attention, and explain the instructions to him/her.

15. Separate at several points during the presentation of directions, explanations, or instructions to check the learner’s understanding of the information presented.

16. Provide a signal to gain the learner’s attention before delivering directions, explanations, or instructions (e.g., clap hands, turn lights off and on, etc.).

17. Place the learner near the source of information in the classroom. As the learner shows success, slowly move them away from the source of information.

18. Show instructions following the outline of (1) What, (2) How, (3) Learning materials, and (4) On occasions where.

19. Get the learner to listen and takes notes for “Who, What, Where, On occasions where, How, and Why” while ideas are presented.

20. Provide oral questions and instructions that involve only one step. As the learner shows success, slowly increase the number of ideas or steps.

21. Consider using assistive technology designed to help students to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to concentrate. Click here to view list of assistive technology apps that we recommend.

Are You Devoting Too Much Classroom Time to Behavior Management?


Effective classroom management plays a crucial role in creating an environment that fosters learning and engagement. However, teachers can sometimes find themselves devoting too much time to managing student behavior instead of focusing on the core objective of teaching. This article aims to explore whether you are spending excessive time on behavior management and discusses strategies to help strike the right balance.

The Issue: Overemphasis on Behavior Management

As educators strive to maintain an orderly atmosphere, it becomes apparent that behavior management can consume a significant portion of classroom time. When this occurs, valuable teaching time is sacrificed, impacting students’ learning experiences. The question then arises – are you overdoing it when it comes to behavior management?

Spotting the Signs:

Determining whether you are allocating too much time to behavior management involves analyzing your own practices. Here are some signs that may indicate an excessive focus on managing behavior in your classroom:

1. Constantly interrupting lessons to address behavior issues.

2. Frequently repeating instructions or directions.

3. Spending more time talking about rules and consequences than actual lesson content.

4. Experiencing a lack of student engagement and increased off-task behavior.

5. Feeling like your workload consists primarily of dealing with behavioral concerns.

Strategies for Finding the Balance:

If you identify with any of these signs, it’s essential to evaluate your approach to classroom management and find ways to achieve a more effective balance between managing behaviors and teaching. Consider employing the following strategies:

1. Set Clear Expectations: Communicate behavioral expectations from day one, ensuring students understand what is expected of them in your class.

2. Be Proactive: Anticipate potential disruptions before they escalate by observing students’ body language, listening for signals, and having contingency plans in place.

3. Incorporate Structure: A well-structured lesson can reduce disruptions by keeping students engaged and minimizing open gaps for misbehavior.

4. Foster Positive Relationships: Develop strong connections with students to build a supportive learning environment that fosters mutual respect and trust.

5. Utilize Praise and Encouragement: Recognize and reinforce positive behavior, as it sends a clear message to students that compliance is valued, encouraging others to follow suit.

6. Adapt Teaching Styles: An engaging and dynamic teaching style will help maintain students’ focus and interest.


While effective behavior management is essential for a conducive learning environment, it’s crucial not to let it overshadow the primary aim of education – teaching. Reflect on your practices, identify areas for improvement, and employ the suggested strategies to strike the right balance between managing behaviors and ensuring students receive the best learning experience possible.

Learning Mentors Improve Behavior: Unlocking the Potential of Students

Over the past few decades, there has been a growing concern among educators and parents alike about the importance of addressing behavioral issues in schools. The rise in aggressive and disruptive behaviors has led to the implementation of various interventions designed to improve student behavior. One such intervention that has gained significant attention is the use of learning mentors, a strategy proven to have a positive impact on both academic performance and behavior management. This article explores how learning mentors effectively contribute to improving students’ behaviors, ultimately reaching their full potential.

A learning mentor is typically an experienced educator who works closely with students that exhibit behavioral or social challenges. They offer guidance, support, and encouragement through one-on-one sessions, small group activities, or whole-class workshops. Learning mentors help students develop key skills such as self-awareness, self-regulation, communication, problem-solving, and resilience – all contributing factors towards improved behavior.

Learning mentors possess certain qualities that allow them to be highly effective in shaping student behavior. Firstly, they are empathetic and insightful listeners who can relate to their students’ challenges and understand the underlying issues leading to their negative behaviors. Secondly, they are patient and persistent in their approach; helping students navigate the complexities of social dynamics within the school environment takes time. Lastly, they are able to communicate effectively with both students and staff members, ensuring a collaborative approach that benefits everyone involved.

One critical aspect of a learning mentor’s role is fostering a strong relationship with their students built on trust and respect. This connection helps build a sense of belonging in students and boosts self-esteem – factors which positively influence behavior. When students feel supported and believed in by their learning mentor, they are more likely to engage in activities that lead to personal growth.

An added benefit of learning mentors is they can help reduce the burden on classroom teachers who must balance academic goals with managing disruptive behaviors. By assisting in addressing behavioral issues, teachers can focus on creating engaging and stimulating learning experiences, further enhancing students’ academic performance.

Among the several interventions and practices designed to improve students’ behavior in schools, learning mentors stand out as an effective approach. As educators continue to search for ways to create nurturing and supportive learning environments, the adoption of learning mentors is bound to become more widespread. Through personalized support, strong relationships, and a collaborative approach, learning mentors substantially help our students unlock their full potential and overcome behavioral challenges.

The Key to Successful Behaviour Management is… You!

Imagine walking into a serene, calm environment with individuals working effectively, demonstrating respect, and displaying high levels of self-discipline. It seems like bliss, doesn’t it? But the question that arises is how do we achieve such an environment? The answer lies within one word: you.

Behaviour management is crucial not only in an educational setting but also in various aspects of life. It helps maintain a productive environment and encourages the development of essential skills such as empathy and emotional intelligence. Let’s explore how you can be the key to successful behaviour management.

1. Be a Role Model:

Remember, people around you are always observing your actions and learning from them, whether consciously or subconsciously. By displaying good behaviour, morals, and discipline yourself, you become a beacon of light for others to follow. Set the bar high by conducting yourself ethically and responsibly.

2. Foster Positive Relationships:

Establish strong connections with people you interact with daily, whether they are students, colleagues or family members. Offer support and encouragement when needed and maintain open communication lines. People tend to behave respectfully and responsibly when they feel valued.

3. Establish Clear Expectations:

Clarity is crucial for successful behaviour management. Make sure everyone around you understands what is expected of them regarding specific rules and regulations. These expectations must be realistic, clearly communicated, and consistently reinforced.

4. Embrace Emotional Intelligence:

Recognize and appreciate that every individual has different emotions and perspectives that shape their behaviour. Developing emotional intelligence enables you to understand others better by empathizing with their feelings, creating an atmosphere conducive to growth.

5. Encourage Accountability:

Every individual should understand the consequences of their actions – both positive and negative – as it helps them accept responsibility for their behaviour instead of merely relying on external factors for discipline.

6. Be Consistent:

Consistency is crucial for shaping others’ behaviour over time; hence, ensure that the rules, guidelines, and rewards are adhered to. Inconsistent behaviour management might lead to confusion and defensiveness.

7. Offer Rewards and Reinforcement:

Offer praise, rewards or other positive reinforcement when individuals display good behaviour. Encourage a growth mindset by acknowledging their efforts and improvements in time.

8. Be Flexible and Adaptable:

While consistency is essential, flexibility and adaptability are just as necessary. Circumstances may change or new situations may arise, requiring alterations in your behaviour management approach. Be prepared to adapt your strategies and maintain a balanced approach.

In conclusion, successful behaviour management depends on you as both an individual and leader. By applying these principles and taking responsibility for your actions, you’ll promote a positive environment where effective behavioural change can take place. Remember, the key to successful behaviour management lies within you!

Restorative Justice: Behavior and Relationship Management in Schools


Restorative justice is a proactive approach to managing behavior and building relationships within schools. It is based on the principles of respect, responsibility, and empathy, and aims to foster a sense of accountability and community among students and staff. This article explores how restorative justice can be implemented in schools to improve behavior management and maintain healthy relationships.

The Principles of Restorative Justice:

1. Respect: In a restorative justice environment, everyone is treated with dignity and respect. All individuals are valued equally as human beings, regardless of their background or behavior. Respect encourages a sense of belonging and helps to create an inclusive atmosphere where trust can develop.

2. Responsibility: Restorative justice encourages everyone to take responsibility for their actions and the consequences of their behavior. This includes acknowledging wrongdoing, apologizing, making amends, and participating actively in discussions about problem-solving solutions.

3. Empathy: Developing empathy towards others helps create understanding between people with different perspectives or backgrounds, enabling them to communicate more effectively with one another.

Implementing Restorative Justice in Schools:

1. Community Building Circles: A restorative justice program may incorporate regular community building circles where students and staff come together to discuss various issues affecting their school environment from both personal experiences or hypothetical scenarios.

2. Conflict Resolution through Dialogue: When conflicts occur, school personnel should prioritize dialogue by providing a safe space for those involved to express their feelings, listen actively to one another, and jointly decide on resolutions that benefit all parties involved.

3. Peer Mediation: Students may be trained as peer mediators to help resolve conflicts between their peers through non-confrontational means. This offers a greater sense of ownership in maintaining a positive school environment.

4. Restorative Discipline Practices: Instead of traditional punitive measures, such as suspension or detention, schools using restorative justice might employ alternative discipline strategies like community service or involvement in conflict resolution sessions with affected parties.

5. Professional Development Opportunities: Providing teachers and staff with training in restorative justice practices equips them with the necessary tools to effectively manage conflicts and foster a positive school environment for students.

Benefits of Restorative Justice in Schools:

1. Reduction of Negative Behavior: Implementing restorative justice practices leads to a decrease in violence, bullying, and other negative behaviors, as both students and staff become more conscious of the impacts of their actions on others.

2. Improvement in Academic Achievement: A safe and supportive learning environment enhances students’ ability to focus on their education and achieve higher academic outcomes.

3. Decrease in Suspension Rates: As an alternative form of discipline, restorative justice yields dramatic decreases in suspensions and expulsions, leading to increased student engagement, attendance, and retention rates.

4. Strengthened Relationships: The capacity for empathy established through restorative justice helps develop strong connections between students, teachers, and parents, creating a better sense of community within the school environment.


Restorative justice offers an alternative approach to traditional punitive measures for managing behavior and building relationships within schools. By focusing on respect, responsibility, empathy, and repairing harm rather than assigning blame or punishment, restorative justice has the potential to significantly improve a school’s atmosphere, leading to enhanced academic success for students, increased trust among peers and staff members alike, and lasting positive change within our education system.

Monitoring and Tracking Behavior: Enhancing Productivity and Well-being


Monitoring and tracking behavior have become increasingly important in various aspects of everyday life – from personal growth to workplace productivity. The adoption of smart technologies, wearables, and applications has made it easier than ever to measure, analyze, and improve various aspects of our lives. This article explores the various facets of behavior monitoring and tracking, including its key benefits and concerns, techniques in use today, and devices and apps that can aid your personal or professional development.

The Importance of Monitoring and Tracking Behavior

Effective behavior monitoring and tracking offer numerous benefits:

1. Enhancing self-awareness: Understanding one’s patterns, habits, or tendencies is crucial for self-improvement. Monitoring allows for introspection to pinpoint areas that require changes.

2. Personal growth: Setting goals is only half the battle – tracking progress towards those goals is key to achieving them. Consistent measurement fosters an understanding of which strategies work best for each individual.

3. Improved well-being: Being mindful of daily actions promotes a healthy lifestyle. This could mean tracking physical activities, nutrition intake, or even mental health habits.

4. Workplace productivity: Better understanding individual or team behavior can lead to increased efficiency in business operations.

Techniques for Monitoring and Tracking Behavior

Here are some commonly used techniques when it comes to behavior monitoring:

1. Self-monitoring: Individuals can track their own behaviors through note-taking, journaling, or using mobile apps.

2. Wearable devices: An array of devices (such as fitness trackers or smartwatches) can accurately measure various physical activities throughout the day.

3. Applications/software: There are numerous apps available that specialize in different aspects of life – from fitness goal setting to time management – all of which can provide valuable insights into your behavioral patterns.

4. Observation by others: In specific settings (such as workplaces), third parties like supervisors may be responsible for monitoring employee behavior.

Devices and Apps for Behavior Tracking

The following devices and apps can prove helpful in monitoring and tracking behavior:

1. Fitness trackers (e.g., Fitbit, Garmin, Apple Watch): These wearables track a range of physical activities and vital signs to monitor overall health and fitness.

2. Time management apps (e.g., Toggl, RescueTime): These tools monitor your daily activities and provide insights into how you can better allocate your time.

3. Habit-building apps (e.g., Habitica, StickK): Users can set personal goals, establish positive habits, and track their progress through these applications.

4. Mental health apps (e.g., Calm, Headspace): To improve mental well-being, these platforms offer meditation practices, sleep aids, and stress management techniques.

Potential Concerns

While behavior monitoring has numerous benefits, concerns around privacy and data use have arisen. Ensuring that data collected is secure and used ethically is crucial in addressing these issues. Additionally, focusing too much on monitoring may lead to anxiety or unrealistic expectations for improvement. The key is finding a balance between tracking your progress while maintaining a healthy mindset.


Monitoring and tracking behavior are powerful tools to enhance self-awareness, promote personal growth, improve well-being, and foster workplace productivity. With advancements in technology providing new ways to gather valuable insights into our patterns and habits, it’s essential to approach behavior tracking with the right balance of enthusiasm and mindfulness. By understanding the available techniques and choosing the best devices or apps that cater to your specific goals, you’ll be well on your way to achieving positive change in your life.

Behaviour and Attendance


In today’s fast-paced educational environment, attendance is a crucial aspect that helps facilitate academic success. Moreover, student behaviour plays a significant role in shaping the overall learning experience. This article delves into the relationship between behaviour and attendance within the context of an academic setting and examines their impact on students’ development.

The Importance of Attendance:

Academic institutions emphasize the importance of regular attendance for a variety of reasons. Notably, it allows students to benefit from classroom interactions with their peers, gain insights from their educators, and stay on track with coursework. Consistent attendance also allows educators to observe and support students’ growth over time.

The Role of Behaviour:

A student’s behaviour has a direct bearing on their overall learning experience. Positive behaviours, such as active engagement in class discussions, attentiveness, and respectful interactions with peers, contribute significantly to academic success. In contrast, negative behaviours like disruption, inattention, and a lack of respect for others can impede not only one’s own learning but also that of their classmates.

The Connection Between Behaviour and Attendance:

Understanding the connection between behaviour and attendance is crucial for both educators and students alike. Poor attendance can often be traced back to underlying behavioural issues, which may include:

1. Difficulty adjusting to the classroom environment: Some students may struggle with anxiety or other emotional factors that affect their ability to participate effectively in the educational setting. This can lead to withdrawal or excessive absences from school.

2. Lack of motivation or interest: Students who are disengaged or uninterested in their coursework may exhibit poor attendance as well as disruptive behaviours when they do attend classes.

3. Negative peer influence: A student’s social circle can contribute considerably to their actions both inside and outside the classroom. When surrounded by peers who display negative behaviours or poor attendance habits themselves, it becomes easier for a student to fall into similar patterns.

Implementing Solutions to Improve Behaviour and Attendance:

To foster a supportive and effective learning environment, both educators and parents can undertake various initiatives. Some possible approaches include:

1. Establishing clear expectations: Setting behavioural expectations at the beginning of the academic year helps students understand what is expected of them in terms of conduct and attendance.

2. Providing early interventions: Identifying students who are struggling with behavioural or attendance issues early on allows educators to intervene by offering additional support, tailored interventions, or referrals to appropriate resources.

3. Encouraging parent involvement: Studies have shown that when parents actively engage in their child’s education, there is a higher likelihood of improved student attendance and behaviour. Encouraging communication between home and school empowers parents and teachers to work collaboratively towards the child’s overall well-being.

4. Focusing on positive reinforcement: Acknowledging and rewarding good behaviour motivates students to continue in that direction rather than concentrating solely on negative actions.


Behaviour and attendance are intricately linked facets of a successful academic journey. By recognizing the connection between these critical elements, educators can implement strategies to promote better conduct and consistent attendance in their students ultimately leading to enriched academic experiences and personal growth.

Behaviour Management


Behaviour management is the process of understanding, guiding, and managing an individual’s behaviour to promote positive change and growth. It involves various strategies and techniques that are implemented to help individuals improve their behaviour, leading to a more positive environment for learning and development. This article aims to discuss some of the most effective behaviour management strategies and techniques that can be employed by teachers, parents, and caregivers.

1. Establish clear expectations and rules

Establishing clear expectations and rules is an essential component in behaviour management. Children need to understand what is expected of them regarding how they should behave in different settings. Creating consistent rules at home and school helps children develop better self-discipline since they have a structure to follow.

2. Use praise and reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is one of the most powerful tools when it comes to managing behaviour. By recognizing and praising good behaviour, you encourage individuals to repeat those actions in the future. Rewards can come in different forms, such as verbal praise, special privileges, or small tangible rewards.

3. Provide structure and routines

Children tend to thrive in environments where there are consistent structures and routines. Structure provides a sense of security for children while helping them understand what to expect next. A predictable routine helps reduce anxiety in children while giving them a structure for managing their behaviour.

4. Model appropriate behaviour

Teaching by example is another crucial strategy when it comes to managing behaviour. Adults should consistently model appropriate behaviours for children, such as speaking politely or showing patience during challenging situations. Children learn by observing the adults around them, so setting a good example is imperative.

5. Consistent consequences for negative behaviours

Consequences should be consistently enforced for negative behaviours, ensuring individuals understand their actions have consequences. The consequences should be age-appropriate, timely, proportional to the misconduct, and delivered calmly.

6. Use descriptive praise

When praising appropriate behaviours, it can be beneficial to use descriptive praise. Descriptive praise involves describing the behaviour rather than just using statements like “good job.” For example, say something like “I appreciate how you picked up your toys without being asked – that shows great responsibility.” This gives clear feedback to the child on what they have done well and encourages them to replicate that behaviour.

7. Provide choices

Providing individuals with choices can help them feel empowered and more in control of their behaviour. When offering choices, ensure that all options are acceptable and within the guidelines of expected behaviour. This allows children to feel a sense of autonomy while still adhering to established rules.

8. Teach emotional understanding and regulation

Helping children understand their emotions through tools such as emotional check-in charts, feelings discussions, or role-playing scenarios, can encourage self-awareness and management of their feelings. By teaching emotional regulation strategies (e.g., deep breathing exercises or journaling), children learn to self-regulate their emotions and respond thoughtfully instead of acting on impulse.


Behaviour management strategies are essential for promoting positive behavioural change and fostering an environment conducive to learning and personal growth. By implementing these techniques, teachers, parents, and caregivers can effectively support individuals in their journey towards better understanding and managing their behaviours.