Behavior Management

Can Restorative Practice Make Your School a Happier Place?


Restorative practice, a proactive approach in cultivating interpersonal relationships, has grown in popularity within educational institutions. By promoting empathy and responsibility within the classroom, this framework has contributed immensely to creating positive learning environments. The question that arises is: can restorative practice truly make your school a happier place? Let’s delve into this topic further by examining the concept and its implications.

Understanding Restorative Practice:

Restorative practice is based on the principles of restorative justice, which prioritize repairing harm over punitive approaches in conflict resolution. It emphasizes open communication, understanding different perspectives, and building community. This practice not only focuses on addressing conflicts but also proactively fosters an environment to minimize potential issues.

Key Components of Restorative Practice:

1. Open dialogue: Encouraging students to express their thoughts and feelings through respectful, non-confrontational conversations fosters understanding and prevents miscommunication-related conflicts.

2. Empathy: Developing empathy among school members helps reduce instances of bullying and exclusion by nurturing a culture of kindness and mutual respect.

3. Ownership and accountability: Encouraging individuals to take responsibility for their actions facilitates growth and ensures that mistakes are treated as learning opportunities.

4. Collaboration: Working collectively to resolve problems strengthens bonds between students, teachers, and staff while also teaching valuable problem-solving skills.

The Benefits of Implementing Restorative Practice in Schools:

1. Improved mental well-being: By creating positive learning environments where students feel heard and valued, schools can reduce stress levels associated with negative interactions or challenging situations.

2. Reduced disciplinary issues: As conflicts are addressed with open communication instead of punitive measures, instances of suspension and expulsion can be minimized.

3. Enhanced academic success: Happier students are more likely to be engaged in schoolwork, which can result in better academic performance.

4. Stronger community ties: Implementing restorative practice into a school’s culture builds stronger relationships among students, teachers, and staff, ultimately creating a supportive community.


With overwhelming evidence pointing towards the positive impact of restorative practice in schools, it becomes clear that this approach contributes to making educational institutions happier places. Through open communication, understanding, empathy, collaboration, and accountability, restorative practice fosters a nurturing environment where students can learn to effectively solve problems and grow socially and emotionally. By adopting this approach, schools can create a harmonious space that encourages personal growth and development for students and educators alike.

Dear R&R: Tackling Arrival and Dismissal Time Problems


In any organization, be it a school or office, arrival and dismissal times can pose challenges that disrupt the flow of daily activities. These problems often create conflicts and can impact the overall environment, leading to inefficiencies in performance. In this article, we’ll be discussing some common arrival and dismissal time problems as well as offering some practical solutions to help you tackle them.

Identifying the Issues:

Arrival and dismissal time problems can manifest in various ways. Some common issues include:

1. Late arrivals – Employees or students arriving late often disrupt schedules and may lead to missed deadlines or lower productivity.

2. Early departures – Leaving early without valid reasons could strain relationships with peers who have to cover the duties left behind.

3. Congestion – Overcrowded drop-off and pick-up zones often result in increased delays and frustrations for everyone involved.

4. Inadequate communication – Poor communication regarding schedule changes or specific expectations can increase confusion.

Addressing the Problems:

1. Set a clear policy and communicate expectations:

Establish policies addressing punctuality, tardiness, absences, and early departures. Make sure to outline any consequences for non-compliance and communicate these expectations clearly to all involved parties.

2. Implement flexible scheduling options:

Offering flexible working hours can help to accommodate personal schedules, thus reducing instances of late arrivals or early dismissals.

3. Encourage proactive communication:

Foster an environment where people feel comfortable discussing their scheduling conflicts openly with their supervisor or colleagues in advance, allowing for a resolution before problems escalate.

4. Designate safe drop-off and pick-up zones:

Identify specific areas dedicated to safe drop-offs and pick-ups that are well-organized, supervised, and appropriately marked to help control traffic congestion during peak hours.

5. Employ digital solutions:

Consider implementing software solutions like scheduling applications that facilitate better coordination, real-time communication, and easy shift swapping.

6. Offer incentives to promote punctuality:

Reward employees who consistently display punctuality and reliability with special recognition or incentives, thus encouraging others to do the same.

7. Provide training and support:

Organize time management courses, hold workshops, or offer individual assistance to those who struggle with arrival and dismissal time problems.


Arrival and dismissal time problems can negatively affect an organization’s functioning, but with clear policies in place and proactive steps taken, these challenges can be successfully addressed. Communication plays a vital role in ensuring all parties understand the rules and expectations. By fostering a supportive environment that encourages open dialogues and offers a range of resources, organizations can help employees overcome these common time management issues.

Improve Your Toughest Student’s Behavior by Analyzing Your Own


Education is not just about imparting knowledge but also involves managing students’ behaviors. Teachers often face challenges with some students who seem to exhibit especially difficult behavior patterns. As educators, our first instinct might be to focus all our attention on how to correct the student’s behavior. However, sometimes it’s important to analyze our own behavior first and understand the possible impact it might have.

In this article, we will discuss how educators can improve the toughest student’s behavior by analyzing and reflecting on their own teaching approach.

Identify Your Teaching Style:

Reflecting upon your teaching style is crucial in understanding how your students perceive you as a teacher. Choose from various teaching styles such as authoritarian, permissive, democratic, or a combination of these. Observe yourself to identify which style you employ most frequently and its effects on your students.

Establish Clear Boundaries:

To create a positive learning environment, it is essential for teachers to set clear and consistent boundaries for all students. Maintain high, yet achievable expectations for performance and behavior while keeping the consequences for transgressing those boundaries clear and fair.

Be Responsive and Empathetic:

A little empathy can go a long way in forming a bond with your most difficult students. Pay attention to their needs and emotions; it might help you understand the underlying causes of their behavior better. Additionally, always listen diligently to their issues without judgment.

Encourage Positive Behavior:

Frequently reinforce positive behaviors exhibited by the troubled student. Appreciation and rewards can encourage them to repeat such behaviors in the future.

Reflective Listening:

Ensure that your communication style involves active listening and paraphrasing the student’s concerns or statements accurately. This approach helps avoid misunderstandings and makes them feel heard.

Engage Parents or Guardians:

Involve parents or guardians in addressing the student’s challenge areas. Provide updates on progress made while ensuring open lines of communication.

Seek Guidance:

Never hesitate to seek assistance or professional development in handling difficult behavior. Reach out to colleagues, peer mentors, or counselors for guidance and support.

In conclusion, improving the toughest student’s behavior starts with reflecting on our own teaching techniques and adjusting them accordingly. Being proactive and empathetic while setting clear boundaries can work wonders in transforming a challenging classroom dynamic into a thriving educational environment. Remember, tackling difficult student behavior is not a one-size-fits-all approach; persistency, patience, and constant self-improvement will ultimately lead to success.

Win A Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training and Certification For Teachers

In today’s dynamic educational landscape, teachers often face a myriad of challenges that go beyond imparting knowledge to their students. Behavioral issues, emotional outbursts, and even physical altercations may occur within the classroom setting. To arm educators with the necessary skills to navigate such turbulent waters, we proudly introduce an incredible opportunity to win a nonviolent crisis intervention training and certification for teachers.

The Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training (NCI) is a comprehensive program that equips teachers with the essential tools and techniques to manage disruptive behavior in students effectively, enhance school safety, and foster a positive learning environment. The certification, recognized globally, is not only an invaluable professional development asset but also empowers educators to contribute positively to the well-being of affected students.

This intensive program focuses on various aspects of nonviolent crisis intervention, including:

1. Preventative Strategies: NCI promotes early intervention by identifying potential triggers in students’ behavior and arming teachers with the means to defuse tension before it escalates to crisis levels.

2. De-escalation Techniques: The training outlines verbal and non-verbal communication methods that help calm students down and prevent incidents from spiraling out of control.

3. Decision-making Skills: NCI underscores the importance of adapting one’s approach depending on the situation’s severity and formulates strategies to prioritize safety while managing crises effectively.

4. Post-crisis Management: The program delves into providing constructive feedback after a crisis has passed, ensuring that students learn from their experiences and return to a more harmonious learning environment.

For educators looking for an opportunity to expand their knowledge base, boost their credentials, and build confidence in crisis management, this giveaway offers a chance at winning free enrollment in an NCI training program. Upon completion of this program, participants’ nonviolent crisis intervention skills will be honed, allowing them to make a lasting, positive impact on their students’ lives.

To enter the contest and win a chance at receiving an NCI certification, teachers must follow these simple steps:

1. Submit your contact details using the entry form provided.

2. Share a short personal statement that details why you think nonviolent crisis intervention training would significantly benefit you, your students, and your school community.

3. Spread awareness about the giveaway on social media to increase your odds of winning!

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to receive professional growth while enhancing the safety and learning experience of your students. Enter for a chance to win Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training and Certification today!

Positive Behavior Management Strategies+ Help Sheet 3


Managing behavior in a positive manner is essential for creating inclusive learning environments and promoting well-adjusted, communicative children. This article outlines standard positive behavior management strategies, as well as provides guidance on implementing Help Sheet 3 tactics for further support.

Part 1: Positive Behavior Management Strategies

1.Establish Clear Expectations:

Clearly define and communicate the behavioral expectations to children both verbally and visually. This helps guide them towards positive choices while minimizing confusion.

2.Reinforce Positive Behaviors:

Praising and rewarding good behaviors encourages children to keep up with their positive actions consistently.

3.Create a Predictable Routine:

A stable routine gives children a sense of security, allowing for better concentration and fewer disruptions in the classroom or at home.

4.Model Appropriate Behaviors:

Children learn through observation, so it’s vital that parents and educators demonstrate the behaviors they expect from the children, leading by example.

5.Provide Alternatives:

Offer options that allow children to channel their energies into appropriate tasks or activities, preventing boredom or misbehavior.

6.Encourage Self-Reflection:

Teaching children to reflect on their actions helps develop accountability and empathy, leading to improved self-awareness and decision-making.

Part 2: Help Sheet 3 Strategies

7.Use Collaborative Problem Solving:

Introduce methods, such as brainstorming sessions, to actively involve children in identifying problems and seeking constructive solutions together.

8.Implement Visual Supports:

Visual cues can reinforce positive expectations by providing reminders of desired behavior. These might include charts, schedules, or signs placed around the learning environment.

9.Provide Behavioral Skill Training:

Highlight skills necessary for managing behavior effectively like self-regulating emotions, organization, or time management skills during lessons.

10.Encourage Peer Support:

Organize activities that promote teamwork and collaboration to foster social connections and respect among peers.

11.Give Clear Instructions and Reminders:

Make instructions simple and easy to understand, using verbal cues and gestures consistently. This ensures that children know precisely what’s expected.

12.Offer Choices and Options:

Present children with choices in decision-making processes to help them feel empowered and take responsibility for their actions.


Incorporating both the positive behavior management strategies outlined earlier in the article and the Help Sheet 3 tactics can aid in shifting focus from punishment towards prevention practices and positive reinforcement. The blending of these approaches is useful for supporting self-regulation, problem-solving, and creating genuinely inclusive learning environments. Every child may need different support, making it crucial for parents, educators, and caregivers to adapt these strategies to individual needs.

How to Discipline a Child at School (Without Taking Away Recess)

Discipline is a crucial aspect of every child’s growth and development. Teachers often face the challenge of managing unruly or misbehaving student behavior in classrooms and struggle to find effective ways to discipline them without resorting to taking away their much-needed recess time. In this article, we’ll explore several alternative methods that promote positive behavior management and foster a healthy learning environment without denying students their valuable playtime.

1. Establish clear expectations and consequences

Begin by clearly articulating your rules, expectations, and consequences for various types of behavior. Post these in a visible location in the classroom and frequently review them with students. This ensures that children know precisely what is expected of them and understand the consequences should they choose not to follow these guidelines.

2. Praise good behavior

Offering verbal praise, stickers, or other types of positive reinforcement can be highly effective in promoting desired behaviors among students. Recognizing children for their effort, improvement, or good conduct will make them feel valued and motivated to maintain those behaviors.

3. Implement a behavioral chart or point system

Consider implementing a class-wide system to track student behavior, such as a chart with stars or a point system where students earn points for desired actions and lose points for inappropriate ones. This brings structure to the discipline process, helps children visualize their progress, and provides opportunities for rewards or consequences based on their points.

4. Use time-outs within the classroom

If a child is disruptive, consider giving them a brief time-out within the classroom rather than removing them from the room entirely. Designate an area in your classroom where children can go to calm down, regain self-control, and reflect on their actions before rejoining their peers.

5. Involve parents/guardians

Maintain open lines of communication with parents or guardians regarding their child’s behavior at school. They may offer insights into behavioral patterns or issues at home. Collaborate to develop strategies that can be used both at school and home to ensure consistency in the child’s discipline.

6. Offer choices and promote autonomy

Empower young students by allowing them to make choices whenever possible, fostering autonomy and self-regulation. For example, a teacher might allow a child who has difficulty remaining seated during storytime to choose between sitting on the floor or in a special chair.

7. Encourage social-emotional growth

Promote activities that encourage students to develop empathy for others’ feelings, understand the impact of their actions, and work cooperatively with their peers. This development in their social-emotional skills will enable them to better navigate challenging situations and understand the importance of respectful behavior.


Disciplining children without resorting to taking away recess time can lead to more positive outcomes for both students and educators. By implementing these methods and fostering a classroom environment centered on respect, accountability, and cooperation, teachers can help students build essential skills for success while still allowing them the opportunity to enjoy their invaluable playtime.

4 Things to Remember If You Practice Tough Love Teaching


Tough love teaching can be a highly effective approach to help students develop resilience, self-discipline, and a strong work ethic. However, it’s essential to strike a balance between challenging students and supporting them at the same time. Here are four things to remember if you practice tough love teaching.

1. Maintain clear expectations and boundaries:

Setting clear expectations at the beginning of the course is crucial for any teaching method, but especially so with tough love teaching. Be transparent about your expectations for attendance, participation, deadlines, and overall behavior inside and outside of the classroom. Establish rules and standards that students must respect while maintaining consistency in enforcing those boundaries.

2. Foster a sense of trust and respect:

It’s important to establish trust with your students while practicing tough love teaching. This way, they know that even though your methods may be firm or strict, they are in place out of care for their personal growth and learning. Respect your students’ boundaries and listen to their concerns if they feel overwhelmed. Reinforce that you are there to support them, but also recognize when it may be necessary to push them beyond their comfort zone.

3. Provide constructive feedback:

Tough love teaching isn’t just about being hard on your students—it’s about helping them recognize and overcome their own limitations. When grading assignments or discussing progress with students, provide constructive feedback that focuses on specific areas for improvement rather than simply pointing out shortcomings. This empowers your students with actionable steps they can take to enhance their studies and build upon their strengths.

4. Balance assertiveness with empathy:

While it’s essential to maintain a strong classroom presence as a tough love teacher, don’t forget the importance of empathy in fostering lasting connections with your students. Be sensitive to each individual’s needs, circumstances, and emotions when administering discipline or offering guidance. Recognize when a student may be struggling and offer your support and assistance in finding a solution.


Tough love teaching can be a great approach to challenge students and help them reach their potential. However, it’s important to maintain a balance between assertiveness and empathy, providing constructive feedback, fostering a sense of trust and respect, and setting clear expectations. By remembering these points, you can create a positive learning environment for your students to grow, both academically and personally.

How to Address the Use of “Retard” or “Gay” in the Classroom

Introduction: In today’s diverse and inclusive society, it is important for educators to promote a respectful and accepting classroom environment. One challenge that teachers may face is addressing the inappropriate use of words like “retard” or “gay” among students. This article provides guidelines on how to tackle this issue effectively.

1. Establish a respectful classroom culture: Begin by setting expectations for behavior, which includes using appropriate language and treating one another kindly. Make it clear that derogatory terms have no place in your classroom and communicate the importance of empathy and understanding.

2. React promptly and consistently: When derogatory terms are used, take immediate action. Calmly explain to the student why their choice of words is offensive and inappropriate, reminding them of the established classroom rules. Consistent responses will reinforce the message that such language is not tolerated.

3. Encourage open dialogue: Develop an environment where students feel safe discussing their feelings related to offensive language. By facilitating open conversations, educators can help students understand why certain words can be harmful and create a supportive atmosphere where everyone feels valued.

4. Educate students about the power of words: Teach students how language can be used to uplift or hurt others, and discuss historical contexts and social stigmas associated with certain terms. Providing facts and examples will help students grasp the impact that their words have on others.

5. Promote positive behavioral reinforcement: Praise students for demonstrating kindness or standing up against offensive language usage, reinforcing a positive learning environment and giving them proper role models to emulate.

6. Engage parents and guardians: Ensure that parents and guardians are aware of your efforts to create a respectful environment in the classroom, emphasizing any instances where intervention was necessary. Keeping them informed will increase understanding among families, strengthening support for behavioral expectations both at school and at home.

7. Implement a school-wide policy: Work with school administrators to make sure there are well-defined policies on addressing inappropriate language. A comprehensive approach will ensure that all students understand the expectations for their behavior, creating consistency across classrooms and grade levels.

Conclusion: Addressing the use of derogatory terms such as “retard” or “gay” in the classroom is essential in cultivating a respectful and inclusive learning environment. By following these guidelines, educators can effectively intervene when offensive language is used and teach students the importance of empathy, understanding, and respect for one another.

Beyond Sticker Charts: How Students Can Own Their Classroom Behavior

In recent years, the traditional sticker chart method of rewarding good behavior in the classroom has been met with criticism, leading educators to search for alternative approaches. While sticker charts may have their place in some educational settings, they may not be the most effective way to encourage students to take responsibility for their behavior. This article will explore alternative strategies that foster a sense of ownership and commitment among students regarding their classroom behavior.

1. Establish Clear Expectations

Begin by setting clear expectations and guidelines for behavior in the classroom. Ensure students understand what is acceptable and expected from them. Creating a sense of structure within the classroom can help keep students on track and prevent potential misbehavior.

2. Encourage Open Communication

Promote open communication between students and teachers. Encouraging dialogue about behavioral expectations creates an environment where students feel comfortable discussing their concerns, feelings, and actions. This level of communication can foster proactive behavior management, rather than relying on reactive measures like traditional reward systems.

3. Offer Choices

Empower students by providing them with choices in their learning environment. Giving them autonomy over decisions like seating arrangements, group collaborations, or project design can inspire self-directed behavior. When students are involved in the decision-making process, they are more likely to assume responsibility for their actions.

4. Reflect on Behavior

Regularly encourage reflection as a way for students to gauge their own behavior and become more aware of how it may impact others. Reflection activities such as journaling or group discussions can provide opportunities for students to think critically about their actions and recognize areas for improvement.

5. Peer Mentoring

Having older or more experienced students mentor younger or less experienced classmates can help instill a sense of accountability when it comes to maintaining classroom behavior standards. Peer mentoring relationships often foster trust and leadership skills among both parties and provide opportunities for constructive feedback.

6. Celebrate Successes

Recognizing and celebrating student achievements, whether big or small, can create a sense of pride and motivation to continue striving towards behavioral goals. While this may not always involve tangible rewards like stickers, acknowledging accomplishments can provide students with an intrinsic sense of satisfaction.

7. Promote a Growth Mindset

Encourage students to view setbacks as opportunities to grow and learn from their mistakes. By promoting a growth mindset that focuses on embracing challenges and valuing effort, resilience in the face of adversity is fostered. This approach can allow students to better understand their behavioral issues and work towards personal improvement.

In conclusion, moving beyond sticker charts as a means of managing classroom behavior can empower both students and educators alike. By implementing strategies like establishing clear expectations, promoting open communication, celebrating successes, and fostering a growth mindset, students are encouraged to take ownership of their actions. The result is an educational environment where all individuals can thrive together.

How to Start a Bullying Prevention Program at Your School

Bullying is a serious issue faced by students across the globe. Countless children have experienced feeling powerless, threatened, or afraid due to harmful actions from their peers. As educators and community members, it is our responsibility to make schools safe and supportive spaces for all students. One effective way to address bullying is through implementing a bullying prevention program in your school. In this article, we will guide you through the process of starting a successful bullying prevention program.

1. Assess the Situation

The first step in creating a bullying prevention program is understanding the specific issues your school faces. Conduct surveys and hold focus group discussions with students, parents, and teachers to gain insight into the extent and nature of bullying happening within your walls. Encourage open communication and listen actively to all parties involved.

2. Develop a School Policy

Creating a clear policy on how your school will address bullying incidents is crucial in establishing expectations for behavior. Collaborate with school administrators, teachers, parents, and students to develop a comprehensive policy that defines bullying, provides procedures for reporting incidents, lists consequences for perpetrators, and outlines support services available to victims.

3. Educate and Train Staff

Provide training for all school personnel on what constitutes bullying and the associated warning signs. Ensure staff are familiar with the reporting protocols and are equipped to handle incidents appropriately. Encourage teachers to address bullying in their classrooms and foster social-emotional learning by teaching empathy and respect.

4. Raise Awareness

Host presentations or assemblies dedicated to raising awareness about the impacts of bullying on mental health and academic performance. Involve guest speakers such as psychologists or individuals who have been negatively affected by bullying to further underscore its impact.

5. Implement Prevention Programs

Introduce proven prevention programs into your curriculum that focus on promoting respectful behavior, fostering empathy, building self-esteem or developing conflict resolution skills among students. Choose programs that engage students through interactive activities or role-playing exercises to ensure maximum impact.

6. Establish a Safe Reporting System

Ensure students have a safe, confidential way to report instances of bullying without fear of retaliation. Develop an anonymous reporting system, whether through designated drop boxes or online forms, allowing victims and witnesses to come forward without embarrassment or fear.

7. Monitor and Evaluate Progress

Regularly assess the effectiveness of your bullying prevention program through conducting surveys and analyzing incident reports. Use this data to make adjustments to your approach, address emerging issues, and ensure that your efforts are continually improving the overall school climate.

8. Involve the Community

Collaborate with parents and local organizations to establish a supportive network for students at risk. This could include workshops offering strategies for managing emotions, promoting positive communication or providing access to mental health resources.

By following these steps and working with your school community, you can create an environment where all students feel respected and supported. Taking a proactive approach towards bullying prevention will not only benefit the children directly affected but will also contribute to a healthier, more inclusive learning atmosphere where everyone can thrive. Together, we can make schools safer spaces for all students.