Education Leadership

16 Job Interview “Green Flags” That Showed Yes, This Is a School Where I Want to Work

Finding the right school to work at can be a challenge for many educators. But there are certain “green flags” that can appear during job interviews, indicating that a particular school could be an excellent fit. Here are 16 signs you might have found your ideal school while interviewing:

1. Clear communication: The school’s recruiter and staff demonstrate professional, open, and honest communication that sets the tone for the interview process and gives you confidence in your future employer.

2. Positive atmosphere: The overall atmosphere in the school is positive and uplifting, with staff appearing genuinely happy, engaged, and enthusiastic about their jobs.

3. Supportive administration: A supportive administration is essential for a successful teaching career, so if the principal or other administrators you meet exhibit a friendly, helpful demeanor and prioritize teacher support, they’re off to an excellent start.

4. Transparent expectations: The interviewer clearly communicates what will be expected of you as an employee and discusses specific responsibilities with both candor and reassurance.

5. Mentorship opportunities: The school has a structured mentorship program in place or demonstrates openness to fostering new relationships between experienced teachers and new hires.

6. Collaboration emphasis: The culture of collaboration is evident when you’re told that staff work together on lesson plans, curriculum design, or other team-driven initiatives.

7. Growth mindset: Employees are encouraged to grow themselves professionally through ongoing training programs, workshops, or conferences provided by the school or district.

8. Student-centric focus: The focus on student success is clear in how they discuss individualized learning plans, intervention strategies, or resources available for students with diverse needs.

9. Parental involvement: A strong relationship between the school and parents is often achievable through regular communication channels such as newsletters, parent events, or volunteer opportunities.

10. Strong curriculum: The curriculum offered has a good balance of traditional academic subjects, extracurricular activities, and personal development programming tailored to the school’s specific demographic.

11. Diversity and inclusion: The school values diversity and actively promotes an inclusive environment through various programs, clubs, or events.

12. Technology integration: The school invests in technology and provides resources to support its integration into the learning process.

13. Work-life balance: During the interview process, it becomes evident that this school values teacher and staff well-being and supports a healthy work-life balance.

14. Reasonable expectations: Discussions about workload, administrative duties, or other job-related items reveal that reasonable expectations are in place for teacher success without burnout.

15. Recognition and rewards: The school acknowledges staff achievements and contributions through various methods such as awards, bonuses, or public recognition.

16. Long-term commitment: A strong emphasis on professional development suggests this is a workplace that values long-term employee growth and retention.

These 16 “green flags” can serve as indicators of a positive workplace environment for educators during the job interview process. By keeping these factors in mind while exploring job opportunities at various schools, teachers can feel confident in choosing a workplace that supports their growth and career satisfaction.

Why Even the Best Schools and Teachers Need Instructional Coaches


Instructional coaching is an essential element for the growth and continuous improvement of an educational institution. It is a collaborative, supportive process in which experienced educators provide guidance, feedback, and expertise to their colleagues. The role of instructional coaches extends beyond mentoring new teachers; they also play a significant part in even the most high-performing schools and among the most accomplished educators. In this article, we discuss why even the best schools and teachers need instructional coaches to maintain an optimal learning environment for students.

1. Continuous Improvement:

Even highly effective teachers should never stop learning or seeking ways to improve their teaching methods. Instructional coaches serve as a valuable resource by helping teachers examine their current practices and find areas for growth. They facilitate the exchange of best practices, innovative ideas, and research-based strategies among faculty members, allowing both novice and veteran teachers to continue evolving professionally.

2. Encouraging Collaboration:

Instructional coaches promote a collaborative culture within schools by initiating discussions between teachers from different grade levels or departments. These conversations foster greater collaboration and enable faculty members to share experiences, challenges, and successful strategies. This cooperative approach helps create a more cohesive school community where everyone is working together towards shared goals.

3. Facilitating Reflection:

Teaching is a dynamic profession that requires constant reflection on one’s practices to achieve greater effectiveness in the classroom. Instructional coaches encourage teachers to engage in self-analysis by discussing lesson plans, assessments, curriculum development, and student-learning data that empower them to make informed decisions on instruction.

4. Supporting Differentiated Instruction:

Each student enters the classroom with unique needs and varied skill levels. Teachers need a support system that helps them cater to each individual’s learning style effectively. Instructional coaches provide guidance on how to effectively differentiate instruction by designing varied instructional materials and scaffolding techniques tailored to meet diverse learner needs.

5. Enhancing Use of Assessment Data:

High-quality schools understand the importance of utilizing assessment data to guide curricular and instructional decisions. Instructional coaches help teachers make sense of the data by analyzing student performance, identifying patterns, and offering actionable strategies to enhance lessons and classroom practices.

6. Empowering Teachers as Leaders:

By working closely with instructional coaches, teachers gain new insights, develop their professional skills, and become more confident in their abilities. This growth helps pave the way for teachers to assume leadership roles within the school community, mentoring other educators, spearheading new initiatives, or shaping school policies.

7. Nurturing a Growth Mindset:

The presence of instructional coaches in a school environment signifies a commitment to growth and improvement on all levels – from administration to teachers and students. This culture of continuous growth encourages all members of the educational ecosystem to challenge themselves and strive for constant progress.


Instructional coaching plays a significant role in fostering a culture of collaboration, reflection, innovation, and improvement –in both teaching practice and educational outcomes for students. Regardless of their existing skill levels or the caliber of their institution, even the most distinguished schools and accomplished teachers can benefit from partnering with instructional coaches to reach new heights in educational excellence.

Teachers, We’re in Danger of Caretaker Collapse


Caretaker collapse is a phenomenon that occurs when those in caregiving roles, such as teachers, become so overwhelmed by their responsibilities that they are unable to maintain balance in their lives. As the global pandemic stretches on, many educators are feeling the heavy burden on their shoulders. With added stressors such as virtual learning and constant changes to the education landscape, it is no wonder that many teachers are approaching the breaking point. Now more than ever, we must recognize and discuss the danger of caretaker collapse among teachers.

The weight of responsibility:

As schools around the world continue to adapt to a new normal, teachers face mounting pressure to meet the needs of their students while navigating a virtual or hybrid classroom environment. They are responsible for creating engaging lesson plans, adapting content for diverse learning levels and styles, and addressing individual student needs. This mounting weight of responsibility can lead some teachers towards exhaustion and burnout.

Compounded stressors:

Beyond their professional roles, teachers are also contending with financial pressures, personal health concerns, and the overall impact of the global pandemic on their own lives. These added stressors undoubtedly increase their risk of caretaker collapse.

Signs of caretaker collapse among teachers:

It is essential for educators and administrators to identify signs of caretaker collapse in order to address it early on.

Warning signals can include:

1. Chronic fatigue

2. Emotional exhaustion

3. Feeling overwhelmed or trapped

4. Difficulty concentrating

5. Reduced satisfaction in teaching profession

6. Avoiding work-related responsibilities or neglecting personal self-care routines

Addressing caretaker collapse:

For administrators and educators alike, understanding ways to address caretaker collapse among teachers is crucial.

Here are some strategies that can help prevent or alleviate this phenomenon:

1. Encourage open communication between staff members about their feelings and experiences.

2. Offer opportunities for professional development in self-care, mindfulness, and stress management.

3. Prioritize self-care activities and provide opportunities for teachers to practice them during their breaks.

4. Foster a supportive work environment by encouraging collaboration between staff members.

5. Encourage teachers to set boundaries and delegate tasks when necessary.


As we continue to navigate through these unprecedented times, it is important to recognize the potential impact of caretaker collapse on our hard-working teachers. Proactively addressing this issue can go a long way in ensuring that educators not only survive but thrive throughout this challenging period. With joint efforts from administrators, fellow educators, and support from society, we can work together to alleviate the burden on our teachers and help them maintain balance in their lives.

What Teacher Happiness Means to Me


Teaching is a noble profession that plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of our society. One crucial element necessary for the effective imparting of knowledge is the happiness and satisfaction of teachers. Teacher happiness is a subject close to my heart, as it directly impacts the educational experience and overall success of students. In this article, I will discuss what teacher happiness means to me and how it contributes to a healthy educational environment.


To begin with, teacher happiness is synonymous with job satisfaction. When educators take pride in their work and feel that their efforts are valued, their sense of happiness and well-being rises. Teaching can be an incredibly rewarding profession, and when teachers recognize their impact on students’ lives, their passion for education blossoms further.

For me, teacher happiness also means personal autonomy. Educators must feel empowered to make decisions in regards to their teaching methods and classroom management style. A sense of control over one’s work environment allows for greater creativity and innovation in lesson planning, which ultimately benefits students.

Additionally, teacher happiness signifies supportive working conditions. This includes adequate resources and facilities to enable effective teaching, as well as collaboration among staff members. When educators have access to appropriate materials, feel supported by their school administration, and enjoy camaraderie with their co-workers, it fosters an atmosphere conducive to efficient learning.

Another important aspect of teacher happiness is professional growth opportunities. Continuous learning is vital for both personal and professional development. Providing teachers with avenues for further education, training programs or conferences not only enhances their skills but also renews their enthusiasm for the profession.

Lastly, teacher happiness equates to being valued and respected by society at large. Educators play a critical role in shaping our youth, yet they often remain underappreciated or undervalued both financially and emotionally. Ensuring that teachers are recognized for their hard work and commitment is integral to their overall happiness and job satisfaction.


In conclusion, what teacher happiness means to me is a combination of factors, including a sense of purpose, autonomy, support from the school community, opportunities for professional growth, and societal appreciation. Creating an environment that nurtures teachers’ well-being is essential for the success of our educational system. A happy teacher equates to engaged students, which ultimately leads to a brighter future for all.

Teachers Are Sharing the Most Insulting Icebreakers They’ve Been Forced to Do


In the world of education, teachers are often tasked with creating a fun and engaging atmosphere for their students. Amongst the many methods used to achieve this goal are icebreakers. Unfortunately, not all icebreakers are created equal, and some can even be quite insulting or condescending. Teachers from around the globe are sharing their experiences with the most offensive icebreakers that they have been forced to do.

1. The “Baby Photo Guess-Who”

One teacher described a particularly cringe-worthy icebreaker where all faculty members were asked to bring in a baby photo of themselves. These photos were then mixed up and displayed for everyone to guess which photo belonged to whom. Not only did this lead to uncomfortable conversations about changed physical appearances, but it also left some feeling judged based on their looks.

2. “Two Truths and a Lie”

This common icebreaker involves participants sharing two true statements about themselves and one lie. Others then attempt to guess which statement is false. While meant as a lighthearted activity, some teachers found that statements made by their colleagues revealed inappropriate personal details or fueled office gossip.

3. Forced Dancing

One teacher recalled an icebreaker where all staff members were required to dance in front of their peers without any musical accompaniment. While this activity might work well with an enthusiastic group of friends, forcing coworkers into such an awkward display can feel humiliating and lead to unnecessary embarrassment.

4. “Worst Teacher Experience”

An educator mentioned an unfortunate activity where teachers were asked to share their most challenging or embarrassing experiences in the classroom. Instead of promoting camaraderie, this exercise caused some participants to feel judged and ridiculed by their peers.

5. Personality Tests

Another teacher shared an icebreaker in which faculty members were asked to take a personality quiz in front of their colleagues. The results were then shared and discussed, forcing some participants to confront aspects of their personalities that they would rather have kept private.


While icebreakers can be an effective way to create a lively atmosphere and build rapport among teachers and students, it is crucial to consider the feelings and comfort levels of the participants. Instead of forcing individuals into embarrassing or invasive activities, more constructive alternatives should be embraced. After all, fostering strong relationships and collaboration among educators is essential for a successful educational environment.

Teaching High School English Is the Best Gig Ever. Here’s Why.


There is a saying that if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. Teaching high school English is not just a job; it’s a constantly evolving, dynamic experience that can be both fulfilling and exciting. For many educators, it is the best gig ever, and there are plenty of reasons why.

1. Impacting Young Lives:

Being a high school English teacher allows you to make a substantial impact on students’ lives. You become an integral part of their personal development, helping them grow into well-rounded individuals with critical thinking skills necessary for success in life. Your passion for literature and language can ignite curiosity and the love for learning in your students, shaping their futures.

2. Nurturing Creativity:

English class offers students the opportunity to explore their creativity through reading, writing, speaking, and listening activities. You can guide students in developing unique voices and perspectives as they engage with various forms of literature or create original pieces inspired by the texts they’ve studied.

3. Encouraging Inclusive Dialogue:

As an English teacher, you have the chance to foster conversations around diversity and inclusion through literature from different cultures, historical periods, and perspectives. These discussions teach critical thinking skills while also encouraging empathy and social awareness among students.

4. Professional Growth Opportunities:

Teaching high school English is not a stagnant career; it offers various opportunities for growth and development as an educator. Teachers can participate in professional organizations like the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) or attend conferences to exchange ideas with colleagues and stay up-to-date with recent trends.

5. Engaging with Timeless Literature:

Being an English teacher means regularly diving into some of the world’s greatest literary works – classics like Shakespeare’s plays or modern masterpieces like Harper Lee’s “To Kill A Mockingbird.” These experiences not only enrich your understanding of human nature and but endow you with the privilege of sharing these narratives with students.

6. Variety in the Classroom:

Teachers often say that no two days are alike in the classroom. Each day brings novelty as you engage students with diverse activities, such as analyzing poems, debating themes in novels, or studying persuasive writing techniques. Your job is continuously dynamic and filled with challenges to tackle, ensuring that it is never monotonous.

7. Building Lasting Relationships:

As a high school English teacher, you have the opportunity to build lasting relationships with students, particularly as they mature through their high school years. Many teachers find satisfaction in helping students achieve their goals or fostering their transition from adolescents to young adults.

8. Life-Long Learning:

Teaching is also continuous learning – you’ll constantly be refining your instructional approaches and discovering new ways to motivate and engage your students. This aspect of teaching provides personal enrichment as you stay curious and cultivate your growth mindset.


Teaching high school English is a rewarding career choice for educators who are passionate about literature, language, and molding young minds. The unique opportunities to impact lives creatively, nurture inclusivity and growth, ensure that every day becomes a fulfilling experience. Indeed, teaching high school English truly is the best gig ever!

9 Ground Rules for Great Principals


A principal is an educational leader who can have a profound impact on students, teachers, and the school community. Great principals foster a nurturing environment, inspire their staff, and lead by example to create a lasting impact. To be an effective principal, it is essential to follow certain ground rules that ensure success in this vital role.

1. Create a positive school culture

An outstanding principal prioritizes building a strong, positive culture within the school. Promote team spirit, collaboration, respect, and open communication to create an environment where everyone feels valued and supported.

2. Set high expectations

Great principals expect excellence from the entire school community – both from students and staff. When high expectations are set for all stakeholders, people tend to rise to the occasion and work harder to achieve their goals.

3. Maintain open communication

Transparency in communication is essential for creating trust between students, teachers, parents, and the administration. Encourage dialogue and feedback in decision-making processes to help improve overall school resources and identify issues or areas that need attention.

4. Empower teachers

Empower your teaching staff by providing them with ample opportunities for professional development. Show appreciation for their hard work, celebrate success stories, and foster an environment where they feel comfortable sharing ideas and taking risks.

5. Keep student well-being at the forefront

The health and well-being of students should always be the primary focus of every principal. Ensuring access to appropriate support services such as guidance counselors or tutors is crucial in creating an inclusive environment that meets the diverse needs of learners.

6. Engage with the community

Building relationships with the local community is paramount for any successful principal. Attend community events, reach out to local businesses or organizations for partnerships, and involve parents in school activities to foster stronger connections between the school and its surroundings.

7. Develop a strategic plan

Having a strategic plan helps guide decision-making within a school. Setting clear objectives and milestones for the short and long term provides a roadmap for success and drives continuous improvement.

8. Encourage innovation and creativity

Creating an environment that encourages innovation and creative solutions is essential in today’s ever-changing educational landscape. Inspire staff and students to think outside the box, adapt to new technologies, and remain committed to continued learning.

9. Stay current with educational trends

An effective principal is always learning and evolving. Keep up to date with the latest educational trends, research, and best practices by attending conferences or workshops, reading professional journals, and participating in online discussions or communities.


In summary, great principals embrace a multifaceted approach to school leadership by creating a positive school culture, setting high expectations, maintaining open communication, empowering teachers, focusing on student well-being, engaging with the community, developing strategic plans, encouraging innovation, and staying current with educational trends. By adhering to these nine ground rules, principals can effectively guide their schools towards success and create an environment where everyone thrives.

How to Transform School Recess and Improve School Culture


Recess is an important aspect of the school day, giving students the opportunity to unwind, socialize, and engage in physical activity. However, recess can also be a chaotic and unproductive time, leading to unnecessary conflicts and negative influences on school culture. This article outlines various strategies that schools can implement to enhance recess experiences and promote a positive learning environment.

1. Create Structured Play Zones:

Divide the playground into designated play zones that cater to different interests, age groups, and abilities. This can include a quiet zone for reading or drawing, a sports area for organized games, an imaginative play section with props and costumes, and a free-play zone for spontaneous activities. When students are aware of their space options, it encourages them to participate in activities they enjoy while minimizing conflicts.

2. Set Clear Expectations and Enforce Appropriate Behavior:

Establish clear guidelines for appropriate conduct during recess time. Encourage students to respect one another’s space, share equipment fairly, and demonstrate good sportsmanship. Implement a conflict resolution system, such as utilizing “peace corners” where students can vent their frustrations or resolve disagreements independently.

3. Train Adult Supervisors:

Provide training for teachers or adult supervisors on effective recess management techniques, such as proactive supervision and facilitation of inclusive activities. This will create safer environments for students while also minimizing bullying incidents.

4. Incorporate Physical Education Teachers or Coaches:

Incorporating physical education instructors or coaches into the playground rotation can help organize games effectively and maintain engagement in physical activities. This approach fosters team spirit while teaching valuable life skills like cooperation, leadership, and perseverance.

5. Formulate Recess Committees:

Develop student-led recess committees responsible for planning fun events like spirit days or theme-based activities that build a sense of community among pupils. Getting students involved in organizing their own breaks promotes autonomy as well as ownership of the school culture.

6. Utilize Peer Mentoring Programs:

Introduce peer mentoring programs where older students tutor and guide younger students during recess. This fosters meaningful relationships and leadership opportunities, and ensures that all students find their niche at school.

7. Encourage Parent Involvement:

Invite parents to participate in activities such as coordinating recess clubs or volunteering as playground supervisors, creating a sense of unity among all stakeholders in the school community.


Transforming school recess into a well-rounded and engaging experience can have profound effects on overall school culture by encouraging positive behaviors, strengthening student relationships, and enhancing the academic environment. By implementing these strategies, schools can create an inclusive and healthy atmosphere where children flourish—and recess remains an essential component of a well-rounded education.

The Importance of Horizontal and Vertical Collaboration Teams in Schools

In today’s rapidly changing educational landscape, the need for efficient collaboration among all stakeholders has become increasingly crucial. One effective approach to collaborative learning is the implementation of horizontal and vertical collaboration teams in schools. This strategy brings together staff members from different grade levels and subject areas to address curriculum alignment, sharing best practices, and professional development. By fostering communication and collaboration across disciplines and grade levels, schools create a supportive environment where students are more likely to thrive.

Horizontal Collaboration

Horizontal collaboration entails communication and cooperation among teachers who instructionally serve the same grade level or subject area. This approach promotes the exchange of ideas, strategies, and resources among colleagues with similar responsibilities and experiences.

Benefits of Horizontal Collaboration:

1. Shared Resources: Teachers pool their strengths, expertise, materials, and ideas about instructional strategies to deliver more engaging lessons.

2. Consistency: Horizontal collaboration helps establish a unified curriculum across subjects or grade levels by aligning standards, assessments, programming, and teaching practices.

3. Professional Development: Participating in ongoing discussions related to curriculum design and instructional strategies encourages professional growth for educators.

4. Improved Outcomes: Through shared planning sessions, teachers can identify benchmarks and set specific goals for student achievement, leading to improved learning outcomes for students.

Vertical Collaboration

In contrast, vertical collaboration focuses on communication between different grade levels within a school or across districts. By initiating dialogue between elementary school teachers up through high school educators, these teams can bridge gaps in curriculum progression, ensuring that student learning builds effectively from one level to the next.

Benefits of Vertical Collaboration:

1. Seamless Transition: Vertical teams facilitate a smoother transition for students between successive grades by establishing deeper connections between subjects.

2. Articulation of Curriculum: Educators working together through vertical collaboration can create or modify curriculum maps that provide a comprehensive outline of what students are expected to learn at various stages of their education journey.

3. Increased Awareness: Vertical collaboration enables teachers to understand the instructional approaches and expectations that precede and follow their grade level, allowing them to better support students throughout their educational experience.

4. Early Interventions: By identifying areas of need in a student’s educational trajectory, vertical teams can implement targeted interventions before they become critical concerns.

The consequence of successfully implementing horizontal and vertical collaboration teams in schools is the creation of a cohesive, supportive learning environment for students. Teachers working together across subject areas and grade levels help ensure consistency in curriculum, teaching strategies, and assessments. As a result, students have a better chance to succeed academically and develop essential skills needed for future success.

In conclusion, the importance of horizontal and vertical collaboration cannot be understated in today’s education system. By fostering an environment where educators can work together to support one another in teaching different subjects or grade stages, schools pave new pathways for student success. With the benefits of shared resources, consistency, professional development, increased awareness, seamless transitions, and early interventions all contributing to enhanced student outcomes and learning experiences, these collaborative models prove their worth in fostering tomorrow’s leaders.

Teachers Share What They Really Need To Feel Safe In-Person


As schools across the globe begin to reopen in an era marked by the ongoing pandemic, teachers face the inherent challenges and risks of teaching in-person. Ensuring the safety and well-being of both educators and students is crucial moving forward. In this article, we explore the concerns of teachers and share their thoughts on what they genuinely need to feel safe while teaching in-person.

Educators’ Concerns:

Teachers have numerous concerns when it comes to returning to in-person instruction. Among them are:

1. Personal Health Risks – Exposure to COVID-19 is a significant concern for educators who may be immunocompromised or have at-risk family members.

2. Sufficient Protective Equipment – Teachers want access to crucial personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, and disinfectants for their classrooms.

3. Classroom Ventilation – A well-ventilated space is essential for minimizing the risk of airborne transmission.

4. Social Distancing Measures – Implementing and enforcing social distancing policies can prove challenging within confined spaces such as classrooms.

Addressing Teacher Needs:

To address these issues, educators have shared various solutions for creating a safe in-person teaching environment:

1. Comprehensive Testing and Vaccination Programs – Regular testing for teachers and students would help identify asymptomatic cases early on and reduce risk. Additionally, prioritizing teachers for vaccinations could limit potential spread.

2. Supply of Adequate PPE – Providing sufficient quantities of PPE ensures that teachers have access to necessary protective measures, easing their concerns about exposure.

3. Proper Ventilation Systems – Schools must invest in upgrading or improving their ventilation systems to provide a safe learning environment for both teachers and students.

4. Smaller Class Sizes – Reducing class sizes allows for proper social distancing measures to be implemented more effectively.

Support from School Administrators:

In addition to meeting these basic safety needs, teachers require support from school administrators in the following areas:

1. Communication – Transparent and open communication between staff, administration, and parents is vital for a successful return to in-person instruction.

2. Flexibility – Teachers need the flexibility to adopt new instructional methods and address unexpected challenges as they arise.

3. Training – Providing training for teachers on new safety protocols and guidelines could help them feel more prepared and confident in the classroom.


As we navigate the uncharted territory of returning to in-person instruction during a pandemic, it’s essential to address the concerns and needs of educators. Only by working together collaboratively can we ensure that teachers are well-equipped, informed, and supported to provide a safe and nurturing environment for our students.