EdTech News

Get Spooky With These 10 Halloween Bitmoji Classrooms!

As October rolls in and Halloween creeps up on us, it’s a fantastic time to give your virtual classroom a spooky makeover. Halloween-themed Bitmoji classrooms are the perfect way to add a touch of excitement and fun to your digital learning space. Behold these 10 quirky, spooky, and entertaining Halloween Bitmoji classrooms guaranteed to grab your students’ attention.

1. Haunted House Classroom

Transform your virtual classroom into a spine-chilling haunted house complete with cobwebs, creepy furniture, and of course, a few hidden ghosts. Your students will have a blast exploring all the ghostly surprises within.

2. Zombies and Monsters

Zombies and monsters invade this virtual classroom where you can place mysterious potions on desks, monster posters on walls, and even add a chilling soundtrack for added effect.

3. Pumpkin Patch

Bring the spirit of the pumpkin patch into your classroom. Arrange haystacks, cornstalks, and pumpkins with different facial expressions around the room. Don’t forget to include a scarecrow as the class mascot.

4. Witch’s Lair

Cast spells while teaching by turning your Bitmoji classroom into a witch’s lair. Place magical books, spell ingredients, cauldrons, mysterious potions, and bubbling concoctions throughout the room to create that mystical feel for your students.

5. Candy Land

Create a digital candy land by filling your classroom with sweet treats like lollipops, candy canes, chocolate bars, and more. Incorporate vibrant colors to make this sugary world come alive.

6. Classic Halloween Decor

Go for classic Halloween decorations like jack-o’-lanterns, fake spiders, orange-and-black streamers and balloons to establish that old-school spooky atmosphere.

7. Haunted Forest

Transform your classroom into an eerie forest filled with ancient trees adorned in cobwebs and gnarled branches. Scatter tombstones and skulking animals across the floor for added chills.

8. Vampire’s Den

Invite your very own immortal class into a vampire’s den, complete with gothic furniture, elegant candelabras, velvet curtains, and an eerie portrait gallery staring from the walls.

9. Thrilling Escape Room

Create a thrilling escape room experience featuring Halloween-themed puzzles, riddles, and codes that your students must solve in order to “escape” this virtual classroom.

10. Movie Night Classroom

Bring on horror movie nostalgia for you and your students by decking out your virtual classroom with posters of classic Halloween movies such as Hocus Pocus, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Casper.

Each of these spooky Bitmoji classrooms is sure to set the stage for festive fall learning while capturing the essence of Halloween. No matter which design you choose, you’ll surely add a touch of excitement to your students’ academic journey this October. Happy Haunting!

7 Playground Photos That Will Strike Fear in the Heart of ’80s Teachers


Back in the ’80s, playgrounds existed as a world of imagination and adventure for kids. But as fun as they were for children, some of these playgrounds would terrify any teacher who understood the potential dangers that lurked behind every bend. Here are seven playground photos from the 1980s that will strike fear in the heart of anyone who experienced the era as an educator.

1. The Metal Slide

Remember the burning sensation when sitting on those metal slides under the glaring sun? These heating hazards did more than just make children yelp—they had teachers waiting anxiously at the bottom, ready to catch overheated tots and prevent any slide-related injuries.

2. The Old Tire Jungle

Stacks upon stacks of large tires made up what was once considered a fun jungle gym. The fear here came from what could be hiding within those dark crevices or when kids would get stuck underneath a tire halfway through their exploratory journey.

3. No Safety Surfacing

While today’s playground surfaces consist of rubberized materials that cushion falls, many playgrounds in the ’80s featured concrete or asphalt. Fearful teachers knew that one misstep could result in a scraped knee or worse, so they were always on alert.

4. Merry-Go-Rounds

Spinning at breakneck speed, these old-fashioned merry-go-rounds were thrilling for children but often nauseating for ’80s teachers, who could only watch helplessly as their pupils’ faces turned green with each round.

5. Swings Set too Close Together

Swing sets in the ’80s had dangerously close spacing between swings, making it hard for kids to avoid colliding mid-air with each other. This made monitoring swing usage a stressful endeavor for teachers on recess duty.

6. Wooden Monkey Bars with Splinter Potential

Climbing on wooden monkey bars provided endless fun for kids, but teachers knew all too well the possibility of a rogue splinter. They’d wince as each eager child climbed to new heights, hoping there wouldn’t be a trip to the nurse’s office afterward.

7. Teeter-Totters

These iconic see-saws could be loads of fun, but they also held the potential for a sudden drop that would send one child skyrocketing into the air with the risk of losing their grip and falling dramatically onto the unforgiving ground.


These playground photos from the 1980s show a time when danger and fun went hand in hand. While today’s playgrounds prioritize safety, looking back at these images makes one realize how far we’ve come in making playtime safer for everyone involved, much to the relief of present-day teachers everywhere.

TEACHER QUIZ: How Well Do You Know Your Education Acronyms?


In the world of education, acronyms are a common sight. They help to condense complex ideas and phrases into easy-to-remember abbreviations. But with such an abundance of acronyms, it can be hard to keep them all straight. How well do you know your education acronyms? Take our teacher quiz and find out!

1. IEP

A) Intraclass Equality Plan

B) Individual Educational Plan

C) Inclusive Education Program

2. RTI

A) Response To Intervention

B) Real-Time Instruction

C) Reaching Teaching Innovations

3. ELL

A) Extra Language Learner

B) English Language Learner

C) Engaged Linguistic Listener


A) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

B) Systematic Training for Effective Mindsets

C) Skills for Technologically-Driven Economies and Markets


A) Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers

B) Progressive Assessment Rating Criteria Committee

C) Parents Advocating for Responsive Classroom Content

6. SLD

A) Significant Learning Deficit

B) Specific Learning Disorder

C) Systematic Lesson Development

7. SEL

A) Social Emotional Learning

B) Standardized Evaluation of Literacy

C) Science Education Lab


A) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

B) Attentive Direction Healing Demands

C_ Active Development and Hyper Drive State


1 – B: An Individual Educational Plan (IEP) is a written document that outlines a tailored education program for a student with disabilities.

2 – A: Response To Intervention (RTI) is an early intervention method used to identify, assess, and support students struggling academically or behaviorally.

3 – B: An English Language Learner (ELL) is a student who is learning the English language in addition to their native language.

4 – A: STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math – four fields of study that are heavily interconnected.

5 – A: The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) is a group of states working together to develop assessments that measure students’ preparedness for college and careers.

6 – B: Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) refers to a group of disorders that affect a person’s ability to learn specific academic skills.

7 – A: Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a process that helps children develop social, emotional, and cognitive skills.

8 – A: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulty maintaining attention, hyperactivity, or acting impulsively.


How did you fare on our teacher quiz? Whether you aced it or discovered some gaps in your knowledge, the world of education acronyms is vast. As an educator, continuing to stay informed about important terminology will help you better understand the needs of your students and make informed decisions in your classroom.

25 Purrfect Cat Facts for Curious Kids

1. Cats are members of the feline family, which makes them close relatives of lions, tigers, and jaguars.

2. Domestic cats have been living with humans for over 9,000 years.

3. A group of cats is called a clowder, while a group of kittens is called a kindle.

4. There are about 40 different cat breeds worldwide.

5. Cats can jump up to six times their body length in one leap!

6. The average cat sleeps about 15 hours a day – that’s more than half their lifetime!

7. Cats use their whiskers to detect changes in their environment and to help them navigate tight spaces.

8. Kittens are born with blue eyes. Their eye color may change as they grow older.

9. Cats have retractable claws that help protect them from injury and keep their hunting skills sharp.

10. A cat can rotate its ears 180 degrees, allowing them to pinpoint the source of a sound with incredible accuracy.

11. Cats use their tails to communicate their emotions – a raised tail means they’re happy, while a tail between their legs means they’re scared or nervous.

12. Cats can recognize the sound of their owner’s voice but often choose to ignore it.

13. Unlike dogs, cats do not have a sweet tooth; they cannot taste sugar in food or treats.

14. Cats have an extra organ called the Jacobson’s organ located on the roof of their mouth that helps them smell better.

15. The world’s oldest known pet cat lived for 38 years and three days!

16. Each cat has a unique pattern on its nose, just like humans have unique fingerprints.

17. Cats can run at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour for short bursts.

18. Even though cats are carnivores, they sometimes eat grass to aid in digestion and pass hairballs.

19. Cats have a special way of walking called ‘direct registering’ where their back paw steps into the same spot as the front paw, which helps them move quietly.

20. The average cat has 18 toes – four on each back foot and five on each front foot.

21. Cats can be either left-pawed or right-pawed, similar to humans being left-handed or right-handed.

22. If a cat falls from a high place, it will usually land on its feet due to a balancing mechanism called the “righting reflex.”

23. Cats can see in the dark, thanks to their large eyes and specialized light-reflecting cells called tapetum lucidum.

24. A cat’s memory is believed to be 200 times better than a dog’s memory, and they can remember things for years!

25. Apart from purring when they are happy or content, cats also purr when they are in pain or frightened, as it helps soothe themselves and those around them.

Now you know 25 fun and interesting facts about cats! Share these with your friends and family to show how much you love our feline friends. Happy learning!

10 Ways Teachers Are Like Olympic Athletes

As the world watches in awe and admiration of the highly skilled and dedicated Olympic athletes, it’s hard not to notice a few striking similarities between them and another group of individuals who have dedicated their lives to honing their craft – teachers. Here are ten ways teachers are like Olympic athletes.

1. Discipline and Dedication

Olympic athletes are known for their incredible self-discipline and dedication to their sport, putting in countless hours of training in pursuit of their goals. Teachers, too, exhibit this commitment as they devote their lives to educating and shaping the minds of future generations.

2. Goal-setting

Olympians set short-term and long-term goals in order to achieve success in their respective sports. Similarly, teachers set educational objectives for themselves and their students throughout the academic year, continuously adapting and adjusting those goals as needed.

3. Resilience

Overcoming setbacks is a hallmark of an Olympic athlete’s journey. Teachers must also embody resilience by adapting to unexpected challenges in the classroom – be it adapting lesson plans or dealing with behavioral issues – while maintaining focus on students’ academic growth.

4. Passion for Their Craft

Both Olympians and teachers are fueled by a deep love and passion for their chosen field – whether it be an athletic event or the subject matter they teach. This enthusiasm not only drives both groups to excel, but inspires those around them as well.

5. Professionalism

Just as Olympic athletes display professionalism through sportsmanship and respect for their rivals, teachers exemplify professionalism as they navigate relationships with students, parents, colleagues, and administrators.

6. Continuous Learning

In order to remain at the forefront of their respective fields, Olympic athletes must constantly learn new techniques or strategies to better themselves. Similarly, teachers engage in professional development opportunities throughout their careers to ensure they remain current with best practices in education.

7. Balance

Competing at an elite level requires Olympic athletes to strike a balance between their demanding training schedules and other aspects of their lives. Teachers must also find harmony between their work responsibilities, personal lives, and self-care routines.

8. Collaboration

Though many Olympic athletes compete individually, they often rely on the support and guidance of teammates, coaches, and mentors to reach their goals. Teachers work collaboratively as well – sharing ideas, resources, and strategies with their fellow educators to create an optimal learning environment for students.

9. Ingenuity

Olympians must utilize ingenuity and creativity in order to stay ahead of the competition. Teachers do the same by developing innovative lesson plans and teaching strategies that resonate with diverse student populations and keep students engaged.

10. Leaving a Lasting Impact

Finally, both Olympic athletes and teachers leave a lasting impact on those they inspire. Whether it is fueling a young athlete’s dream of reaching the games or helping a student develop skills that will change their lives, both Olympians and teachers have the power to make a profound difference in the world around them.

In conclusion, the comparison between Olympic athletes and teachers goes beyond physical feats. They both share a multitude of qualities that embody discipline, commitment, resilience, and more. Though they may represent two distinct areas of expertise – sports and education – their core values serve as an inspiration to all who witness their dedication to excellence.

The Bitmoji Craze Has Arrived at the Principal’s Office

The Bitmoji craze, once confined to social media profiles and text messages, has made its way into a rather unexpected place: the principal’s office. As educators continue to search for innovative ways to engage with their students in the digital age, some have found a new ally in Bitmojis.

Bitmojis, personalized digital avatars created through a popular smartphone app by Bitstrips, have taken over classrooms and now infiltrated school administration. Principals nationwide are embracing the power of Bitmojis to forge connections with their students and create a more engaging, interactive atmosphere in their schools.

So, how does this work? Principals are making use of these customizable avatars within various official communications such as newsletters, announcements, event invitations, and computer desktop backgrounds. By incorporating a personal touch through the use of Bitmojis, school leaders are able to humanize their online presence and foster an inviting atmosphere for both students and parents alike.

Moreover, the use of Bitmojis in educational settings has attracted praise from education experts who argue that these digital avatars can help bridge the gap between teacher and student in an increasingly virtual world. With remote learning becoming prominent during the COVID-19 pandemic, principals found it essential to maintain connection and engagement with their students.

But it’s not just about fostering connections; principals also utilize Bitmojis to promote a positive environment within their schools. For example, some educators will use their digital doppelgängers to playfully remind students of important events or deadlines. In doing so, they transform potentially stressful situations into lighthearted moments that foster goodwill among all members of the school community.

Behind the entertaining aspect of this trend lies a powerful message: technology can be used as a key tool in fostering unity and strengthening connections within schools. By adopting this playful visual language in their professional lives, principals are making a conscious effort to creatively engage with the same digital tools that have become integral aspects of students’ personal lives.

Some may argue that the Bitmoji phenomenon is a short-lived trend. However, there’s no denying the positive effects it has had on fostering relationships and building rapport within schools. As long as principals continue to adapt with their students’ ever-changing digital landscape, there is value in keeping Bitmojis alive in the educational sphere.

In conclusion, the Bitmoji craze has certainly arrived at the principal’s office. It serves as a reminder that embracing digital tools can help administrators break down barriers and foster meaningful connections with their students, ensuring a vibrant and inclusive school community that encourages personal growth and academic success.

Free Posters to Help Teens Make Better Choices? Yes Please!

In a world full of constant distractions and temptations, teenagers face their fair share of challenges when it comes to decision-making. From academic stress to peer pressure, it’s no wonder that it can often feel overwhelming for them to navigate the various choices they have to make. That’s where free, easy-to-access resources such as posters can play an invaluable role in guiding teens towards making better choices.

Designed with colorful graphics and impactful messages, these posters can be displayed in classrooms, hallways, or at home – providing a constant visual reminder of the importance of making smart decisions. Let’s explore some of the ways that these posters can positively influence the choices made by teenagers.

1. Encourage Positive Thinking and Mindfulness

Posters with uplifting quotes and images foster an environment of positivity and optimism that can help teenagers become more mindful of their choices. This awareness enables them to be more conscious of their actions and ultimately make better decisions that benefit both themselves and those around them.

2. Promote Healthy Relationships

In adolescence, forming healthy relationships is crucial to social development. Posters that showcase positive traits like empathy, kindness, and respect serve as reminders for the importance of treating others well. These messages help teens recognize the qualities they should seek in their friendships and relationships, leading to better connections with others.

3. Inspire Academic Success

Motivational posters that highlight academic achievements or provide study tips can keep students focused on their educational goals. By showcasing successful study habits and emphasizing the value of resilience, these materials inspire teenagers to persevere in the face of challenges in their academic journey.

4. Advocate for Mental Health Awareness

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and addressing this in posters can help break stigma surrounding mental health issues among teenagers. Providing support resources or promoting self-care habits helps raise awareness about mental wellbeing, encouraging teens to seek help when they need it or support their peers.

5. Support Healthy Lifestyles

Encouraging a healthy lifestyle is essential to the overall well-being of teenagers. Posters that promote nutritious eating habits, exercise, and proper sleep patterns help teens understand the connection between their lifestyle choices and their physical and mental health.

In conclusion, providing free posters with powerful imagery and thought-provoking messages can effectively steer teenagers towards making wise, healthier choices in various aspects of their lives. By addressing topics such as positive thinking, healthy relationships, academics, mental health, and personal well-being, these posters serve as constant visual reminders that inspire teens to strive for success while prioritizing their well-being.

Fanny Packs Are the New Teacher Tote, and This Trend Gets High Fives From Us

The humble fanny pack, once a must-have fashion accessory of the 80s and 90s, is having a surprising resurgence. Today, this blast from the past has been reimagined and embraced by teachers everywhere as the new teacher tote. This unique trend is not only catching on rapidly but also gaining high fives from all corners.

From the convenience of hands-free mobility to the ability to organize essential items more efficiently, let’s take a closer look at why fanny packs are fast becoming educators’ preferred choice.


Practicality is one of the key factors driving teachers towards adopting fanny packs. They can effectively hold all necessary items like markers, pens, pencils, erasers, sticky notes, and even personal belongings like keys or a phone. The easy-to-reach compartments save time and effort spent rummaging through a traditional tote bag during class.

Style Revival:

The fanny pack has come a long way since its early days of being considered outdated. With an array of styles, colors, materials, and trendy designs available today – there’s certainly no shortage of fashionable options for educators to express their unique personalities without compromising on practicality.


Overloaded tote bags can take a toll on posture and cause bodily strain for teachers who are constantly on their feet. The appeal of fanny packs lies in their ergonomic design that evenly distributes weight across the hips and waist with minimal impact on the shoulders. This helps prevent unwanted muscle strain or discomfort during long days in the classroom.


An overloaded teacher tote often results in a little game of ‘bag diving,’ trying frantically to find that one specific item while students wait impatiently. Fanny packs eliminate this issue by keeping essential items right at your fingertips so you never lose valuable teaching time searching through cluttered bags again.


One lesser-known benefit of using a fanny pack is the additional security it provides. The close proximity to the body makes it difficult for items to slip out or be stolen, providing teachers with peace of mind as they move effortlessly between classrooms and engage with their students.

In conclusion, the fanny pack’s revival as the new teacher tote comes as no surprise given its impressive range of features and benefits. This functional and stylish choice fosters convenience, comfort, accessibility, and security – everything a modern educator needs! So go ahead and give this trend a high five; it’s high time this nostalgic staple became a permanent fixture in the teaching realm.

This “Magic” Phrase Is So Helpful in Managing Student Conflict


Conflict is an inevitable part of life, and it happens even in the most controlled environments like schools. When students are unable to resolve conflicts amicably, it affects their learning process and their relationships with other students. Teachers play a crucial role in managing student conflicts and promoting a positive atmosphere in the classroom. This article explores a “magic” phrase that can be incredibly helpful in managing student conflicts.

The “Magic” Phrase:

The magic phrase is “Help me understand.” This simple, yet powerful phrase helps shift the focus from the conflict at hand to understanding one another’s perspectives. It serves as a starting point for healthy communication and sets the stage for resolving conflicts in a calm, positive manner.

Benefits of Using “Help Me Understand”:

1. Fosters Empathy: When students are asked to help someone else understand their feelings, thoughts, or actions, they become more empathetic towards others’ perspectives. This empathy is essential in establishing positive relationships among students.

2. Reduces Defensiveness: Unlike accusatory phrases, “Help me understand” encourages open communication without making the other party feel attacked or judged. By removing defensiveness from the equation, students are more willing to share their thoughts and feelings honestly.

3. Encourages Active Listening: When teachers use this phrase to manage conflicts between students, they model the importance of active listening for effective communication. Students learn to listen attentively and thoughtfully before responding.

4. Promotes Problem-Solving Skills: After understanding each other’s perspectives, students are better equipped to find solutions to conflicts that satisfy all parties involved.

5 Effective Ways for Teachers to Use the “Magic” Phrase:

1. Addressing Misbehavior: Instead of accusing a student of misbehaving, ask them: “Help me understand why you chose to do that.” This approach opens up a respectful dialogue between the teacher and the student, ultimately leading to a better understanding of the incident.

2. Mediating Conflicts Between Students: When two or more students are involved in a conflict, use the phrase “Help me understand what happened from your perspective.” By doing this, each student has an opportunity to share their side of the story, actively listen to others, and work towards finding a resolution.

3. Clarifying Misunderstandings: If a student seems confused or doesn’t understand an assignment or concept, ask: “Help me understand what you’re finding challenging.” This question encourages open communication between the teacher and student, making it easier to identify potential areas for improvement.

4. Resolving Group Disagreements: In group activities, there might be disagreements about how to proceed or achieve their objective. Use the magic phrase by asking each group member, “Help me understand your thoughts on this issue.”

5. Offering Constructive Feedback: When providing constructive feedback on a student’s coursework, instead of merely pointing out errors, start by asking “Help me understand your thought process behind this response,” before offering guidance.

In conclusion, using the magic phrase “Help me understand” can significantly improve conflict management among students in the classroom. It fosters empathy, encourages active listening, and promotes problem-solving skills — all of which contribute to a more positive and respectful learning environment.

Thank You, Students: Your Impact on Teachers’ Lives


Everyone knows that teachers play a crucial role in the education and personal growth of their students. However, it’s not often that we pause to acknowledge the impact that students have on their educators. This article highlights the many ways in which students help teachers grow both professionally and personally.

Unlocking Teachers’ Potential

Students aren’t just passive learners; they actively push their teachers to expand their horizons, think creatively, and explore innovative teaching methods. An educator who may have become complacent finds renewed motivation to develop new strategies, thanks to engaged and curious students who always ask questions or demand more challenging material. In this way, students bring out the best in their teachers.

Inspiring Lifelong Learning

Teachers often model a love for learning because they are inspired by their students. As they observe their students absorbing knowledge and developing new skills, educators are reminded of why they entered the profession in the first place. Thus, as students grow, they urge their teachers to continually pursue personal and professional development opportunities.

Building Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

As teachers work with diverse students from different backgrounds, cultures, and learning styles, they develop a greater sense of empathy and understanding. Seeing how each student develops unique coping mechanisms to overcome challenges or how barriers can affect their success helps teachers build emotional intelligence.

Nurturing Patience

Educators often learn the art of patience from their students. When a challenging situation arises—such as having to explain a concept multiple times for every student to understand—teachers must remain patient while adapting their approach. Thanks to these experiences, teachers develop a high level of tolerance and find inventive ways to teach even the most complex subjects.

Providing Unique Perspectives

Since each student comes with their unique insights based on background and personal experiences, differing perspectives can broaden a teacher’s knowledge. Teachers learn first-hand about current youth culture, social issues, and rapidly changing trends through their students.

Creating Lasting Memories

Students also contribute to some of the most cherished memories for teachers. Graduations, success stories, and even day-to-day classroom interactions leave an indelible impact on a teacher’s life. Hearing about former students’ accomplishments and knowing that they once played a part in their journey can be profoundly rewarding.


To all the students out there: your impact on your teachers’ lives is more significant than you may realize. Your curiosity, creativity, and resilience continually shape the educators who guide you. Teachers don’t just transform students’ lives; you, in turn, change theirs. So here’s to you: thank you for everything you do for teachers.