
A Creative Focus to (CPD)


Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is an essential aspect of professional growth and personal improvement. It empowers individuals to stay current in their fields and broaden their horizons with new knowledge and skills. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on incorporating creativity into CPD programs. This article explores the importance of this creative focus in CPD and how it can foster more fulfilling experiences for professionals across various industries.

The Power of Creativity:

Creativity, the ability to unlock new ideas and develop innovative solutions to problems, is a vital skill for professionals in today’s rapidly evolving world. Research suggests that fostering creativity can lead to increased productivity, job satisfaction, and resilience. By incorporating creativity into continuing professional development programs, individuals can reap these benefits in their careers and personal lives.

Benefits of a Creative Focus in CPD:

1. Enhanced problem-solving:

By stimulating the creative parts of our brain, we can improve our ability to think critically, analyze complex situations, and ultimately devise more effective solutions. A creative focus in CPD helps professionals adapt to challenges they may face in their careers and better respond to constantly changing demands.

2. Personal growth:

Engaging in creative activities can lead to a greater sense of personal fulfillment, as well as stretch our cognitive abilities. This additional learning allows us to re-evaluate existing perspectives in order to make informed decisions and enrich our understanding of the world around us.

3. Increased motivation:

Creative projects often incite internal motivation and passion that can carry over into other aspects of life, including career advancement. When professionals actively engage in creative learning experiences during their continuing development programs, they are more likely to feel inspired and enthusiastic about seeking further growth opportunities.

Incorporating Creativity Into Your CPD Program:

1. Diversify learning methods:

Mix up your learning techniques by incorporating different creative approaches such as hands-on workshops, interactive lectures, and brainstorming sessions. This not only keeps the learning process exciting but also appeals to various learning styles.

2. Encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration:

Collaborative work among professionals from different industries and backgrounds can stimulate creative thought processes leading to new insights and ideas. CPD programs that embrace cross-disciplinary learning can foster greater innovation.

3. Embrace failure as a learning opportunity:

Creativity is often fueled by experimentation, which includes the risk of failure. It’s important for individuals to embrace this aspect of the creative process and learn valuable lessons even from unsuccessful attempts.

4. Seek out inspirational resources:

Explore new materials such as books, articles, podcasts, or videos that discuss creativity or offer innovative ways of thinking or self-expression. These resources can jumpstart the imagination and inspire new perspectives on career development and personal growth.


A creative focus in Continuing Professional Development programs offers numerous benefits that contribute to both professional achievement and personal fulfillment. By embracing this innovative approach to learning, professionals can ensure they remain adaptable, resourceful, and primed for success in their respective careers.

26 Weird And Wonderful Wacky Wednesday Activities

1. Backward Day: Wear your clothes backward and walk backward throughout the day for some silly fun.

2. Crazy Hat Contest: Organize a competition to see who can create the wildest, most outrageous hat.

3. Indoor Picnic: Have an indoor picnic with finger foods and a blanket spread out on the living room floor.

4. Create a Wacky Invention: Use recyclable materials to build a whimsical device or contraption.

5. Breakfast for Dinner: Serve pancakes, waffles, or other breakfast favorites for dinner, and enjoy dinner options for breakfast.

6. Alien Languages: Invent an alien language or code and exchange messages with your friends and family in this new form of communication.

7. Sock Puppet Show: Create sock puppets and put on a theatrical performance with family or friends.

8. Mismatched Outfit Day: Mix and match patterns, prints, and colors for a wild wardrobe experience.

9. Random Act of Kindness Day: Perform acts of kindness in unusual ways to surprise unsuspecting people around you.

10. Upside Down Artwork: Create drawings or paintings while hanging your paper upside down on the wall or easel.

11. Invisible String Pranks: Attach an invisible string to objects around the house and use it to play light-hearted pranks on family members.

12. Write with Your Non-Dominant Hand: Spend the day writing messages and notes only using your non-dominant hand.

13. Miniature Toy Car Racing: Host a race using miniature toy cars, an inclined surface, and whatever obstacles you can find around the house.

14. Silly Fashion Show: Organize a runway event where participants create outfits using bedsheets, towels, curtains, and other household items.

15. Sidewalk Chalk Masterpieces: Take advantage of daylight hours by creating elaborate artwork on sidewalks using colorful chalk.

16. Indoor Obstacle Course: Design and build an obstacle course inside your home using furniture, cushions, and other objects.

17. Glow-in-the-Dark Dance Party: Dim the lights, put on some music, and dance it out with glow sticks or glowing accessories.

18. Bubble Wrap Stomp: Lay out a large sheet of bubble wrap and let everyone stomp, jump, or roll on it for satisfying popping sounds.

19. DIY Slip ‘N Slide: Set up a homemade Slip ‘N Slide with a tarp or plastic sheeting in your backyard for some slippery fun.

20. Create Your Own Planet: Imagine a brand new planet and come up with its name, inhabitants, climate, landmarks, and unique features.

21. Shadow Puppet Experimentation: Create shadow puppets using your hands and a flashlight to see what unique creatures you can make on your walls.

22. Edible Artwork: Construct sculptures or designs using marshmallows, toothpicks, pretzels, fruit slices, or any other edible materials you have at home.

23. Living Room Fort-Building Contest: Compete to see who can create the most impressive blanket fort in their living room.

24. One-Minute Story Creation: Set a timer for one minute and take turns making up wild stories or anecdotes on the spot.

25. Balloon Volleyball: Inflate balloons and use them as volleyballs for an indoor (or outdoor) game that’s both wacky and gentle on furniture.

26. Recite Tongue Twisters: Find a list of tongue twisters online and challenge others to say them quickly and correctly for some wacky wordplay fun.

Embrace these 26 wacky Wednesday activities to bring laughter and joy into your week while creating unforgettable memories with friends and family!

Unlocking Creativity: 31 December Daily Journal Writing Prompts


The end of the year often evokes a period of reflection, a time to look back at our achievements, mull over our mistakes, and set new goals for the coming year. Unlocking our creativity and self-expression is vital for personal growth and nourishment. One of the best ways to open up this doorway to our inner world is by engaging in daily journal writing.

As December unfolds, consider dedicating time each day to explore your thoughts, feelings, and ideas through these 31 thought-provoking journal prompts. These prompts will not only encourage you to dive deep into your creative oasis but also help you make sense of your experiences throughout the year.

1. Describe the features of your dream winter wonderland.

2. Write a letter to your past self from one year ago.

3. List five things you achieved this year that you’re proud of.

4. If you could create your ultimate holiday feast, what would be on the menu?

5. Describe the most heartwarming moment you’ve experienced this month.

6. Explore a winter-themed fictional story featuring your favorite book character.

7. Detail memorable moments from ‘the most wonderful time of the year’ in years past.

8. Write about setting New Year’s resolutions – are they helpful or overrated?

9. Create lyrics for an original holiday song.

10. Draw inspiration from wintertime scents and describe them in vivid detail.

11. Choose a specific winter memory and describe its impact on you.

12. Reflect on lessons learned from an unexpected source this year.

13. Craft a winter solstice poem that captures nature’s transformative power.

14. How has 2021 evolved your perceptions of happiness and success?

15. Detail an act of kindness you witnessed during this holiday season.

16. Write about a cherished holiday tradition in your household.

17. Explore a winter’s night from the perspective of an animal.

18. Relive a favorite family holiday moment from your childhood.

19. What are some goals you’d like to achieve in 2022?

20. Imagine a conversation with Santa Claus – what would you ask him, and what might he say in response?

21. Choose a well-known winter tale or myth and rewrite it with your unique twist.

22. Reflect on a significant event that shaped your year, and explore the growth that ensued.

23. Create a vivid description of a picturesque winter morning.

24. Describe a future Christmas celebration with your loved ones in five years’ time.

25. Write about reconnecting with a long-lost friend during the holidays.

26. How would you summarize the essence of 2021 in just one word?

27. Discuss the role gratitude played in your life this year.

28. Create a detailed vision board for the coming year – ambitions, desires, and experiences you want to manifest.

30. Share your thoughts on bidding farewell to the current year and welcoming the new one.

31. Compose a heartfelt thank-you note for someone who’s influenced you this year.

32. As you welcome the New Year, write an intention statement outlining how you wish to move forward in 2022.


Journaling is an effective tool for unlocking and harnessing creativity daily. Embrace these prompts as invitations to delve into your innermost thoughts and aspirations as December fades into January, inspiring growth and transformation as you step into another year of new opportunities.

18 “I Am…” Poem Activities


“I Am…” poems offer a unique opportunity for individuals to engage in self-reflection and express their thoughts, emotions, beliefs and experiences. These creative activities are versatile enough to be used in various settings such as classrooms, workshops, or therapeutic sessions. The following 18 “I Am…” poem activities can help ignite the imagination and empower personal growth.

1. Emotion Exploration:

Begin by focusing on specific emotions (such as happiness, sadness, anger) and then write “I Am…” statements describing the feelings through vivid metaphors.

2. Timeline of Life:

Compose an “I Am…” poem that narrates significant moments in one’s life, showcasing personal growth and transformation over time.

3. Cultural Identity:

Create an “I Am…” poem celebrating cultural identity or heritage, highlighting traditions, customs or values that resonate.

4. Messages to My Younger Self:

Write an “I Am…” poem in which the past self offers advice or wisdom to the present self.

5. Dreamscapes:

Craft an imaginative “I Am…” poem describing a dream world or alternate reality filled with fascinating creatures and landscapes.

6. Letters from Nature:

Inspire participants to assume the role of a natural element (e.g., wind, tree) and pen an evocative “I Am…” poem expressing its essence.

7. Family Ties:

Compose a multi-generational “I Am…” poem by including characteristics shared amongst various family members.

8. Pieces of Me:

Encourage participants to construct their poems using different aspects of their identity such as gender, race, religion or occupation.

9. Strengths and Struggles:

Write about personal strengths this poem celebrates as well as the challenges faced on their life’s journey.

10. Sensory Details:

Create an immersive “I Am…” poem by relying on vivid sensory descriptions that evoke the senses.

11. Colorful Expression:

Develop poems inspired by personal associations with specific colors, allowing them to serve as guides for artistic expression.

12. Soundscape:

Compose a poem that incorporates various sounds, expressing emotions and thoughts through auditory descriptions.

13. Gratitude and Appreciation:

Write an uplifting “I Am…” poem by focusing on things in life that spark gratitude and appreciation.

14. Future Me:

Imagine the future self and write a poem highlighting aspirations, dreams or goals that await fulfillment.

15. Superpowers Unleashed:

Craft an empowering “I Am…” poem wherein the author possesses unique abilities or supernatural gifts.

16. Human-Nature Connection:

Bridge the gap between humanity and nature by penning an insightful “I Am…” poem illustrating their interconnectedness.

17. Global Citizenship:

Compose an “I Am…” poem promoting empathy and compassion for diverse cultures and societies across the world.

18. Healing Words:

Employ poetry as a tool for emotional healing by creating an “I Am…” poem that aids in processing distressing experiences, traumas or challenging emotions.


These 18 “I Am…” poem activities offer versatile means of self-expression and introspection, opening up channels for creativity, identity exploration, and personal development. By embracing this powerful form of poetry, individuals can unlock their inner narratives, making room for growth, understanding, and profound shifts in perspective.

25 Awesome Monster Activity Ideas

Unleash your creativity and have a monstrously fun time with these 25 awesome monster activity ideas perfect for kids and adults alike!

1. Monster Handprint Art: Using washable paint, create fun and unique monsters by turning your handprints into colorful creatures.

2. Monster Rocks: Collect small rocks and paint them as monstrously cute characters.

3. Monster Puppet Show: Craft monster sock puppets and put on a thrilling monster-themed puppet show.

4. Monster Slime: Mix up a batch of gooey, monster-green slime to squish and play with.

5. Monster Sensory Bin: Fill a bin with green or purple rice, mini toy monsters, googly eyes, and pipe cleaners to create a monstrous tactile experience.

6. Monster Face Cookies: Bake sugar cookies and use icing, candies, and edible decorations to design spooky or friendly monster faces.

7. Toilet Paper Tube Monsters: Reuse empty toilet paper rolls by transforming them into quirky little monsters with just paint, googly eyes, and various craft supplies.

8. Monster LEGO Builds: Gather all your LEGO bricks and create monstrous creatures – the only limit is your imagination!

9. Monster Bowling: Turn plastic beverage bottles into monster pins by painting or taping on creative designs before setting up an indoor bowling alley.

10. Monster Mad Libs: Hysterical laughter ensues as you create silly stories featuring monsters using the popular Mad Lib-style word game.

11. Monster Scavenger Hunt: Hide toy monsters throughout your home or yard for participants to find in a monstrously fun scavenger hunt.

12. Pin the Eye on the Monster: Create large posters of monsters with missing eyes and invite players to stick those googly eyes in their proper places while blindfolded – like pin the tail on the donkey.

13. DIY Monster Costumes: Design creative monster costumes using household items or accessible crafting materials, then host a monster fashion show.

14. Monster Mate Memory Game: Make or print pairs of monster cards, and challenge friends to match them in this memory game.

15. My Pet Monster: Create one-of-a-kind monsters using pipe cleaners, along with various craft supplies, and adopt them as your own pet monster.

16. Monster Party Decor: Turn a room into the ultimate “Monster Bash” with DIY monster-inspired decorations such as banners, garlands, and table settings.

17. Monster Origami: Learn how to fold origami into an array of spectacular monsters.

18. Monster Storytime: Write or improvise your own frightening or funny tales featuring beloved monsters.

19. Monstrous Photo Booth: Set up a photo booth area with various monster-themed props, giving both kids and adults a chance to snap memorable pictures.

20. Monster Sandwiches: Use cookie cutters and colorful veggies to transform ordinary sandwiches into delightful monster creations for lunchtime fun.

21. Clay Monsters: Shape colorful clay into imaginative monster figures, bake them, and display proudly!

22. Monster Dance Party: Shake things up at your next gathering with a lively playlist of songs perfect for a creepy, thrilling dance party.

23. Build-A-Monster STEM Challenge: Provide craft supplies and challenge participants to engineer their very own monster creation that meets specific criteria or requirements.

24. Grow Your Own Monster Garden: Plant a “monster garden” filled with mysterious plants such as Venus flytraps or stringy succulents for an eerie touch to your backyard.

25. DIY Monster Plushies: Sew simple or elaborate plush monsters using basic sewing techniques and various materials – perfect for cuddling or decorating!

18 Fun and Easy Summer Crafts for Kids

Summer is here, and it’s the perfect time to enjoy some creative and exciting activities with your kids! Crafting is a fantastic way to keep children engaged, develop their fine motor skills, and create lasting memories. In this article, we’ll explore 18 fun and easy summer crafts that can be customized to different age groups, interests, and skill levels.

1. DIY Paper Pinwheels: A classic summer craft, these pinwheels are simple to make and can even be used as decorations for outdoor gatherings.

2. Suncatchers: Using colored tissue paper or transparent film, your kids will love creating colorful suncatchers to hang in windows.

3. Seashell Art: Collect seashells during a beach trip and turn them into unique art pieces by painting them or gluing them onto a canvas.

4. Bubble Paintings: All you need is paint, dish soap, water, and straws for your kids to create one-of-a-kind bubble masterpieces!

5. Seashell Wind Chimes: Use collected shells to create beautiful wind chimes that will remind your family of the beach all summer long.

6. Handprint Art: Preserve your child’s little handprints in paint or clay by making keepsake ornaments, stepping stones, or wall art.

7. Ice Paintings: This cool activity involves freezing watercolor paints into ice cubes for a refreshing way to create vibrant summer art.

8. Nature Collages: Go on a nature hunt in your backyard or park then have kids make collages using leaves, twigs, flowers, and more.

9. Painted Rocks: Encourage creativity by having children paint rocks in various colors or designs – these can be placed around gardens or given as gifts.

10. Splatter Art: Let kids channel their inner Jackson Pollock by splattering paint onto a canvas (outdoors) for a fun, abstract art piece.

11. Tie-Dye: Use fabric dye to create bright, colorful tie-dye t-shirts, pillowcases, or bags.

12. Flower Crowns: Create beautiful flower crowns (using either fresh or artificial flowers) for kids to wear and play with.

13. Pool Noodle Sculptures: Cut pool noodles into various shapes and have children construct unique sculptures.

14. Edible Art: Make art that can be eaten! Try making fruit skewers or decorating cookies in creative designs.

15. Salt Dough Sculptures: Mix salt, flour, and water to create a dough that can be shaped into figurines and then baked to harden.

16. Personalized Water Bottles: Get inexpensive clear water bottles for your kids to decorate with stickers, markers, or paint for a unique and usable summer accessory!

17. Balloon Stamping: Inflate small balloons and dip them in paint for a fun way to create circle prints on paper or canvas.

18. Friendship Bracelets: Teach children the art of making friendship bracelets using embroidery thread – they can keep them or give them away as gifts!

In conclusion, there are countless summer crafts that can keep your children entertained and inspired throughout the season. Whether outdoors or indoors, these activities will bring out your little ones’ creativity and help create lasting memories together. Happy crafting!

22 Fun Activities To Create Stunning Thanksgiving Placemats

Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and gratitude. One wonderful way to add a touch of uniqueness to your festive table is with creatively designed placemats. Here are 22 fun activities that will help you create stunning Thanksgiving placemats.

1. Leaf rubbings: Collect a variety of leaves and use a crayon or pencil to create texture rubbings on your placemats.

2. Handprint turkeys: Have your kids or guests trace their hands and transform their handprints into turkeys using paint or markers.

3. Personalized messages: Ask each guest to write a personal message of gratitude or special memory onto the placemat.

4. Dried flower collages: Press and dry autumn flowers ahead of time, then glue them onto your placemats.

5. Stamped designs: Use stamps with Thanksgiving-themed images such as pumpkins or pilgrims to decorate your placemats.

6. Photo montages: Print out family photos from previous Thanksgiving celebrations and arrange them into a collage on your placemats.

7. Bon appétit: Print or write the holiday menu on each placemat, accented with Thanksgiving-themed embellishments.

8. DIY burlap placemats: Cut squares of burlap for a rustic look, then hand paint festive designs or guests’ names on each one.

9. Colorful fabric scraps: Create patchwork placemats by sewing together pieces of coordinating fabrics in autumn hues.

10. Puzzle-piece wreaths: Glue painted puzzle pieces into a circle to create turkey “feathers” around the edge of each placemat.

11. Chalkboard style: Paint your placemats with chalkboard paint and let guests decorate their own spaces using colorful chalk.

12. Paper quilling art: Use paper quilling techniques to create beautiful and intricate Thanksgiving-themed designs on your placemats.

13. Fingerprint art: Have children make small fingerprint designs like turkeys, pumpkins, and autumn leaves.

14. Stenciled patterns: Use stencils to create consistent and intricate Thanksgiving-themed designs on your placemats.

15. Decoupage napkins: Choose Thanksgiving-themed paper napkins and use decoupage to adhere the designs onto plain placemats.

16. Stickers and embellishments: Personalize your placemats with an assortment of Thanksgiving-themed stickers or other decorative elements.

17. Watercolor masterpieces: Experiment with watercolors to create abstract autumn landscapes or other holiday-inspired scenes.

18. Thrift store transformations: Find old placemats at a thrift store, then refashion them with new fabrics or paint to give them a Thanksgiving twist.

19. Potato stamping: Carve potato halves into Thanksgiving shapes like turkeys and pumpkins, then use them as stamps with fabric paint.

20. Embroidered accents: Add embroidered embellishments such as quotes or images to store-bought or homemade placemats using embroidery floss.

21. Yarn art: Glue colorful yarns onto your placemats in abstract patterns or holiday-inspired designs.

22. Coloring page placemats: Print out Thanksgiving-themed coloring pages for guests to color while they wait for dinner to be served.

With these 22 fun activities, you’ll have no shortage of ideas to create memorable and stunning Thanksgiving placemats that will enhance the festive atmosphere of your dinner table and serve as heartfelt keepsakes for years to come.19.

Planning, Preparation, and Assessment (PPA) Time for SENCOs


Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) play a crucial role in ensuring that children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) receive appropriate support and education. To fulfill their duties effectively, SENCOs must utilize their Planning, Preparation, and Assessment (PPA) time efficiently. This article delves into the importance of PPA time for SENCOs and offers practical strategies to optimize its use.

Understanding PPA Time for SENCOs

PPA time refers to periods set aside for planning lessons, preparing resources, and assessing pupils’ progress throughout the school year. In the UK, full-time teachers are entitled to 10% of their teaching time as dedicated PPA time. However, as SENCOs juggle both teaching and coordinating responsibilities, managing this allocated time can become challenging.

The Importance of PPA Time in SENCOs’ Work

Effective management of PPA time is vital for SENCOs because it:

  1. Enables them to strategize overall SEND provision across the school.
  2. Facilitates a thorough assessment of pupils’ needs and progress.
  3. Drives ongoing professional development in inclusive teaching strategies.
  4. Ensures seamless communication between parents, teachers, and external agencies.

Strategies for Maximizing PPA Time Efficiency

To get the most out of their limited PPA time, SENCOs can adopt the following strategies:

  1. Prioritize tasks: Focus on urgent or high-impact tasks first to manage workload effectively.
  2. Delegate responsibilities: Engage Teaching Assistants (TAs) in some administrative tasks to reduce workload without compromising quality.
  3. Collaborate with colleagues: Share planning, preparation, and assessment responsibilities with fellow teachers. Collaboration can foster creativity in inclusive teaching strategies as well as ensure continuity in SEND provision.
  4. Utilize technology: Leverage digital tools, such as planning and assessment software, to reduce time spent on administrative tasks.
  5. Pursue continuous professional development: Stay updated on best practices for SEND provision, inclusive teaching methods, and effective leadership strategies to streamline day-to-day work.


Managing PPA time effectively is essential for SENCOs to meet the diverse needs of pupils with SEND. By prioritizing tasks, delegating responsibilities, collaborating with colleagues, leveraging technology, and pursuing continuous professional development, SENCOs can maximize the efficiency and impact of their planning,preparation, and assessment efforts.

Sparking Creativity: 62 ‘What If’ Journal Prompts for Creative Exploration


In an ever-evolving world where creativity is currency, exploring the corners of one’s imagination is more important than ever. One effective way to unleash creative potential is through the use of ‘What If’ journal prompts. These prompts are designed to encourage introspective thinking, challenge assumptions, and open up new perspectives that can enrich your imagination and elevate your artistic pursuits. Below, we’ve compiled a list of 62 ‘What If’ journal prompts to spark your creativity and take you on a unique journey of self-discovery.

The 62 ‘What If’ Journal Prompts

  1. What if you had the ability to time travel? Where would you go and what would you do?
  2. What if you could hear people’s thoughts for one day? How would it change your perception of others?
  3. What if our dreams were glimpses into alternate realities?
  4. What if you could swap lives with any person for a day? Who would it be and why?
  5. What if pets could communicate with humans in words? What would your pet say?
  6. What if you discovered a hidden talent that changed the course of your life?
  7. What if money was no object? How would this impact your dreams and desires?
  8. What if you could master any skill instantly? Which skill would you choose?
  9. What if an alien civilization visited Earth tomorrow, and they wanted to learn about humanity from you?
  10. What if Earth was about to be destroyed and only ten people, including yourself, could escape via spacecraft? Who would be on this ship with you?
  11. What if humans had the ability to regenerate body parts like starfish or lizards do?


With these 62 ‘What If’ journal prompts ready for creative exploration, you’re sure to dive into an imaginative world of possibilities and unlock your full potential as a writer and artist. Embrace the challenge, dream big, and discover what you are truly capable of as you let your thoughts run wild through these journaling sessions. The limits of creativity are boundless – all it takes is asking a simple ‘What If.’

Assessing Creativity

Creativity is often misunderstood and undervalued. When assessing creativity, it is important to take a multifaceted approach that includes not only an evaluation of originality or novelty, but also the ability to solve problems and think outside the box. Here are some tips for assessing creativity:

1. Observe how the individual works. Are they constantly generating new ideas, or are they recycling old ones?

2. Ask the individual to describe a problem they’ve been working on for awhile. Are they able to provide a detailed description of the problem, as well as possible solutions?

3. Ask the individual to think about a problem or challenge that is currently facing their field. Are they able to come up with unique ways to approach the problem, or are they simply rehashing old ideas?

4. Evaluate the individual’s ability to come up with new ways of looking at old problems. Are they able to see the problem from a different perspective, or is their solution simply a recycled version of something else?

5. Ask the individual to come up with a solution to a problem that is completely new. Are they able to come up with a creative solution that solves the problem in an innovative way, or are they simply rehashing something that has been done before?