Classroom Decor

7 Fun Light Up Globes for the Classroom


Educators are always looking for ways to create an engaging and fun learning environment. One great method is incorporating light up globes that capture students’ attention and spark their curiosity about our planet. In this article, we’ll explore seven amazing light up globes perfect for your classroom.

1. Waypoint Geographic Earth by Day and Night:

This is a 12-inch illuminated globe that showcases the world’s countries in vivid colors during daylight hours and incredible constellations with stars at night. This versatile globe adds an educational touch to any classroom and makes geography and astronomy lessons more fascinating.

2. TCP Global Illuminated World Globe:

The TCP Global Illuminated World Globe features a built-in LED light that brings the globe to life, showcasing stunning relief details in varied colors. The 13-inch diameter globe offers accurate political boundaries, oceans, continents, countries, capitals, and more. The light enhances the learning experience, making it easier for students to locate various geographical features.

3. USA Toyz Illuminated Constellation World Globe:

This 3-in-1 interactive globe features a detailed world map with LED lights, serving as a great visual aid during geography lessons. Additionally, it doubles as a celestial globe showcasing clear constellation patterns when illuminated in a dark room. This creative addition to the classroom helps foster students’ interest in both geography and astronomy.

4. Little Experimenter LED Illuminated World Globe:

The Little Experimenter LED Illuminated World Globe is perfect for younger children interested in learning about the world around them. This 8-inch diameter globe features colorful illustrations of animals residing in different countries, helping children learn about global wildlife while fostering their geographical knowledge.

5. Replogle Hastings 12-inch Antique Ocean Globe with Illumination:

With its elegant antique design, this 12-inch illuminated globe is perfect for history enthusiasts or older students. The Replogle Hastings Globe features accurately drawn political boundaries and countries that are easy to identify in a vintage-style font, making it a beautiful and functional addition to the classroom.

6. Discovery 2-in-1 World Globe with LED Light:

The Discovery 2-in-1 World Globe provides students with an interactive learning experience. The 12-inch diameter globe offers detailed geographical information alongside icons representing various aspects of culture, wildlife, and landmarks. When illuminated, the globe doubles as a night light, creating a perfect ambiance for classrooms that encourage kids to explore the world.

7. National Geographic Kids Light Up Globe:

This eye-catching globe combines the learning experience of National Geographic with a fun and interactive design. Featuring a clear acrylic stand and easy-to-read typeface, this 10-inch illuminated globe makes it simple for children to locate countries and continents while also providing additional information about animals and marine wildlife.


Incorporating fun light up globes in your classroom can engage students in their learning experiences and fuel their curiosity about our world. These seven globes offer a diverse range of features that cater to various ages and interests, making them excellent additions to any educational space. Create an illuminating learning environment with these fantastic light up globes!

It’s a Recycling Bin Makeover Challenge, and These Teachers Conquered It!


Teaching students about the importance of recycling and promoting environmental awareness is an essential part of education. The Recycling Bin Makeover Challenge is a creative competition, inspiring teachers to take their ordinary recycling bins and transform them into unique, eye-catching masterpieces that encourage students to recycle more. In this article, we will celebrate the ingenuity and dedication of teachers who have successfully conquered the challenge.

The Recycling Bin Makeover Challenge:

The goal behind the Recycling Bin Makeover Challenge is to motivate teachers and students alike to think about recycling in a fun, engaging way. Utilizing their artistic skills and creativity, competing educators give their classroom’s recycling bins a makeover that not only captures attention but serves as a visual reminder for students to reduce waste and recycle whenever possible.

Winning Designs:

Several teachers went above and beyond in their efforts to meet this challenge head-on. Some of the most noteworthy makeovers include:

1. The Earth Defender:

One inventive teacher crafted an eye-catching “Earth Defender” superhero-themed bin, complete with a cape and hero emblem. Designed to inspire students to protect the planet, this bold design instills a sense of responsibility for preserving our environment.

2. The Eco-Submarine:

Another imaginative educator constructed an eco-submarine-shaped recycling bin featuring porthole windows made from bottle caps, creating an undersea adventure theme. This captivating design promoted recycling as an exciting journey towards saving marine life from plastic pollution.

3. Plant-tastic Recycler:

Infusing nature with sustainability, a third teacher crafted their bin into a mini garden featuring painted flowers and vines on the exterior alongside actual potted plants perched on top. This unique design fosters students’ appreciation for the environment while stressing the importance of recycling.

Impact on Students:

The Recycling Bin Makeover Challenge has made a significant impact on participating schools, as the artistic bins serve as conversation starters and constant reminders to students about the importance of recycling. Additionally, it has been observed that schools with creatively designed bins experienced an increase in the volume of recyclables collected, a clear indicator of this initiative’s success.


By enhancing the aesthetics of otherwise mundane recycling bins, teachers participating in the Recycling Bin Makeover Challenge have made extraordinary strides in promoting sustainability and environmental consciousness within their classrooms. Their creativity and passion for the cause have inspired students to become agents of change, reducing waste and actively participating in recycling efforts. Through such innovative initiatives, teachers continue to play a pivotal role in shaping a more environmentally responsible future generation.

16 Teacher Wreaths You’ll Want to Make for Your Classroom

As a teacher, it’s important to create a welcoming atmosphere in the classroom that promotes learning and engagement. One way to do this is by crafting eye-catching wreaths that showcase your creativity and passion for teaching. In this article, we’ll explore 16 teacher-themed wreaths that you’ll want to make for your classroom.

1. Chalkboard Welcome Wreath: Use a round chalkboard as the base for your wreath, adorn it with colorful chalk drawings, and add a big bow at the top for a charming welcome display.

2. Apple of My Eye Wreath: Combine faux apples with faux greenery and berries to create a stunning wreath that celebrates the traditional symbol of teaching.

3. Pencil Perfection: Create a unique wreath by arranging pencils in a circular pattern, adding pops of color with ribbon or flowers.

4. Book Page Beauty: Old book pages can be folded into cones or rosettes to create an elegant literary-themed wreath that celebrates the importance of reading.

5. School Supply Swag: Combine erasers, glue sticks, scissors, and more to show off essential classroom supplies in a colorful and creative fashion.

6. Crayon Craze: Arrange crayons in a rainbow pattern around a circular frame for an artistic expression of your love for color.

7. Paper Pinwheel Parade: Fold paper circles into pinwheels and arrange them in an enchanting spiraling design. Customize the colors and patterns to match your classroom theme.

8. Seasonal Sensation: Capture the spirit of each season with themed wreaths featuring leaves, flowers, snowflakes, or beach-inspired elements in corresponding color schemes.

9. Classroom Rules Reminder: Incorporate classroom rules into your wreath design by writing them on chalkboard pieces or decorative wood slices.

10. Picture Perfect Memories: Attach Polaroid-style snaps of your students or classroom projects for a sentimental and ever-changing decoration.

11. Around the Globe: Encourage a love of geography with a globe-inspired wreath adorned with mini flags, toy airplanes, and compasses.

12. Musical Medley: Combine sheet music, musical instrument cut-outs, and treble clef ornaments for a harmonious homage to the arts.

13. Math Mavens: Celebrate the fun of numbers by crafting a geometric wreath made from paper shapes or rulers interwoven with colorful ribbon.

14. Science Spectacle: Showcase your love for science with test tube vases filled with flowers, beakers brimming with beads, or plastic petri dishes patterned in a circular shape.

15. Inspirational Quotes: Select your favorite motivational quotes to adorn mini chalkboards or decorative pieces and arrange them in a spiraling design.

16. Sports Extravaganza: Encourage teamwork and friendly competition by including elements of various sports in your wreath design such as soccer balls, footballs, and basketballs.

Ready to get started on your teacher-themed wreath? Choose one of these delightful designs or combine elements from several to create a truly unique display that reflects your personal teaching style. Whatever you choose, your students will appreciate the warm and inviting atmosphere created by these handmade masterpieces.

Cleaning Your Classroom? You’ll Want This Checklist

A clean and organized classroom environment is essential for enhancing student engagement, productivity, and overall learning experience. With so many tasks on your to-do list as an educator, it’s easy to let clutter accumulate in your teaching space. That’s why we’ve developed this comprehensive checklist to help you tackle classroom cleaning efficiently and effectively.

1. Desks and Chairs

– Wipe down all surfaces, including desktops and chairs, with an appropriate cleaner

– Disinfect high-touch areas like desk handles or chair backs

– Organize desktop items neatly, ensuring each student has a clear work area

– Check for any damaged furniture that may need repair or replacement

2. Whiteboards and Blackboards

– Erase all written content from whiteboards or blackboards

– Clean the boards thoroughly with a suitable cleaner and soft cloth

– Ensure markers, chalk, and erasers are adequately stocked and organized nearby

3. Teacher’s Area

– Clear away unnecessary papers and items from your workspace

– Organize files, resources, and teaching materials in a designated storage area

– Disinfect frequently touched items like computer keyboards, mice, or tablets

4. Shelves and Storage Areas

– Declutter shelves by removing any items that are no longer used or needed

– Arrange remaining items neatly to allow easy access for both students and staff

– Label each shelf or container to establish clear organization categories

5. Floors

– Sweep or vacuum floor areas daily to remove dirt, debris, or food crumbs

– Mop hard floor surfaces weekly using an appropriate cleaning solution

– Schedule regular professional carpet cleaning (if applicable)

6. Windows and Glass Surfaces

– Clean windows inside and out regularly for optimal visibility

– Wipe down glass surfaces like mirrors or display cases with a streak-free cleaner

7. Classroom Decorations

– Remove any outdated posters or displays, replacing them with relevant new content

– Dust shelves, light fixtures, and wall decorations to maintain a fresh atmosphere

8. Shared Materials

– Disinfect shared items like scissors, pencils, or calculators regularly

– Replace or refill consumable supplies as needed, such as glue sticks or paper

9. Trash and Recycling Bins

– Empty trash cans daily and sanitizing them weekly

– Clearly label and place recycling stations throughout the classroom

10. Air Quality

– Keep classroom windows open whenever possible to improve air circulation

– Regularly replace air filters or clean vents to ensure adequate air flow

With this handy checklist in place, you’ll be well on your way to maintaining an organized, clean, and productive learning environment for you and your students. Remember that a tidy classroom not only improves the feel of the space, but can also positively impact student success. Happy cleaning!

April Bulletin Boards for Creative Classrooms and Teachers


April is a wonderful month for educators and students alike. As spring blooms outside, it’s the perfect time to bring a breath of fresh air into the classroom as well. One creative way to do this is by designing engaging, visually appealing bulletin boards that inspire students and teachers alike. In this article, we will explore various ideas for April bulletin boards that can help foster creativity in any learning environment.

1. Earth Day Celebration:

An April bulletin board can emphasize the importance of Earth Day (April 22) by focusing on environmental conservation, recycling, and sustainability. Consider using recycled materials such as newspaper clippings, plastic bottles, and cardboard to create a three-dimensional bulletin board showcasing ways to care for our planet.

2. Spring into Learning:

Celebrate the season by creating a spring-themed bulletin board that highlights new beginnings and growth in academic subjects. This could include student work showing improvement, motivational quotes to inspire ongoing learning, or showcases of recently completed projects.

3. Poetry Month Inspiration:

April is National Poetry Month, so consider dedicating a bulletin board to celebrating poetry in all its forms. Showcase famous poets and their works or invite students to contribute their own original poems. You could even display selected poems paired with artwork or illustrations created by your students.

4. Showers of Kindness:

Focusing on social and emotional learning can help create a positive classroom atmosphere. An April “showers of kindness” bulletin board might feature raindrop-shaped notes each containing an act of kindness witnessed within the classroom or school community. Encourage students to add their own observations throughout the month.

5. Multi-cultural History Highlight:

April is also celebrated as National Arab American Heritage Month and National Tartan Day (April 6), among other cultural milestones. Create a multi-cultural bulletin board highlighting these unique days, incorporating elements from each culture through visuals, quotations, or student work.


April bulletin boards can bring an enlightening and refreshing energy to the classroom by focusing on themes like Earth Day, spring, poetry, kindness, and cultural diversity. Don’t be afraid to allow your creativity to flourish and engage your students in the design process. These bulletin boards can inspire a love for learning and help develop a sense of community in any classroom, leaving lasting impacts on teachers and students alike.

Flexible Seating on a Budget? You Can Do It!

In recent years, flexible seating has become a popular trend in classrooms as it promotes increased student engagement, collaboration, and comfort. However, it can be challenging for teachers to implement this innovative approach without breaking the bank. But with a little creativity and resourcefulness, providing flexible seating options is entirely achievable on a budget. Below are some strategies to help you create an affordable flexible seating environment in your classroom:

1. Repurpose Existing Furniture

Look around your classroom and consider how you can repurpose existing furniture to create flexible seating options. For example, turn desks into standing workstations or arrange tables into a collaborative space where students can work in groups.

2. Look for Inexpensive Alternative Seating

Yoga balls, bean bags, soft mats, and cushions are all relatively low-cost options that can enhance your flexible seating environment. Check out discounts from online retailers or local shops for the best deals and don’t hesitate to ask friends or colleagues for donations.

3. Build Your Own

If you enjoy DIY projects, consider building some of your own flexible seating solutions. Websites like Pinterest provide countless ideas and resources for creating inexpensive yet functional classroom furniture – from wooden crates turned bookshelves to repurposed tires made into comfortable seats.

4. Collaborate with Other Teachers

Connect with fellow educators and share your goals of creating a budget-friendly flexible seating environment in your classrooms. Not only can this lead to better deals when purchasing items together, but it also encourages the sharing of ideas and resources that is invaluable in making the most of your limited budget.

5. Apply for Grants or Donations

Many organizations and local businesses are willing to support education initiatives by providing grants or donations. Research these opportunities in your community and submit requests detailing your need for funding to support the implementation of affordable flexible seating options in your classroom.

6. Start Small

Rather than attempting a complete overhaul of your classroom at once, consider implementing flexible seating options gradually. Prioritize the needs and preferences of your students, and add new seating elements as your budget allows.

7. Involve Students and Parents

Enlist the help of your students and their parents in creating a flexible seating environment. This could be through brainstorming ideas, donating materials, building furniture, or even sewing cushions. Engaging the community can not only save money but also instill a sense of pride and ownership among those involved.

By exploring these strategies, you’ll soon discover that creating a flexible seating environment on a budget is entirely possible. With careful planning and resourcefulness, you can promote engagement and collaboration while providing a comfortable learning space for your students – without breaking the bank.

Enhance Your Reading Instruction with This Free Wheel of Phonemes Bulletin Board Kit


Incorporating engaging, interactive activities to practice reading is essential for building young learners’ phonemic awareness, particularly when it comes to Consonant-Vowel-Consonant (CVC) words. CVC words are the foundation of reading, and this free Wheel of Phonemes Bulletin Board Kit offers an innovative and interactive approach to mastering these important words.

What are CVC Words?

CVC words refer to three-letter combinations where the first and last letters are consonants, and the middle letter is a vowel. Some common examples include cat, dog, sit, and hot. Because each sound in a CVC word is pronounced individually, they provide the perfect opportunity for children to practice their early reading skills.

Benefits of Practicing CVC Words

1. Develops Phonemic Awareness: CVC words help young readers recognize and isolate individual sounds within words. This aids in sound blending – a crucial reading skill.

2. Eases Transition to Longer Words: Learning CVC words prepares children for reading more complex words by helping them recognize chunks of sounds within longer words.

3. Enhances Decoding Skills: Regular practice with CVC words strengthens decoding skills, allowing children to read unfamiliar words with greater ease.

4. Builds Confidence: Since CVC words are short and simple, children quickly experience success when they read them aloud, resulting in a boost in confidence levels.

Introducing the Wheel of Phonemes Bulletin Board Kit

To engage your students in practicing CVC word formation, we offer this free Wheel of Phonemes Bulletin Board Kit to help you create an eye-catching and interactive reading activity. The kit includes:

1. 3 Spinning Wheels: Featuring consonants on the outer wheels and vowels on the inner wheel, students will have fun spinning the wheels to create new CVC words.

2. Challenging Word Cards: These cards contain blank spaces for students to fill in the CVC words they form using the wheel. You can also use these cards as prompts for targeted word practice or discussion.

3. Decorative Elements: Make your bulletin board colorful, engaging, and inviting with the provided decorative cutouts, borders, and title text.

4. Instruction Guide: A step-by-step guide that helps you set up your bulletin board for maximum student interaction and learning.

Setting Up Your Wheel of Phonemes Bulletin Board

1. Assemble the Wheels: Follow the provided guide to put together the three spinning wheels.

2. Design the Board: Create an attractive background using the decorative elements from the kit.

3. Display Word Cards: Pin up a selection of challenging word cards on the board for students to practice.

4. Teach Students How to Use the Wheel: Explain how to spin the wheels and form CVC words, as well as how to complete the word cards.


CVC words are an essential aspect of early reading instruction, and this Wheel of Phonemes Bulletin Board Kit offers a fun and engaging way for children to practice them. With its interactive design and challenging activities, it may soon become a favorite learning tool in your classroom! Download your free kit, set it up in your classroom, and watch your students get excited about mastering CVC words.

Excellent Anchor Charts for Writing in the Classroom


Anchor charts are visual tools designed to assist students in understanding and retaining various concepts. In the domain of writing, these charts can work wonders in enhancing students’ skills and creativity. Let’s take a closer look at some excellent anchor charts for writing that can be employed in the classroom.

1. The Writing Process Chart

This chart breaks down the writing process into steps like brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. It assists students in understanding each phase of their writing journey and allows them to track their progress.

2. The Six Traits of Writing Chart

Focusing on the six traits of writing (ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, and conventions), this anchor chart serves as an essential checklist during the revision stage. It encourages students to assess and improve their work based on these components.

3. Types of Writing Chart

A visual representation of the different forms of writing, such as narrative, persuasive, expository, and descriptive, is essential to help students differentiate between them. Students can then use this chart as a guide when deciding which writing style they should adopt for a specific assignment.

4. Show-Don’t-Tell Chart

One crucial aspect of effective writing is providing vivid descriptions that evoke readers’ emotions. The show-don’t-tell chart lists examples of descriptive language to help students better grasp this concept and implement it in their essays or stories.

5. Transition Words Chart

Seamlessly connecting thoughts and ideas within a piece is necessary for smooth-flowing text. A chart displaying common transition words and phrases encourages students to use these terms to create logical connections between their sentences.

6. Sensory Details Chart

Incorporating sensory details into writing improves the reader’s experience by making them feel engrossed in the story. This type of anchor chart illustrates examples tied to each sensory organ (sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell), aiding students in adding depth to their writing.

7. Peer Editing Checklist Chart

Peer reviewing helps students become better writers by giving them the opportunity to evaluate and critique others’ work. With a peer-editing checklist chart displayed in the classroom, students can refer to its guidelines while offering constructive feedback on syntax, grammar, punctuation, and organization.


Anchor charts are indispensable tools when it comes to improving writing skills in the classroom. By incorporating these seven excellent anchor charts for writing, teachers can lay a strong foundation for their students and encourage creativity and growth in their literary endeavors.

18 Festive Bulletin Board Ideas for the Month of December

The month of December is filled with joy, celebration, and festive spirit all around. It’s a great time to add that cheerful atmosphere to your space with creative bulletin board ideas. Here are 18 festive bulletin board ideas to spread some holiday cheer.

1. Countdown to Christmas: Create a fun advent calendar on the board with paper pockets for each day of the month, and fill them with inspiring messages or small treats.

2. Winter Wonderland: Transform your bulletin board into a snowy landscape using cotton for snow, silver glitter for ice, and cut-out snowflakes.

3. Christmas Tree Collage: Have each person contribute their unique ornaments created from paper or fabric that represent their culture or personality.

4. Gingerbread Village: Showcase various gingerbread houses and characters made by your community members to create an adorable mini town on your bulletin board.

5. Festive Fabric Backgrounds: Decorate the board with different textured fabrics in seasonal colors for a cozy appearance.

6. Through the Window: Create a fireplace scene outside a window looking out onto a snowy landscape, complete with stockings hung on the fireplace mantel.

7. Candy Cane Lane: Line your bulletin board with red and white striped paper or ribbons to imitate candy canes, then add festive messages or images.

8. Acts of Kindness Countdown: Encourage goodwill by assigning a thoughtful act to each day leading up to the holiday break, such as writing cards for classmates or delivering treats to neighbors.

9. Holiday Celebrations Around the World: Highlight various cultural holiday traditions through colorful illustrations or photos alongside brief descriptions.

10. Christmas Carol Playlist: Display lyrics from classic holiday songs and invite everyone to join in singing as they pass by your display.

11. Gift Wrapping Idea Center: Showcase innovative wrapping methods using cut-out images, diagrams, and written tips; perfect for those seeking inspiration throughout the season.

12. Santa’s Workshop: Create a lively depiction of Santa’s elves busily preparing for Christmas Eve with cut-out figures at workstations crafting toys or loading sleighs.

13. Ugly Sweater Showcase: Host an ugly sweater contest, take photos of each entry, and display them on the bulletin board to share the fun.

14. Holiday Baking Inspirations: Share holiday-themed recipes and mouth-watering images of cookies, cakes, and candies for everyone to enjoy.

15. Year-in-Review: Compile a collection of standout moments from the past year using photos, news clippings, or handwritten achievements.

16. Twelve Days of Trivia: Test your community members’ knowledge with a new holiday trivia question each day leading up to Christmas.

17. Hanukkah Menorah Board: Illustrate the story of Hanukkah through pictures or collages and include facts about the holiday on each candle holder.

18. Goal Setting for the New Year: Inspire reflection and planning for positive change in the upcoming year by providing colorful cut-outs for everyone to write down their goals and share on the bulletin board.

These 18 festive bulletin board ideas for December will surely bring an atmosphere of joy and celebration to your space! Get creative this holiday season by implementing one or more of these inspiring themes into your design.

Get Spooky With These 10 Halloween Bitmoji Classrooms!

As October rolls in and Halloween creeps up on us, it’s a fantastic time to give your virtual classroom a spooky makeover. Halloween-themed Bitmoji classrooms are the perfect way to add a touch of excitement and fun to your digital learning space. Behold these 10 quirky, spooky, and entertaining Halloween Bitmoji classrooms guaranteed to grab your students’ attention.

1. Haunted House Classroom

Transform your virtual classroom into a spine-chilling haunted house complete with cobwebs, creepy furniture, and of course, a few hidden ghosts. Your students will have a blast exploring all the ghostly surprises within.

2. Zombies and Monsters

Zombies and monsters invade this virtual classroom where you can place mysterious potions on desks, monster posters on walls, and even add a chilling soundtrack for added effect.

3. Pumpkin Patch

Bring the spirit of the pumpkin patch into your classroom. Arrange haystacks, cornstalks, and pumpkins with different facial expressions around the room. Don’t forget to include a scarecrow as the class mascot.

4. Witch’s Lair

Cast spells while teaching by turning your Bitmoji classroom into a witch’s lair. Place magical books, spell ingredients, cauldrons, mysterious potions, and bubbling concoctions throughout the room to create that mystical feel for your students.

5. Candy Land

Create a digital candy land by filling your classroom with sweet treats like lollipops, candy canes, chocolate bars, and more. Incorporate vibrant colors to make this sugary world come alive.

6. Classic Halloween Decor

Go for classic Halloween decorations like jack-o’-lanterns, fake spiders, orange-and-black streamers and balloons to establish that old-school spooky atmosphere.

7. Haunted Forest

Transform your classroom into an eerie forest filled with ancient trees adorned in cobwebs and gnarled branches. Scatter tombstones and skulking animals across the floor for added chills.

8. Vampire’s Den

Invite your very own immortal class into a vampire’s den, complete with gothic furniture, elegant candelabras, velvet curtains, and an eerie portrait gallery staring from the walls.

9. Thrilling Escape Room

Create a thrilling escape room experience featuring Halloween-themed puzzles, riddles, and codes that your students must solve in order to “escape” this virtual classroom.

10. Movie Night Classroom

Bring on horror movie nostalgia for you and your students by decking out your virtual classroom with posters of classic Halloween movies such as Hocus Pocus, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Casper.

Each of these spooky Bitmoji classrooms is sure to set the stage for festive fall learning while capturing the essence of Halloween. No matter which design you choose, you’ll surely add a touch of excitement to your students’ academic journey this October. Happy Haunting!